I’m so excited to share my book, which comes straight from my heart. These “soul bursts” have helped me immensely in my own life. They served as healers for me at the time when I wrote them and again when I went back to get the book ready for publication – leading me back to the present moment, back to gratitude, and back to my true self. It’s my hope that they are healing for you as well!
So many of us are in search of the same thing: a peaceful, relaxed, love-filled life. Sometimes, though, this desire gets covered up by the busyness and heaviness of life: the have-tos, the suffering, the people pleasing, and the running around on autopilot. When this happens, we can sometimes find ourselves disconnected from ourselves, our soul, and our life.
Whether you’ve experienced this struggle with balance and overwhelm and exhaustion before or are experiencing it now, one thing is for certain: you can embrace your life again. You already have the tools to do so, but reminders or “Soul Bursts” can help you stay on track. They can provide support when you’re wavering and guidance to find your way back to yourself.
Soul Bursts offers inspiration and helps you remember that you are worthy of living a life that you’re excited about, that feeds you, that is a direct reflection of who you are at the soul level.
This book lovingly reminds you of the following:
The complete knowing that you are made of pure love and are infinitely loved.
The complete knowing that all of the answers have always been inside of you.
The complete knowing that this life is yours to live.
When I wrote the pieces in this book, I was desperately in need of a higher perspective and divine guidance. My soul’s wisdom helped me slow down for long enough to realize that life as I knew it just wasn’t working. I needed to start making some changes. So I made teeny tiny changes, one at a time. And each change away from the busyness led me closer to my soul, which felt really amazing. I felt lighter and happier. And that’s what I wish for all of us.
If you’re ready to open your heart and reconnect to life, surround yourself with positivity, see the world from a new perspective, put yourself back on your priority list, and embrace your gifts, this book is for you! Its nuggets of inspiration have the power to help you live your best life!
Soul Bursts is a paperback book that measures 6.5″x6.5″ and contains 264 pages. It includes 55 soulful pieces – each includes uplifting artwork and journaling questions to help you take the words straight into your heart and apply them to your own life.
Here is a preview of the printed book:
Please click on the book cover below to be taken directly to Amazon where you can click to view the inside of the book.
I wanted to give everyone who bought this book a special gift, so I’ve created a spot online where you can download and print out every single inspirational quote/artwork that’s featured in the book – 55 total!
They appear in black and white in the printed book, and I wanted you to be able to print them out in full color. I saved them for you at high resolution, and they each measure approximately 6″x6″.
(The instructions to download them all are included in the back of the book.)
Here’s a preview of some of the posters that you can print out:
[metaslider id=17352]
It’s my hope that they will continue to inspire and uplift you throughout your journey!
Hi, everyone! I’m so happy that you’re here! If we’re just meeting for the first time, I’m Jodi Chapman, an award-winning author and blogger. Since 2005, my husband, Dan Teck, and I have been living our dream of writing books and creating products that inspire others to connect with their soul and live passionately. Through this journey, I’ve been able to connect with my soul family – a loving community of heart-centered people showing up in this world soulfully and authentically – which is so special.
I’m the co-creator (with Dan) of the bestselling 365 Book Series, the Soulful Journals Series, and the Your Soulful Book writing program. I’m also the author Soul Speak.
Dan and I enjoy hanging out with our cat and working, creating, and playing together.
Jodi Chapman is what I call one of the earthly angels. She so clearly has remembered her purpose and is called to serve. Her beautiful book, Soul Bursts, is written from the depths of the wise woman and guides you quietly and lovingly back Home.
– Kristine Carlson, bestselling co-author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series
Animals have always been a huge part of my life – being around them fills my soul and warms my heart. One of my most precious animal-related memories was being invited to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado almost 20 years ago. I saw them featured on a TV show and immediately knew that I needed to go and visit. I emailed the founder, Pat Craig, and asked him if I could do so. Even though they weren’t open to the public at the time, he surprised me by saying yes.
While there, I got to spend the day with Pat and his family. They graciously welcomed me into their home, shared stories of many of the animals, let me play with two surprisingly strong but (not surprisingly) sweet baby tigers, and took me around to meet adult tigers, lions, panthers, and a huge bear.
When I left that day, my heart was so full of love that it felt like it was going to burst. I have deep admiration for all that Pat has done to rescue so many animals over the years, and it is so beautiful to see what the sanctuary has become today. For this reason, I’m happy to donate 5% of profits from sales of this book to the Wild Animal Sanctuary (www.wildanimalsanctuary.org). If you, too, feel called to donate or visit, please do so – it’s such a special place!
While I’ve co-written and co-edited many books over the years, this is a very special moment for me: it’s my very first published solo book! And I’m so grateful that I get to share this moment with each of you. It feels like my soul is bursting!
This is the last book that I ever imagined would be my first; yet my soul took over, put its foot down, and let me know that it could be no other way. This was its time. I needed to reread my soul’s messages in order to heal, and it wanted me to share them with all of you so you could find comfort and remember how powerful you truly are.
I will say that my soul hasn’t led me astray yet, and I 100% trust that this book will reach those who are ready for its message and who are ready to embrace their life and who are ready to slow down, listen to their own soul, and do whatever it takes to find peace, joy, and freedom. It’s my hope that this book will help lead you toward the loving path that you are completely worthy of being on.
Life can be magical. Life is magical. And if it doesn’t feel that way, I love that we get to tweak our reactions and our habits and our way of looking at everything until it starts to feel good again. Because it will. I’m living proof of this.
Whether we’ve known each other for years are or have just recently met online: I’m so happy that we’re on this journey together. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for loving yourself enough to recognize how important slowing down and connecting with your soul truly is. Thank you for trusting that the world won’t fall apart if you take care of yourself. Thank you for believing that you matter, that your needs matter, and that you are worthy of doing whatever it takes to feel good.
That’s what this book is all about: giving you permission to enjoy your journey here on Earth. Giving you a road map and loving guidance and a change in perspective and a soulful approach to living. I hope you enjoy it. I really, really do.
Thank you, in advance, from the bottom of my heart for ordering it, for reading it, for giving yourself time to answer the journaling prompts, and for allowing yourself to embrace your life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
If you have any questions about ordering (or if you would like to order wholesale quantities), please email me here: jodi@jodichapman.com.
Hugs and love,
P.S. – If you enjoy this book, please be sure to read the follow-up book, Soul Speak.