It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
Have you ever run into someone you would’ve been okay with never seeing again? Someone who had less than pure motives for your relationship – someone who betrayed you? We all have a past, and today I ran into two people from mine.
And while I didn’t stop to chat with them, and I’m not even entirely sure if they recognized me, it still shook me up a bit. All of the hurt, angry feelings came rushing back – feelings that I hadn’t felt in a long while – feelings that I didn’t even realize were still inside of me.
We have all met people throughout our lives who behaved in a way that we wished they hadn’t. We have all felt hurt and betrayed by someone – we have all ended relationships with people who treated us in a way that we knew we didn’t deserve to be treated.
And I felt really empowered leaving this relationship – I still feel good about taking care of myself and moving on once I realized that they had intentions that were only in their best interest – definitely not mine.
Seeing them again today helped me realize that there were still some unresolved feelings of anger inside of me. I realized that I was still carrying this hurt and yuckiness around – deep inside of me. And I wouldn’t have recognized this had I not seen them. And for that I am grateful.
Every person that we meet has the potential to become a teacher in our lives. We can learn from every experience that we encounter – good or bad. And we can choose to thank our unlikely teachers for helping us along our path toward happiness and deeper inner knowing.
And because of these wonderful lessons that I am learning now after seeing these people today, I am grateful. Sometimes the unlikely teachers are the ones we learn the most from.