This week, I am excited to share a series of guided imagery recordings with you! If you feel at all weighed down in your life and are looking to start fresh and lighten your emotional load, I truly believe that these recordings can help you.
They were written and recorded by Dr. Jane Simington, a gifted therapist and professor who is passionate about helping others live their best lives. Jane and I are each part of a program to help authors and speakers share their messages, and I am proud to share hers now.
I am a true believer in everything coming to us exactly when we need it, and these recordings are no exception. I have been in need of a new beginning – an emotional clearing. And I have definitely been feeling the weight of life. For these reasons, I was extra excited to listen to these recordings and allow myself to relax and let my higher self be taken on a journey. I’m so glad I did!
There are three cds – each is about 30 minutes long and focuses on a different topic. In each recording, Jane does a great job of creating a safe environment – a place conducive to complete relaxation. I instantly felt at ease and allowed her to guide me through the process.
Here are the three titles, along with Jane’s description of each one:
Releasing Ties
Your Guide to Cutting Energy Cords and Attachments
In Jane’s Words:
Challenging and enmeshed relationships create energetic attachments, called psychic cords. These cords keep us tied to the energies of others and through these cords our own precious energies are drained. During this guided journey you cut all psychic cords between you and others. This empowering action frees you to be in charge of your own life, using your energies to create the life you are meant to live.
Cloaked in Joy
Your Guide to Release Hurt and Claim Joy
In Jane’s Words:
It is difficult to live a life of joy and success when we are weighed down beneath a dark blanket made of fear, hurt, regret, guilt and shame. During this deep inner journey you release these hurtful emotions and reclaim your lightness, your splendor. You return feeling empowered, surrounded in peace and light, and because of this you just automatically attract more positive experiences, making your life, work so much better.
Shielded with Light
Your Guide for Cleansing and Sealing Your Aura
In Jane’s Words:
A difficult life event can fracture your aura, your sacred boundaries, leaving you open to contamination from all types of difficult or even harmful energies. During this CD you cleanse your aura of these energies, seal it firmly, and then surround yourself with a strong, radiant shield of light. This empowering technique leaves you feeling more protected and at peace with yourself than you have felt in a very long time.
At the end of the recordings, Jane recommends that we journal about our experience, which I loved. This is a great way to remember any insights that you may have had during the session or even just to take the time to write down your thoughts and feelings about it. She also encourages you to draw a picture of some part of the experience.
I definitely recommend that you use these recordings to help free yourself of emotional ties that are no longer serving you. Jane does an amazing job of guiding you through the process, and after listening to them just once, I can honestly say that I feel lighter already.
Dr. Jane A. Simington, Ph. D., is the owner of Taking Flight International Corporation and the developer of both the Trauma Recovery Certification Program and the Grief Support Certification Program. As a therapist and professor, she combines her professional background in both Nursing and Psychology, with her own experiences of grief, trauma, growth and transformation, along with an extensive knowledge of energy-transfer-healing, dream interpretation, art and guided imagery to help and heal people of both genders, across the life span, and across cultures.
Dr. Simington is a frequent keynote and conference presenter, focusing on her research and clinical interests in change and transition, dying, grief and trauma, holistic health, personal empowerment, spiritual well-being and team building with spirit. Jane is committed to giving powerful and impactful presentations that leave her audiences feeling inspired and with a solid take-away message to put into immediate action.
Jane’s work is featured in her internationally sold books, Journey to the Sacred: Mending a Fractured Soul, and Setting the Captive Free, the booklet, Responding to Soul Pain, the award winning films, Listening to Soul Pain and Healing Soul Pain and on the CD’s Journey to Healing, Releasing Ties That Bind, and Retrieving Lost Soul Parts.
Dr. Jane A. Simington is YWCA Woman of Distinction for Health & Medicine, Global Television’s Woman of Vision and profiled as the “Nurse to Know” in the Canadian Nurse Journal, June 2011.
In the interest of full disclosure, I received review copies of each of these cds. However, that in no way influences my opinions or my review. I would recommend them either way! 🙂