It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
I am grateful that outdated, limiting beliefs can be shifted and changed. If we are aware of them and have the desire to change them, we can attach our thoughts to another belief that fits a bit better for who we are right now in this moment.
For as long as I can remember, I have had the belief that life is a struggle. It began in my childhood and has continued on throughout my life. It has become a part of me. I have noticed that I don’t feel entirely comfortable if my life is moving along and flowing effortlessly. Because of this belief, I have found that I will subconsciously create a struggle simply to get back to my comfortable, default setting.
This belief has been under the surface simmering inside of me for my entire life. And it was only recently that I even became aware of it. I am so grateful that now that I know it is there, I can consciously remove it and replace it with a belief that fits who I am today. I can create new affirmations stating that all is well in my life – that my life flows effortlessly – that all good things flow to me and through me with ease. And the biggest one of all: I am worthy of complete happiness – I am worthy of bringing only good into my life.
And by doing this and saying this, I am changing this outdated belief. I am affirming that lessons can be learned without struggle or hardship. Lessons can be fun and inner growth can be effortless.
And I am beyond grateful that I have the power to change this part of my life.
Are there any outdated or limiting beliefs that you would like to say goodbye to?
Take some time today to think about them and replace them with empowered, positive beliefs.
I’m grateful that we each have the power to do just this and continue on the path toward living our ideal lives.