Every Saturday, we will post a great find that we are excited to share with you all! It may be a book, a fellow blogger, or an artist – something that is inspirational and uplifting – something that we feel great about sharing!
Today’s selection is a book that one of our customers recommended
I have always been a fan of the
Chicken Soup for the Sou
l series, and I was reintroduced to Jack Canfield when I read
The Secret
. He is such a positive person with such great ideas on how we can all live our best lives, so I was really happy to learn about this book. I was happily surprised to see that the coauthors were
Jeanna Gabellini and
Eva Gregory – two wonderful women I have met through Twitter!
Needless to say, I had high hopes for this book and I haven’t been disappointed!
I am actually still reading it, but I couldn’t wait to share it with you! It’s so good that I wanted it to be my first Saturday Selection!
To let you know more about it, here is the book description directly from Amazon:
Do you ever wonder why some people always seem to be at the right place at the right time, enjoying good fortune, health, the ideal mate, happy kids, and achieve more than the average person could ever imagine? Have you wondered what makes them so ‘lucky’ or well connected? People who enjoy a heightened state of living and have their dreams and goals realized to their fullest potential have tapped into one of the oldest and influential principles for living a fulfilled life–the Law of Attraction. Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction teaches you what you need to know about living the Law of Attraction and how to create your own personal success through its concepts.
Master coaches and experts in the Law of Attraction Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory and one of the superstar contributors to the The Secret, Jack Canfield, have come together to share with you the powerful and life changing lessons and techniques of the Law of Attraction.
Filled with exercises, lessons, real-life stories, and proven key ingredients, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, from the creators of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, reveals how to master the law’s basic tenets, which include: defining moments in life, creating space to create prosperity, acting ‘as if,’ trusting in intuition, transforming thought, having an ‘attitude of gratitude,’ and changing the impossible to possible. People have been using these techniques for thousands of years to attract their desires and now you too will be able to create the life of your dreams.

What I really like about it is how simply it’s written. I think the more you surround yourself with positivity and abundance, the more it will sink into your everyday life and become reality for you. This book reaffirms that – it’s such an easy read but still so powerful at the same time.
I also love that they give you great writing exercises at the end of each section. It’s so helpful to actually write down your dreams and figure out any blocks that are keeping you from reaching them.
I am looking forward to finishing it, and I know that I will go back and read it over and over.
If you have any great books to recommend, please let us know!
Happy reading!
this must be fate–I could use this book right about now and I love Jack Canfield so I'm glad I stopped by. I just added myself as a follower 😉 I wrote another comment, too, but it seems to have disappeared…
I'm so glad you stopped by, Mary! I truly am enjoying this book, and I can't recommend it enough! 🙂 I love your blog, too, and am a new follower.
I also love Jack Canfield. I remember my first Chicken Soup Book I bought, it was for the teenage soul. Have you also seen The Secret Movie? He was also one of the teacher there. I also come across this site and found some FREE videos from him, you might want to check this out…
You have really nice blog! 🙂