I believe that our mindset determines our quality of life. It determines how joyful we are or how miserable we are. And what I love about our mindset is that we have 100% control over it.
It’s true that we may not have any control at all over some of our external experiences. We may not be able to control others’ emotions or reactions or statements. But we can control our mindset – how we perceive external stimuli. And that truly makes me happy because knowing this helps me feel empowered. Knowing this helps me see that I truly do have the power to create the life that I want.
To give you an example of what I’m talking about, a pretty big opportunity has come my way, and I find out whether it’s a go in the next few days. (I’ll definitely let you know more details soon if it works out the way I hope it will!) For the sake of this example, the specifics aren’t as important as how I was feeling about this opportunity.
So let’s remember that the opportunity stayed the same throughout my various mindsets.
At first, when I thought about this opportunity I was excited, elated, thrilled, happy, and joyful. I could see myself embracing this experience and enjoying it.
And then, as it happens with so many of us, doubt began to creep in. I began to wonder if I could really handle such a huge opportunity. I began to question whether it was too much for me – whether I would be able to keep up with what was expected of me. And then I started to feel anxious, fearful, and completely deflated. I had worked myself into such a tizzy that I worried I wouldn’t be able to do it at all. And I began to question every single part of this potential opportunity.
To help pull myself out of this negative state (a place I definitely didn’t want to be in), I went to my Tarot deck and pulled a card. I wanted to know if I would be able to handle something so big coming into my life.
And the card’s reading didn’t help much at all to ease my fears. It basically said that there would be struggle and that things wouldn’t flow like I hoped they would. It said that, while eventually things would work out with this situation, it wasn’t going to be smooth sailing.
After reading this, I felt even worse for a moment. I felt the spiral of negativity whirling its way through each part of my being. And because I had just taken my exam to become a Law of Attraction Practitioner (I passed, by the way – yay!), I remembered that I am a conscious creator and could choose to attach to positive rather than negative thoughts. Which is what I did.
I didn’t want to stay in this disempowered, fearful space. I didn’t want to worry about this opportunity and feel pressure and tightness around whether I could do it. I wanted to feel light and free and excited (like I first felt when the opportunity presented itself).
And so I consciously shifted my mindset. I realized that the Tarot card was simply mirroring back to me my negative mindset. I pulled a card from a fearful state, and so it made sense that the energy I would attract back to me would be from that same negative space.
As an experiment, I decided to shift my mindset back up. To consciously spiral back up into excitement and love. To feel joyful about this opportunity and to feel confident that it wouldn’t have come my way unless I was ready for it.
And once I was feeling pretty positive again, I pulled another card where I asked the same question: How was this opportunity going to work out?
And the card was the exact opposite from the first. It was so positive and inviting and expansive and loving. It basically said that this was a wonderful opportunity that I will embrace. It was an opportunity that will change my life because I am open to it and coming from a positive space where I’m willing to receive such positivity into my world.
And this card felt amazing in every part of my being. Rather than feeling constricted and filled with fear, I felt open and ready to embark upon this new journey!
Here’s what didn’t change:
- The opportunity
- The Tarot deck
- The question I asked
Here’s what did change:
- My mindset
- And the outcome
This is just one example of how powerful our minds are. This is just one example of how consciously shifting up rather than allowing ourselves to spiral down can change such a huge part of our lives.
It certainly did for me. I’m now looking forward to this opportunity. I see it as a huge positive in my life, and I can’t wait to see where it leads. But regardless of what happens, I learned such a powerful lesson about my own mindset and how easy it is to shift it up or down.
We all go up and down with our moods all of the time – often without even being aware of them. And what this experiment reminded me of was how I truly do have the power to control what I choose to focus on and whether I choose to come from a place of positivity or negativity. It’s all up to me.
Just like it’s all up to you.
You truly do have the power to create your best life. You really do.
And it all starts with being aware of your mindset. Being aware of your feelings. And being aware of your ability to spiral up when needed.
That’s pretty powerful. And it’s something that I hope we all take into our hearts and put into practice immediately. I surely will.
Can you think of a situation in your life where you were able to shift your mindset from negative to positive? If so, I would love to hear about it in the comments!
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P.S. – If you’ve been thinking about joining the absolutely Amazing Biz and Life Academy, be sure to do so soon! The price more than doubles to $497 on October 1st! Leonie has created such a loving space. I am honored to be an Academy Guide, and I spend a lot of time connecting with beautiful souls there! I’ve made life-long friendships, and I’m sure that will just continue! In addition to the amazing community, you’ll also have full access to all of Leonie’s wonderful ecourses and goodies! Definitely check it out by clicking here!
Hi Jodi! I wish you well on your opportunity! I totally agree with you, it’s very critical that we change our thinking in the direction we want to go. I always have to remind myself that even if the door of opportunity that I wanted shuts in my face, another better door will open! I hope all goes well and thank you for sharing!
I love using the image of a spiral to help us return to our center and delete everything that doesn’t belong to us. It helps us release fears and blocks so we can step into our power and move forward with faith and gratitude.
My free gift actually contains a guided visualization to help you get in an altered, creative mindset by following the lines of a spiral. You can sign up for it through the celebrate and explore your destiny e-zine at: http://www.zhendria.com also giving you access to a free event on Oct. 30
Keep that spiral turning in a positive direction!