I am a fan of authentic living – of being raw and vulnerable – of showing the world our truest self. I know that this doesn’t always come naturally to us. It’s normal to want to put our representative out there – the part of us that is polished and poised. However, that’s not always where we are.
We are all on this same journey of life – navigating our way through it in the best way that we know how to. And I find it so refreshing when we can cut through the facade of living a perfect life and get to the heart of what’s really going on. Sometimes our lives are going really well – and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes we are proud of ourselves – and sometimes we aren’t. Sometimes we think we have a pretty good handle on everything – and sometimes we don’t.
It’s in these honest moments of uncertainty that we get to explore and uncover the truth. And I love that each week I get to introduce you to someone who is doing exactly that.
This week’s selection is a wonderful example of two women living their truth. It’s called, Soul Talks. It’s honest, raw, and completely authentic. Alia and Julia are two soul sisters who are paving the way for each of us to follow the path of being brave enough to put it all out there – to let our souls speak – to continue saying yes to life, even when (especially when) it feels uncomfortable to do so.
They have recorded four Soul Talks so far, and what I love about them is how honestly heartfelt they are. The conversation flows – they laugh – and they get right to what’s really going on with so many of us. They strike a nerve – I feel their uncertainty and their vulnerability. I am right there with them. And I think you will be, too.
They are putting into words what so many of us feel about our own journey. They help us see that it’s completely okay to be right where we are – in the realness of it all. They inspire me to continue pushing and continue writing and continue living from my soul.
I love that while we are each on our own journey – we are never alone. Soul Talks is a wonderful expression of this love – this community – that is all around us. I invite you to join the conversation.
Dear Jodi,
I’m having trouble finding the words….thank you so very much for this absolutely beautiful, right-on write up–you express so eloquently what Alia & I so want to put out in to the world.
These words captured it all:
“Alia and Julia are two soul sisters who are paving the way for each of us to follow the path of being brave enough to put it all out there – to let our souls speak – to continue saying yes to life, even when (especially when) it feels uncomfortable to do so.”
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that we’ve had something to do with you putting your beautiful soul & truth out there. You shine, my friend,
Deep bows to you,
You two are amazing, and I am truly honored to help spread your love throughout the world.
Jodi, my heart is overflowing with such gratitude. Thank you, dear friend. So very much.
♥ ♥ ♥