This giveaway is now closed.
Thank you so much to everyone who entered!
Today’s giveaway definitely falls into the amazing category. Lisa Wechtenhiser is a friend of mine who is a gifted intuitive. She makes connecting to the other side, our higher self, our guides, and all that is around us not seem scary at all. And she helps us see that we all have this ability inside of us.
Lisa wrote a great article below about what to do when we receive guidance that we didn’t necessarily want to hear. Be sure to read that first and then keep scrolling to see what she’s giving away!
Shared Wisdom
Featuring Lisa Wechtenhiser from Practically Intuitive
Have you ever received guidance that you wished you hadn’t? Because listening to it requires you to do something that makes you extremely uncomfortable (and not in a fun “I’m scared but excited” way, either). Yet you know it’s for your highest good.
And you still don’t follow that guidance. Maybe it’s because you’re scared of the changes to come, worried that they’ll be really hard. Maybe it’s because your logical mind convinces you that it’s okay to stay right where you are. After all, things aren’t so bad. Maybe you’ll get used to them.
You know what? The lesson that you’ve asked for when you receive that guidance will come back around again. Especially if it’s a big lesson. Only, sometimes it comes back in a way that makes it clear you better address it, someway, somehow.
This may shock you (are you sitting down?) but even someone (okay, me) who knows how to read signs and act on guidance can get fooled by a “logical” mind into ignoring that guidance. And damn if that lesson didn’t come back stronger the next time where I had to make a choice. And the choice really wasn’t “Should I handle this?” but “How will I handle this?” because there was no ignoring it at all.
Everyone runs into those situations that are uncomfortable; ones we’d rather not even deal with. If it’s one of those crossroad kinds of decisions, though, you can be sure that if you defer it the first time around, it WILL show up again. The more you put off the inevitable, the harder it can poke you the next time around.
Moral of the story: listen to your guidance and take care of whatever it is early on. Because if you wait and defer, it doesn’t get easier. Trust me on this.
Lisa Wechtenhiser is an intuitive and spiritual teacher who teaches how to connect with guidance in your own way and align with your path and purpose. She has a weekly podcast and can be found at
Lisa has graciously offered to give away her powerful e-book, Trust What You Get and a free 15-minute reading to 1 lucky winner!
- Become a fan of Practically Intuitive and Soul Speak on Facebook.
- Leave a comment below sharing how your life has changed since you began to listen to your guidance.
That’s it!
One lucky winner will be chosen randomly on 4/2!
I can’t wait to read your comments – we all have the answers inside of us, and learning to trust our inner wisdom is essential for living a soulful life!
P.S. – Have you entered all of the other giveaways? There are so many great prizes! Definitely check them out! Hurry though, because many of them end soon!
Click here to win 3 issues of Sprout Magazine.
Click here to win a copy of the book, Ordinary Sacred.
Click here to win a copy of the book, I Believe (which comes with a cd, too!).
Click here to win a copy of the Take Your Fear and Shove it e-course.
I am Lisa W.’s sister in law. Her husband (whom she refers to as Duty) is my youngest brother. I am very, very thankful she came into his life. I am quite happy to pass on your post via FB & Twitter (which I just joined). She has been doing this work for a long time but my life has been overwhelmed by other things. Her words here…. are very true for me and I need to read/listen and remember. GL
Nice job. I used to shy away from much guidance until I broke down some of my ‘resistance’. Thankyou
be good to yourself
Since I began listening to my inner guidance system, I no longer spend every minute of every day fretting over what to do & when. I live a much calmer life; not necessarily an “easier” life… but I’m still learning from all the choices (I deliberately use the word ‘choice’ instead of ‘mistake’) that I have made throughout this life. WOW is all I can say when I realize how much I have changed in just a few short years! Blessings to you, Jodi. We’re all in this “life-school” together!
I had a session with Lisa when my mother suggested it. She struck me as both practical -and- intuitive, which is why I enjoyed the session so much. She gave great advice on how to contact my “guides,” and both comforted and inspired me.
Hi Jody and Lisa,
I don’t think it’s too much of an overstatement to say that literally EVERYTHING has changed since I started listening to my guidance! If you keep ignoring and ignoring your guidance it will eventually hit you over the head with a brick 🙂
Oh, I agree that everything has changed. It seems like once you start listening it becomes harder and harder NOT to-even though you may want to ignore it.
I think I’m also much more willing to forgive. Somehow in listening to what I needed to do it made me understand how easy it is to not listen and I feel empathy for others.
I spent years ignoring certain spiritual prompts only because they didn’t line up with my head knowledge. In the end I had to listen, as the pain of staying the same was far worse than the pain of changing. Now I listen—and act. Not all of the time mind you… but most of the time.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I needed a little push;)
Well it says Practically Intuitive FB page no longer exists, but hey that’s ok, I tried.
I have found, that my inner voice is so accurate it’s a bit scary sometimes and the only time I doubt it is from fear and then I get all sorts of crazy stuff going on. But at least now I recognize it and as long as I listen to the real inner voice I can tune out that one that tries to sometimes over-ride it. I just had that experience yesterday, started freaking out and it came to me, told me to calm down and shhhh……listen! It’s so loving and true and all my dreams are coming true but learning patience is my next and ongoing challenge. 🙂
Thanks for letting me know about the link, Katy! Here is the correct one: 🙂
I rely on my intuition to guide me through each day! When things have been difficult in the past, having intuitive flashes of how everything would turn out, or what steps were next, definately gave me a sense of comfort and encouraged me to push forward!
As someone who has been listening to her guidance and helping others do the same I understand the temptation to let the mind take over. When you tap in and listen the first time you save yourself a lot of unnecessary struggle.
Everything changed whenever I started using my guidance.
I’ve really learned discernment. That’s the biggest one. I’ve learned who to trust and who to not trust. I’ve learned when people need help, even though they don’t say anything. I’ve learned to say no and mean it. Finally, I’ve learned how to not take on other people’s energy and drama.
My life is more simple and less confusing when I listen to my inner guidance. 🙂
If I listen to the guidance I get, life goes on pretty smoothly. Then suddenly I ignore that strong gut feel that asks me to steer clear and guess what life just turns topsy turvy. But the Universe is so kind, and practically yanks you out of those toxic situations.
It is so true that from the “should I” it turns into the “how will I” when that guidance is ignored.
Love and light to everyone.
Listening to my intuition comes in many way. I’ve had the opportunity to learn with and from Lisa through reiki, working with pendulums, free writing and meditation. Her connection was always the clearest of anyone in the room and helped me to tune into my own guidance more clearly. She always encouraged me to keep trying the connections myself. It takes away a lot of the worry about the future when you have faith that all that is happening is part of a greater plan.
free giveaways?! yay!!!
Liked both, I have been trying to stress less about things, and it has made my life a lot better. 🙂
When I remember to pay attention and let go, my life seems to fall into place so much better, with so much ease. It is quite beautiful.
Well, I was already a fan of Practically Intuitive. 🙂
I’m with AJ – discernment. What and who to listen to. Being guided by my own unseen hand rather than all the other hands clamoring for attention around me.
Thank you for your give aways!!!!
Since I’ve been listening to my intuitive guidance, I’ve had much more confidence that the decisions I’m making are the right ones for me. Listing pros and cons, etc., was just never as effective!! 🙂
We all have the ability to be intuitive but some of us are lost due to the stress of life in general. The promotion of encouraging our natural ability to be intuitive is, in my opinion, a wonderful gift to give someone who feels the need for inner guidence. Bless you for your good works that you offer. Take Care and Brightest Blessings!!!
I am less worried and less stressed, I feel more hopeful and connected to the Universe and everything around me.
Beautiful and uplifting
I’ve liked both sites, my facebook name is Gilliland Caravan.
Since listening to my guidance, life has become so magical. I feel as though my guidance has brought me so many coincidences that have guided me along my path. When I’m listening to my guidance, I feel energized and alive. I’d love to learn more ways to connect with guidance.
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Congratulations to Suzy for winning!
Thanks so much for sharing, everyone! Let’s all keep paying attention to our inner guidance. 🙂
Thank you so much. I am so thrilled and excited. You are so generous and kind Jodi. So glad to be connected with you. And thank you Lisa for your very generous gift too. Look forward to hearing from you. love and light to all.