We all know that keeping a gratitude list helps us stay centered and focus in on all of the positive parts of our lives – the parts that are working and flowing. And we know that the more we focus on them, the more positivity we will attract into our lives. It’s so great to go back to these lists when you’re having a not-so-positive moment – it’s an instant pick-me-up.
I thought it would be fun today to turn the gratitude toward ourselves and make a list of 10 things that you are proud of yourself for. It could be ten things that you did today, this week, this year, or over your entire lifetime.
Just the act of patting yourself on the back is so important and crucial to being able to truly love yourself.
So let’s all do this today:
10 Things I Am Proud of Myself for Are…
If you would like bonus points, you could even comment on each one and write down why it makes you proud.
What did you learn in doing it?
How has this made you a better person?
Have fun honoring yourself today. Your soul will thank you – I promise.
Warm fuzzies all around. 🙂
Soaking in the precious moments with my family today. Fun in the sun. Remembering to not let these moments pass. Not allowing what matters least to be at the mercy of what matters most. Sometimes, it's easy to get wrapped up in to-do lists, but not today 🙂
~Your newest follower from Etsypreneurs
Lovely post!
1. I am a child of God
2. A responsible mother of twins
3. I am living God's purpose through my jewelry
4. A devoted fiancé
5. I Own my own business
6. Gradated with BA and Master's degrees
7. I am the most authentic person I know how to be
8. I have always loved helping others
9. I recycle
10. I donate…
I actually could list many many more! Thanks so much for this post!
I may have to do one of my own on my blog!
~Stay blessed!!
Wonderful lists, you two! So inspiring, too! 🙂
Your gift to yourself of staying in the moment is such a great one, CMB!
Chari – I love your list, and I love that you are embracing yourself and all that you are proud about. You are an amazing woman, and I'm so glad you are open enough to share here.
Thank you! 🙂