musicSometimes going within and excavating the deepest parts of our inner self is exactly what’s needed to get in touch with our soul.

Sometimes surrounding ourselves with loving people whom we can connect on an intimate level with is exactly what our soul is yearning for.

Sometimes reading and soaking up wisdom from others who have walked the road before us is a surefire way to help us on our own journey home to the soul.

These paths to the soul are all equally wonderful and equally powerful. I have spent many years living exactly this way, and my soul and I are very close because of it. 🙂

But sometimes, something else is needed. Sometimes, your soul wants to connect with you on a physical level. Sometimes, it’s about something that you can’t read or explain through words. Sometimes, our soul asks us to connect with our body through movement and through song and through an inner happiness that can only come alive through music. 

That’s where I am today. I sat down to write, and I realized that instead I needed to put on some of my favorite songs and just soak them up. I realized that I have been working extra hard lately, and I felt deep inside that it was time to just let loose. Dance. Sing. Be silly. Be free.

And so I listened to my Soul-Connecting playlist, and that’s exactly what happened. Every time I listen to these songs, something inside of me stirs and awakens. Something inside of me remembers ME. The part that’s connected with everything else in this beautiful world. The part that’s connected with the music and with life itself. 

And it feels amazing to feel this connection. It feels amazing to get out of my head for a moment, put myself back into my body, and just dance.

I’m so happy to share some of the songs from my list. They always connect me to my soul, make me feel great, and get me up and moving!

Now it’s your turn! I would love to hear some of the songs from your Soul-Connecting playlist!

In the comments below, please share either the song title or the YouTube link. Feel free to share how it makes you feel, too! Although that’s definitely not necessary – part of the point of music is that it transcends words and explanation. We don’t really know why it touches us or makes us feel a certain way; we just know that it does. (If you’re reading this through a reader or email, please click here to comment.)

I can’t wait to read some of your soul-connecting songs!

Please help spread the love by sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter.






Soul Clarity Cards

P.S. – We have two amazing deals on the DailyOM website right now: Our Soulful Journaling Set and our Soul Clarity Cards! Be sure to check them out – the sale ends very soon!


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