I am so excited to share a dear friend with you today and also tell you about a wonderful new program that I recommend wholeheartedly!
Shann Vander Leek is truly someone special. She and I have become good friends, and I love her warmth, her huge heart, and how genuine she always is.
Shann is definitely someone that I feel honored to have in my soul family, and I’m so happy to share our interview with you today about her new, amazing, soulful program!

In this program, I really dove into what is keeping me from feeling fully alive – not just as a person but as a woman. Without even realizing it, I wasn’t truly embracing my own femininity and seeing how empowering I would feel when I did. Shann’s program helped me see that it’s not only okay to practice regular self-care, but it’s absolutely essential. One thing that keeps coming back into my life is knowing that if I am depleted because I didn’t take the time to take care of myself, I’m not going to be able to serve others. And while I’m still working on this and remembering to put myself first, I will say that Shann’s program was a beautiful way to kick off this new direction. (Thanks, Shann!)
I loved this experience that she and I shared, and I wanted to tell you all about it! And I’m happy that Shann stopped by to share her own story of becoming a Transformation Goddess and also tell you more about the program. Plus, she’s even offering a special just for you! (Keep reading to learn more!)
Hi Shann! 🙂 For those who are meeting you for the first time, please tell us more about yourself.
Hi! It’s lovely to meet you. I’m grateful you are here today and stoked to share some time with you.
I am happily married to Thomas Vander Leek for 20 years this October. We have one amazing daughter, one mouthy cat, one paranoid rabbit, and a life full of people and places I am very grateful for. We are fortunate to live minutes away from the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, voted the most beautiful place in America by Good Morning America viewers in 2011.
I am the founder of True Balance International and the cofounder of Anxiety Slayer. I am a transformational life coach, yoga instructor, author, and serial entrepreneur. I currently rock my Goddess life on my own terms after a lifetime of walking the path of conventional wisdom. I’ve learned to orchestrate my life to complement my natural rhythms; a life where my work is my play, and my play is my life. I write the blog Transformation Goddess, and I am so grateful for the supportive community there. I also co-authored 3 best selling books titled Wake up Women, A Juicy Joyful Life and Embracing Your Authentic Self. I published my first solo book, Life on Your Terms at the end of 2010.
It feels like there is a self-care movement making waves around the world right now. Why do you think it is that we forget to take care of ourselves?
I agree that women are waking up to the notion that self-love and self-care does not equal being selfish.
The majority of women today are working full time jobs and raising families. We are professionals, employees, entrepreneurs, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and friends. Some of us even do our best to be everything to everyone, but at what cost?
We simply must start to pay attention to the quality of our lives.
I think we forget to care for ourselves because we overcommit to others.
I think we forget because we haven’t been taught to honor our bodies.
I think we forget because our elders modeled caring for others first (in some cases as a form of self-sacrifice).
I suspect that your readers may nod their heads in agreement that our mothers and grandmothers taught us to put everything and everyone else first. We will start a new business when the mortgage is paid off. We will take yoga or art classes once the kids finish school. We will get healthy when we have more time.
We forget that we can give the most when we are living lives we love. We can be the best mothers, wives, business owners or colleagues when we are feeling nurtured, fulfilled, inspired and self expressed.
We can have the biggest impact on social and community changes when we are feeling confident and powerful.
What I want to remind your readers to do is – to take care of themselves, find ways to express themselves and to live a goddess life on their own terms.
How is your life different now that you take time out for yourself and make sure to take care of yourself?
My life is incredibly different in so many ways. I am more conscious about my choices. I know how to care for my mind, body and soul. I am in the process of healing my whole being by clearing old patterns. I am no longer in a big rush to get to the finish line.
How do you nurture your own inner goddess?
I nurture myself with massage, yoga, hot baths, hiking woodland paths, and spend a lot of time on the shores of Lake Michigan. My inner goddess is nourished with whole foods and super foods. I create spaciousness in my schedule. I’ve learned to say NO thank you. I’m learning to slow down and experience the great beauty in my life.
My challenge is staying physically active. Currently I’m enrolled in Pilates and belly dancing classes. I love to dance!
What is one thing that we can all do right now to nurture and take care of our own inner goddess?
Give your self permission to get reacquainted with your divine self. What do you desire? How do you want to feel? Grab a pen and paper and write your answers. Then contemplate comes up for you. Use this exercise to inform what you choose to do next.
My answer to this question a few months ago was the desire to feel flexible and free. Signing up for a belly dancing is one way I have quenched this desire.
Another thing you can do right now to nurture your inner goddess is visit our website where you can sign up for our free audio series to revive your inner goddess.
What gave you the idea to create this beautiful Transformation Goddess Experience?
Over the last six years I have coached hundreds of extraordinary women. When they sought me out, these women rarely put themselves first, or made time for self-love or self-care. With each mentoring experience I learned that the challenges women face – to be respected, to be heard, to open their hearts, or to step into their power and reclaim their feminine sovereignty – are very similar.
I created the Transformation Goddess Experience because I want women to give up the notion that they are a shell of a woman, chained to the roles they play in their life. I wanted to create an experience to help these women fill up their well with the tantalizing sweetness of a Goddess life. Women are meant to be lovingly adored—mind, body, and soul. My dream is to support women around the world to coax their inner goddess out of hiding. It is my honor to guide every woman drawn to me through a soulful, sacred, and divine feminine exploration.
Can you walk us through the program? What will the participants receive?
I’d love to share more! This supportive offering is overflowing with powerful jewels of wisdom, sacred ritual, and creative expression.
The Transformation Goddess experience is a combination of a custom private retreat coaching and mentoring. Through self-study, self-care, and sacred exploration, this rich and nourishing experience will teach women how to be empowered, creative, self-confident and peaceful.
Each Experience begins with a Delightful Virtual Retreat followed by A Three month Transformational Journey devoted to how you can:
- Let go of limiting beliefs
- Shed your conventional skin
- Conquer the shadow of fear-based thinking
- Gain insight and clarity about how you want to live, dance, and play in the world
- Laugh your head off
- Enjoy guided meditation and relaxation
- Experience self-discovery through self-assessment exercises
- Let your hair down and revel in your true nature
Each participant comes away feeling:
- adored
- connected
- invigorated
- refreshed
- renewed
- amped
- clear
- transformed
…and will take action while being fully supported for three full months.
What participants will gain from this transformational journey:
- A healthy sense of self
- A deep mind-body-soul connection
- Supportive Goddess rituals
- A deeper resonance in your life
Every Transformation Goddess Experience package includes three months of supportive and transformational coaching, which encompasses:
- Four hours of Deep Goddess Time: a one-on-one virtual retreat in the comfort of your own space
- Five hours of Coaxing Your Goddess preparation to be completed by you one week before we meet
- Three months of Unlimited Email Coaching correspondence with Shann to support your bubbling well of inspiration and transformation
- Two 45-minute Transformation Goddess coaching sessions with Shann after our virtual retreat
- Access to the Transformation Goddess Oasis on Facebook
- Bonus Gifts guaranteed to make you squeal with delight
Knowing that we all are very different and in various stages of our growth, could you take us through the progression of someone at the beginning of the process and then at the end? How will they have changed and grown?
I’d love to!
To boldly go where no one else has gone before is a sexy idea. Sexier still is discovering mentors, explorers and visionaries who are willing to share the brave steps they have already taken along with the lessons they learned along the way. Oftentimes, all we ever have to do is explore our curiosity – comforted by the knowledge that we are not alone.
The beginning of the process is about claiming your voice and accepting that you are ready to transform your life.
One of my most recent clients found me at a time in her life when she was so over-committed that she could barely remember her name. She was maxed out. Emotionally depleted. She said that she filled out the program application in tears.
During our first interview it became clear to me that she must identify what she was ready to let go of in her life. With gentle coaxing we uncovered several areas of discontent. When she identified, expressed, and let go of what no longer served her she could breathe again.
Next, she worked through the exercises in the Transformation Goddess home study guide. (The home study guide includes self-exploration exercises and audio recordings.)
The day of our retreat flew by with several significant breakthroughs. It’s not uncommon to see women light up with a deep knowing / understanding of what they want and need during the home study process.
I am happy to share that this powerful Goddess is shaking things up and reviving her authentic self. She uncovered the jewels of her own wisdom by showing up and doing the work.
You are welcome to check out our glowing reviews for additional sharing about this transformational offering.
What is your favorite part of this experience?
My favorite part of this experience is engaging with courageous women who are finally ready to do whatever it takes to heal and reclaim their feminine sovereignty. It takes a lot of bravery to move to the front of the line. The most beautiful reward for me is providing a safe container for women to remember who they are. It is my pleasure to support them to revive there Goddess energy.
You mention that anyone who joins you for this life-changing experience needs to be ready to dive in and really be ready to change. How does someone know if they are ready for something like this?
Each woman is different but I’ve found that the majority of women find themselves at a place in their life where their personal well is dry. They are usually at a crossroads; most often middle age, empty nest, or ready to be done with the corporate grind. These women are ready to create a more meaningful life and realize they have to better care for themselves to create and enjoy the remaining chapters of their lives.
One of the best ways to determine if a participant is ready for Transformation Goddess is to read the invitation which includes a total overview of the program and the benefits you will come away with.
The women who are applying and are a good fit for the program have been telling me that when they read the invitation, they felt inspired to apply, they intuitively knew it was time to step up and say yes.
I invite your community to read the invitation and trust your Intuition! If this 90 day transformational experience resonates with you at all, I encourage you to apply today. I will schedule an interview with you to determine if this transformational coaching program is a good fit for both of us. There is no risk in applying.
This program is a fantastic fit for you if you are…
- Ready to Learn. You want to learn how to nourish your mind, body & soul
- Ready to Create. You want to tap into your creative wellspring
- Ready for Action. You are ready to expand, act and live your truth
- Ready for Support. You recognize you are ready to tap into your divine feminine power
- Longing for a Goddess Mentor. You are ready for a luscious virtual retreat, transformational coaching, inspirational teachings, and creative expression
- Committed to the exploration of your unique and gorgeous goddess essence
What else would you like to share?
I am honored to serve women to explore their soulful, sacred and Divine feminine selves by generously offering my expertise, by trusting my deep intuition, and by demonstrating loving kindness with every Goddess I have the great fortune to share my time with.
My dream is to inspire as many women as possible to put themselves first, take care of their body-mind-soul connection, and make the best use of their goddess given talents.
If any of this is resonating with you, I’d love for you to join me for a transformational journey to reclaim your feminine sovereignty.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to share my sacred offering. Big LOVE!
Shann has put together a special offer for her program just for Soul Speak readers!
Everyone who fills out and submits an application by 9/30 will receive a free guided meditation guaranteed to transport them immediately to a divine feminine oasis, AND a free 15 minute consultation with Shann to make sure you are a good fit for each other!
Anybody who says YES to the Transformation Goddess Experience will receive 10% off ($197.00) the price of the program plus a bonus coaching session with Shann valued at $250!
How wonderful is that? So if this program feels like something you would like to explore more, please click here to learn more and being your journey with Shann’s help! (Be sure to mention that you’re coming from Soul Speak so you can claim your goodies!)
Wishing you a wonderful start to the week!
P.S. – The Coming Back to Life Ecourse begins in just 1 week! I would love for you to join us! By signing up, you’ll be giving yourself the best gift in the world: yourself. You’ll begin the process of reconnecting to your soul and plugging back into life! You’ll receive over $175 in bonus gifts when you sign up! (Shann is also a part of it!)
More about the course:
The Coming Back to Life Ecourse is a 6-week journey that begins on 10/1. It is a helping hand, a set of tools, and a community all wrapped up into one loving course to support you when you are feeling numb and unsure of which way to go.
It’s packed with TONS of goodies to help you reconnect and feel alive again – including a 150-page soulful workbook, over 35 contributors, 9 heartfelt guided meditations, over 30 videos, soul artwork, a private Facebook page, and weekly chat sessions!
We all have a light inside of us that shines so brightly, and this beautiful ecourse will help you remove some of the veils that have been covering your light. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to shine? To live fully? To feel completely alive? Isn’t it time for each of us to allow ourselves to have that? If your Soul is jumping up and down saying YES, YES, YES…then, please join us and register here: https://jodichapman.com/coming-back-to-life-ecourse/
Hi Jodi,
Thank you for a lovely testimonial and fun interview! I’m so happy to share the Transformation Goddess Experience with Soul Speak readers!
“When a woman has owned her passionate nature, allowing love to flood her heart, her thoughts grow wild and fierce and beautiful… When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.”
-Marianne Williamson
Lovely interview and congratulations, Shann – I remember I first “met” you here on Jodi’s blog when you wrote a post – and I was blown away by your website. I am sure your program is going to be a great gift for many!
Love, Vidya
Thank you for your kindness Vidya! Big LOVE to you. =)
Transformational coaching is where it’s at!
Great to see this supporting so many women. Especially on the honoring bodies piece, certainly Western culture has been hard on all of our bodies, and especially the bodies of women.
Need more stuff like this for the guys, maybe it’s time I designed something for the fellas. 🙂
Thanks David!
I think it IS time to design something for the fellas!
Wow..what an enlivening interview! I recently met Shann when she contributed to my ebook..her generosity of spirit is inspiring! I was drawn to the material on her site–the transformation goddess manifesto (in words and audio) is empowering and refreshing! It is a joy to learn more about her, here. What wonderful energy and a magnificent message!
Hello Joy!
Lovely to see you here! Thank you for sharing your kind words about my generosity of spirit. You made my day! I’m so happy you enjoyed the Transformation Goddess Manifesto. Cheers!
Hi Shann and Jodi,
What a wonderful interview. Thank you Shann for providing an opportunity for women to put themselves first and give themselves that opportunity to find out who they really are.
Thank you Cathy!
I’m glad you enjoyed our conversation. Women everywhere deserve to dive in and explore their precious selves. Big LOVE to you.
Hi Everyone!
Here is your reminder anyone who fills out and submits an application for the Transformation Goddess Experience by 9/30 will receive a free guided meditation, and a free 15 minute consultation with me!
Anybody who says YES to the Transformation Goddess Experience will receive 10% off ($197.00) the price of the program plus a bonus coaching session valued at $250!
I hope to hear from you soon!