
Lately, I’ve been getting back to basics. Sort of hitting the reset button on my life. Bathing in a spiritual cleanse. 

I really recommend that we all do this from time to time. Hitting the reset button and giving ourselves space to get in touch with our inner wisdom is such a beautiful gift.

For the first time in years, I’ve been doing exactly that. I’ve had two months to really step away from my life – to look at it with perspective. To look at it with an open heart and a loving soul. To look at it almost as a spectator rather than a participant. I’ve given myself plenty of space to honestly assess each part of my life. I’ve been able to slow down enough to see the true ins and outs of how I have been living. 

And I’m so grateful to have had this space. While what I discovered hasn’t always been easy to take in (e.g., how I’ve gone missing in many ways, how self care just hasn’t been happening, how I’ve allowed myself to give to the point of having nothing left, how I made a bit of a turn away from my soul’s path, etc.), it’s now out in the open and in the light – where I can see it and do something to change it.

This process of uncovering and cleansing and resetting didn’t happen overnight. It actually continues to happen – I’m still right smack in the middle of it. But I wanted to share some of the tools that are helping me – just in case you’re also wanting to reflect and possibly hit your own reset button.

If you are, I highly recommend that you first slow down. And set the intention that you are ready to be honest with yourself. Allow yourself to sink into your truth and embrace your present moment – whatever it looks like, however painful it may be. And then give yourself permission to ask and answer questions – questions that will help lead you back to yourself.

I’m sharing five questions that have been helping me let go of anything that is not nurturing my soul. And conversely, they are shining light on anything that does fill me up and make me happy. They are helping me stay conscious and aware and awake. I hope they help you as well along your soul’s journey.

Here they are:

5 questions copy

I recommend writing these questions down and carrying them with you throughout your day (at least until they become a habit). Ask them when you first wake up. Ask them before you go to bed. And ask them many, many times in between. Keep them in your consciousness. Allow them to soak into your being.

They are powerful questions. And you’ll have empowered answers to go with them. I know it.

  • They will help ground you and lift you at the same time.
  • They will help you tap into your soul’s wisdom and really get into the habit of hearing your inner voice.
  • They will support you in practicing self care and giving yourself all of the love that you so desperately need.
  • They will help you remember to focus on what IS working in your life, rather than what isn’t.
  • They will help you embrace how good it feels to help others.

And they will help you begin this process of clearing and cleansing – a process of coming home to your true essence. You’re so worth taking the time and making the space to ask these questions. And I truly hope you do. They’re so powerful – just like you. 🙂

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