Have you ever pushed through all of your fears, walked right up to the edge, and leaped toward your dreams?
I bet you have. We all have.
How did you feel?
Excited? Elated? Proud? Light?
Maybe. Hopefully.
But what if while you were expecting to feel all of those emotions during the freefall between your old life and your dream life, you instead felt sick to your stomach and even more fearful than you already were?
What then?
What if during that freefall you started to question it all? What if you started to wonder why you had jumped in the first place? What if you worried that your dream wouldn’t be there to catch you?
What if that scared part of you began to ask yourself some tough questions: What were you thinking? Who were you to leap at all, anyway? Why couldn’t you just be happy and content with the way your life currently was? Why can’t you just enjoy this moment of pure faith – this moment of bravely leaping into the unknown?
What do you do if your freefall is filled with doubt and fear instead of joy and confidence?
You embrace it.
Seriously. While it may seem that this is the opposite of what you would want to do, it’s what you must do. If you resist it or judge it or run from it, it will only grow. When you embrace yourself for feeling this way and acknowledge the fearful feelings and the uncertainty, you allow yourself to move through it. And only when you move through it will it subside.
When you remind yourself that it’s perfectly normal and natural to feel this way, you give yourself permission to be in that space without judgment. When you remember how strong you were to leap in the first place – knowing that it took a special kind of bravery to be able to do that – you begin to turn these fearful feelings into empowered feelings. When you reconnect with that part of you who leaped because you couldn’t imagine doing anything else, you reconnect with your soul. When you pat yourself on the back for being strong enough to follow your heart, you begin to overpower any negative emotion. When you remind yourself how amazing you are for having the guts to do something like this, you allow the love to flow where before there was only fear.
And after all of this, you remember that the freefall is about surrender. The freefall is about faith. The freefall is about having complete trust that you are right where you are supposed to be.
When you land, you can reassess. When you land, you can make sure you’re really where you need to be. When you land, you can look around and see how this new world feels. When you land you can make sure it’s right. There is a time for all of this. But it’s not right now. Not during the freefall.
Embrace the freefall.
The freefall is evidence that you’re living fully. This is your moment to just sit back and relax. You did it. You leaped into pure faith – you believed that the universe and your dreams would support you and catch you. And they will.
Tell your mind that it’s all okay. Your heart knows this already. And your soul is leading the way.
There is no better feeling than landing right smack in the middle of a dream. And the only way to get there is to leap and freefall into it.
Embrace this moment.
This is your moment.
This is your freefall.
I am experiencing my own freefall right now as I’m getting ready to launch my first ecourse called Coming Back to Life (based on my upcoming book)!
I am excited and scared and joyful and worried and elated and uncertain all at the same time. But what I know in my heart is that I am so excited to offer this to you – so whatever fear is surrounding it needs to take a back seat so that I can bring it into the world.
I am so grateful that each of you are here to support me. I love that we are supporting each other. And that’s what this course is all about – coming back to life and reaching our dreams together. Let’s freefall together, too! ๐ (More details about the course soon – it starts on 9/17!)
Please share this post on Facebook and Twitter! ๐
P.S. โ Be sure to enter to win the Trigger Positive Program! The winner will be chosen on 7/15!
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I LOVE this post! So much truth in these words, and so many things I need to be reminded of at times. Thank you for this…
Thank you so much, Gin!
I’m so glad you stopped by, and I love that we’ve connected again – what a small world!
I’ll write a longer email to you tomorrow – but for now: yay! ๐
Thank you. It’s nice to have guideposts along the path. I believe I was in something you call freefall several times within the past week. I am sooo glad to wake up interested in continuing my work and to see it this morning. Some of my freefall thoughts are: Oh, someone else is already doing what I’m doing. Then I think, no, what they are doing is a bit different, or a lot different. They are more radiant than I am or have a better understanding. They know more than I do. Perhaps they have come upon different understandings, and I can even learn from them. It is offering me to trust that what I have to offer will find resonance and be helpful, very helpful to others.
Thank you for commenting, Claudia.
It’s completely normal to feel how you’re feeling – especially as you’re freefalling into something new. I’ve felt similarly before, too. And in those moments, I remind myself that we each have our own experience to share in our own voice. And our voice will be the exact voice that someone else needs to hear. We are the only ones who can share our message in this exact way, and that is always very comforting to me. I also love that we can soak up everyone else’s wisdom, knowing that we’ll filter it through our own soul and our own experiences. I’m so glad you’re trusting yourself and your voice.
You are fast becoming one of my favorite bloggers, woman! Wow! “When you remind yourself that itโs perfectly normal and natural to feel this way, you give yourself permission to be in that space without judgment. ” Yes, yes and yes! ๐
How amazing are you, Arwen? Thank you so much – wow!
Thank you for bringing a smile to my face and an extra spring in my step today. XO
Very uplifting, Jodi! Can’t wait to hear what your program is all about. I am sure it is going to be a great success!
Freefalling. Yes. Love it. I like the Tom Petty song by the same name.
Love, Vidya
Thank you for your vote of confidence, Vidya! That means so much!
I love that Tom Petty song, too! ๐
Yes, a thousand times yes! I so needed to read these words today as I’ve been contemplating making the leap. I’m scared to death, but there’s also a peaceful feeling. You are my whispering angel today, Ms. Jodi!
Hi Cassandra! ๐
Don’t you love it when we hear exactly what we need exactly when we need it? The universe is just amazing and so magical.
I can’t wait to see you leap and hear all about it! XO
Dear Jodi, you’re such a shining guide for authentic free falling! You didn’t make it sound like it’s the most natural or easiest thing to do, because it isn’t. It’s unnerving, stretches our comfort in a major way, makes our stomach turn (I’m thinking about roller-coaster rides, which I personally don’t care for), and all the feelings our human selves feel. Yet, you’re so right, that our soul knows it, our heart knows it. It’s our rational mind and our human self that often get stuck in self-preservation that resists, which, in turn, recreates the turbulence and turmoil. So, thank you for the authentic reminder and for being such a good example for the rest of us. I’m sure your ecourse will be fabulous, as it comes from you heart and soul! Love you so very much, my dear friend!
All I can say is thank you for being such a sweet friend. I am grateful every single day that you are such an important part of my life. XO I love you! XO
As I wait to hear if my novel will be picked up by a traditional publisher, it is like free-falling – I’m pursuing my dream, will continue to pursue it, no matter what. Thank you, Jodi, for reminding us to embrace all of our moments even when we feel fear or doubt.
And, best of luck and blessings with your e-course! Free fall, my friend! ๐
Hi Martha,
You are definitely freefalling! Congratulations for going for your dream – how exciting and wonderful! Let’s reach our dreams together! ๐ I can’t wait to hear all about how a publisher picked your book up – it’s going to happen!
You go Jodi! I know it will be a big success! xo
Thank you, Tess! We’ll have to Skype soon – that I know for sure. We have so much to catch up on! Big hug to you!
Jodi, I am in the midst of a free-fall and I keep panicing mid-air. I think “what am I doing free-falling like this, without a net or a parachute; it’s just me and the blue sky..Yikes!”
Then there is the other part of me who has free-fallen before and knows exactly what to expect…sort of. I free-fall, freak out, laugh, cry, try to run, and God watches with an amused look on His face, like a parent watching His child ride without training wheels. He knows I will be fine. Deep down I know I will be fine. But for some reason I do the same dance while I’m falling.
So, today I’m free-falling with you sister. We will not only be fine in the end we will be magnificent. This I know by heart.
Sending love and support from one falling star to another.
It doesn’t matter what you say, your words always move me. Always. It’s like how they say that a great singer could sing the phone book, and it would still sound amazing. That is how you are with writing. Amazing.
Yes, we’re freefalling together, and I’m so grateful that you’re by my side. Whew! It makes the falling part so much easier.
Sending you love!
I’m still free falling…and still embracing. Thankyou Jodi
be good to yourself
So glad to hear it, David! We’ll embrace our freefalls together! I’m grateful that you’re here! ๐
I can so relate to feeling the fear in the free fall and I couldn’t agree more …it is about embracing it and learning to trust and surrender, and I think this gets easier with practice. I think the first time can be terrifying …I know I was terrified that I’d just end up crashing and hurt. Oooo good luck with your most recent free fall … I certainly resonate with the title!!!!
As always Jodi, you inspire me. I recognize ‘free fall’ – and I like to remind myself I can fly…I’ve just forgotten it for a minute. ๐
So looking forward to your programme.
This is exactly what I needed to hear today! I’m going to do it, embrace the freefall!!
Thank you!
These are such beautifully encouraging words, Jodi. Thank you so much for another amazing post!