This means that our thoughts have the power to create all of the wonderful things that happen to us each day. When we are happy and filled with abundance, we can pat ourselves on the back for creating that and attracting that into our life.
When I started feeling sick last week, I began to think about what might be off balance in my life, what patterns I could look at that may have caused this, and what I could do to shift into a more positive way of living and feel better.
I started listening to a recording of someone who truly inspires me – someone I knew would be able to offer some guidance into what was really going on inside of me: Louise Hay.
If you aren’t familiar with her work, please read my previous post about her here.
I found a 4-part recording on You Tube of Louise helping us through illness and get to a place of health and well being.
If you ever aren’t feeling well – emotionally or physically – I really recommend that you listen to this. She says that you really don’t even need to pay attention when it’s on – your subconscious is getting exactly what it needs to hear regardless.
I have listened to it over and over and will continue to do so.
Our mind is so powerful, and learning to channel it toward positive thoughts is crucial to well being. Learning to let go of outdated beliefs and patterns that we created years ago is crucial. And learning to love ourselves and know that we are worthy of perfect health is absolutely essential.
The recordings are below. I hope you enjoy them!
In it, she says that “if we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
She also says that limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life!