If you’re anything like me, pushing yourself comes more easily than loving yourself. If you’re anything like me, giving to others comes more easily than giving to yourself. If you’re anything like me, moving quickly comes more easily than slowing down.
Does this sound at all familiar?
I just have a feeling that so many of us share this default setting.
But what I love about life is that our default settings can be changed. We don’t have to continue doing the same things over and over again. We don’t have to continue pushing ourselves to the point of complete fatigue – just because that’s how we’ve always been.
No. We can change. We are so powerful, and we have the ability within us to stand up for ourselves and create a loving, nourishing life where WE matter and where WE take care of ourselves.
I truly think that self care and self love are two of my biggest lessons in this lifetime. They haven’t been my default setting, which means they aren’t always comfortable for me to move into.
And that’s where setting up a life that’s filled with consciousness, presence, and a loving tribe around me becomes so important. When I start to veer off of the self-care track, these practices/people pull me back. When I think I’m too busy to listen to my soul, I have a system in place that is never too busy and is always ready to leap in and help me get back on track.
So if you’re also feeling like self care and self love don’t come as naturally as you would like them to, please know this:
- they are possible
- you are worthy of them
- and your world will run much more smoothly if you take time to bring them into it
It’s so true.
What I wish for all of us is that we remember this deep within our hearts. That we have a practice and a tribe in place that always pull us back into the life we want to be living. And that we continually remember how worthy we are of our own love and nourishment.
I created a free Love Letter printable poster for you! You can download it below and print it out! It’s saved at high resolution for you. I hope that it inspires you to always remember how loved you always are.
Please help spread the love by sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter!
Simply beautiful . . . I needed this cheering up and encouragement today. Thank you, Jodi!
Thank you Jodi, I needed that today!
Beautiful and just the reminder I needed Jodi. Thank you for your perfect timing as always. Hugs, Melissa
Thanks for the much needed reminder, Jodi + the poster is beautiful!