We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

– Teilhard de Chardin

Have you ever noticed that when you get quiet and still, the answers you were waiting for seem to magically appear? Where did the answer come from? If it were from our mind, wouldn’t we have known it all along? Why did we need to quiet ourselves to be able to hear it?

I believe that all of the answers that we will ever need to know have always been within us – in our soul. And because our soul speaks to us in soft voices and whispers, it often goes unheard. Our ego/mind is often the squeaky wheel – the part of us that gets the most attention.

My own life has completely turned around in the past year because I made a conscious choice to begin listening to my soul. To be still for long enough to be able to hear what it wanted me to know. This part of me that is so wise and loving has never steered me in the wrong direction. I am here now because I listened to it.

I sat down today and asked myself this question:

What does your soul want you to know?

And here is what I heard:

You are enough. You don’t need to be anything or do anything or accomplish anything. You, exactly you, are enough. You are deserving, you are worthy, and you are loved. Always. Stop pushing – let life flow.

I wanted to start this conversation with each of you and see what your souls wanted you to know. And the answers that came back were varied in many ways, but also similar in many as well. None of our souls were judgmental. None of our souls put us down. All of our souls were loving. All of our souls wanted the best for us.

I’m excited to share each of the answers that you sent to me below. (If you haven’t answered yet, please leave a comment at the end. I would love to know what your soul wants you to know, too!)

Sit down and shut up! Seriously. I (your soul) speak in whispers. You can’t hear me if you’re constantly babbling and surrounding yourself by noise. I’m subtle. You can’t see me if you’re constantly running through (or from) your life. Find stillness and silence, and I will emerge. I will hold you as you exhale. And I will tell you this: Welcome home.
Dan Teck, husband and writer extraordinaire

You are never alone.
Connection waits, a breath away–
needing only for you to ask.
– Amanda Fall from Sprout Magazine

You are loved no matter what you do or don’t do. You can’t screw up this life—even if you tried! Relax into the knowing that you are an exquisite expression of Divine Love and Grace. Nothing could mar this Perfection. It is your Truth to accept and allow in your life. Practice knowing that and letting it flow every day.
Dr. Alice Chan

You’re not in trouble. You’re not being punished for anything. You don’t have to wait until you are wise enough, rich enough, brave enough … anything-enough … to move toward joy. Your connection with the Divine is unbreakable, and you are loved so deeply that the glorious Light generated by Divine Love shines from you like a beacon. That beacon is a magnet for peace, love, joy, the resources lovingly supplied for you by Source. Take a few seconds today to be aware of how you shine in the world. Your true beauty dazzles the eyes and quickens the heart. When you live into that beauty, when you realize you own it, that’s when the magic happens.
Karen Hager from Fog City Psychic

My higher self wants me to know that it’s all happening exactly as it should be happening. I can lean back and Trust. I can relax in the knowing that I am loved and held and absolutely safe. I am just right exactly as I am. Also, I’m hearing this (in my higher self’s gentle voice)…I am always right here, all the wisdom in the world is right here, you simply need to slow way down and listen.
Julia Fehrenbacher from Painted Path

My soul wants me to know that sometimes it’s going to feel scary and I’m going to want to give up and give in. This is when the deepest learning is happening. These moments of uncertainty and rapid change are here to show me what’s truly important, while weeding out what is not. It’s time to let go of the old ways of doing things. It’s time to quiet the mind chatter, which tries to keep me feeling small and unworthy. The voice of my heart is the voice of truth. This is what is ready to shine into the world. No more covering it up. No more second guessing. No more waiting around for the “right moment.” It’s time to live. It’s time to love. Simply love.
Alia Indrawan from Inner Bliss

You are good enough.
Harriet Cabelly from Rebuild Your Life Coach

My soul has been speaking to me for a long, long while, but I wasn’t ready to listen. I focused on my finance career and thought it was more important to be a successful business woman than to listen to the stirrings of my soul.

What my soul wanted me to know was that the outer trappings of success would not bring me happiness. My soul wanted to save me from spending decades to learn this lesson but, that was not to be. Stubbornly, I had to learn it for myself.

It was telling me to slow down, listen, and move in the direction of happiness. It wanted me to know that if I pursued what I really loved in life, I would be taken care and supported by an all-loving Universe. I wouldn’t starve, go without, or be homeless. I would have all I needed and more – I’d have blissful inner peace and a joy so deep it is indescribable.

It has taken me a long time to wake up the pearls of wisdom my soul was offering to me all those years ago. When I finally started listening though, my life became the most incredibly joyous journey.
Angela Artemis from Powered by Intuition

Don’t worry about worrying. Let it go. You’ve been stressed. It’s okay. Forgive yourself. Be kind to yourself. It’s never the big deal you think it is. Today, you are not the person you were yesterday. Today, you can do better. Today, you will do better. All is well.
Raquel Somatra

The Truth. My life is full of love. I have everything I need, and it’s all here and it’s all meant to be. I asked it this morning with a deck of “Four Agreement” cards and got the answer…”You don’t always have to be right.” Every day it’s different but every day, every moment, my soul tells me what I need to hear. All I have to do is slow down and talk to her.
Kimmi Norvell

The Creator/Universe at all times attempts to send us the message that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams, and we have the answers that we seek. We just need to go within, ask and listen, in silence…the answers or direction will come.

Here is what my soul said to me:
David you can do whatever you want…if you want it badly enough…focus on what you want.David Stevens

My soul wants me to know that the observance of what I do not want has nothing to do with my desires being manifested. When I see something unwanted, it’s a nudge from the Universe to expand my awareness to include that which I do want.
Debbie Z. Lattuga

My soul wants me to know that I will find peace from the shadows of my youth. It wants me to know that I can let go, forgive the past, and live my life fully and happily in the present.
Alex Blackwell from The Bridgemaker

The overwhelming POWER of JOY!
– Vicki Dobbs

My soul wants me to know that I am already a perfect being, part of everything that is.  It wants me to know that I need to listen to the loving – not critical – voice within. It wants me to know that every experience on earth, painful or joyous, is an opportunity to learn the lessons that I came here to learn and will eventually lead me to remember, and be, who I truly am.
– Sarah Peck

My soul wants me to know that patience is a virtue. It may seem that everyone around is right where they want to be and receiving everything they desire but me. My soul speaks and tells me to continue to prepare myself for the greatness that will come in due time and embrace the art of being patient. My hard work will pay off.
Shanae Miller

You have everything that you need to accomplish any goal or dream! You are worthy of all of the good you seek and so much more!  Remember to take the time and celebrate this beautiful life with gratitude – see the beauty and magnificence that surrounds you! You are so very blessed! Know that each interaction, each life experience has made you the magnificent being you are today! Remember that you create your world – you are the universe! We all are interconnected – a uni-verse, just one verse! We get to make it all up, so dream big dreams, live out loud and remember that you make a difference in this world by simply being you! Be bold, be brave, be magnificent, and always BE YOU!
Elizabeth Hartigan, The Gratitude Girl

My inner wise soul wants me to know that I am just fine and I can and should be the person that I am.  I do not need to strive to live up to the expectations of others or alter my appearance, my behavior or my feelings to conform to anyone else’s standards. My wise soul wants me to write, create and share my thoughts and ideas with others.  My wise soul wants me to be quiet and live in the moment when possible.
– Diann Martin Phd, RN

My soul wants me to be truly happy regardless of outside circumstances.
– Jerry Gooch

I recently gave myself the blogging prompt of “I wish.” Without judging or editing, I typed a list of wishes from the silly (Twenty puppies!) to the serious (A world with no need for the term “hate crime”). Reviewing the list, I found the emerging theme of bringing balance, joy, and clarity to myself and my family. Through that list my soul seems to be telling me that even though I am sometimes overwhelmed by my life and the bigger world, there are infinite possibilities to bring my wishes to light in some manner, be it helping rescue twenty puppies or modeling tolerance to my children.
– Amber Kelly-Anderson

That we are all Brightness Inspired. It said, “You always have a choice.” No one ever said seeing the choice was easy. We’ve conditioned ourselves to not see our own choices. But we can decide to stop trying to cover up who we really are – brilliant and radiant – and start seeing where we repeatedly choose to hide. I can no longer bear to hide in the dark: I have no choice but to let my own light rise!
Leann Harris

My soul wants me to know that I have the most beautiful soul in this world. She is here anytime I need her. She said that I am very unique and to embrace this about myself. That I need to let go of the past right now and focus on the present and future. She said that I have a thoughtful heart. She thanked me for letting her be a part of me.
– Terri Vasquez

Don’t give up. Be fully present and be yourself in action. Connect to find and live your purpose. Envelop yourself in love. Be of service. Your journey to your knowing is seeking you, also, and you will find it.
– Peri Jayne

Remember you are love and when you accept that you are love you will feel good and step into your light and shine.You are already doing what you are here to do, others see it. You inspire so many and your art is the reflection of your inner knowing and the love that is you. You are loved. Embrace that feeling. 
Suzie Cheel

My soul wants me to understand why I picked the life journey I did.  My soul wants me to understand that the trials and tribulations I suffered through were for a good reason.  I now know that my soul wants me to help others on their life path – to help make others’ lives better.
Victor Schueller

Now it’s your turn!

Take some time to quiet your thoughts, take a few deep breaths, and ask your soul – your higher self, your inner voice – what it wants you to know. And wait. And then write down whatever comes into your mind. There are no wrong answers. You will know in your heart if the words are coming from your ego or your higher self. The energy is different. The ego is full of “shoulds” and judgments. The soul is filled with love and infinite knowing.

Please leave a comment below sharing what came up for you.

And remember to share this post on Facebook and Twitter! Let’s keep this conversation flowing!



P.S. – I plan to post your answers to other soulful questions regularly. To make sure you’re in the loop, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter! Click here to subscribe.

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