Making Better Use of My Energy

Today was an interesting day.

For months, I would look at the calendar and my stomach would sink. For months, I knew that I had to do something that I didn’t want to do – something that needed to be done.

And while I won’t get into the specifics of what that something was, I will say that I did it.

And all of the worrying beforehand and stories that played out in my mind about how it was all going to play out didn’t come to pass. Not even close. 

I have lost sleep over this. More

Leaping into Silence

If we’ve been connected for a while here on Soul Speak, you may have noticed a shift in me over the last year. I’ve been doing much less and reflecting much more. I’ve been listening to my soul more often and have been doing my best to take my ego out of the driver’s seat. I’ve been taking better care of my tired body by resting and disconnecting from the outside world as much as possible.

I’ve been remembering how important More

A Quiet Strength

I received an unsolicited email from someone yesterday that prompted me to write this post. In the message, a woman that I don’t know said that she had just watched my video for the Soulful Life Sanctuary. She said that my speaking voice didn’t match the voice that she imagined that I would have. She said that she had perceived me to be a “strong, dynamic, heart-ful, and powerful woman” and went onto say More

Soulful Shout Out – Introducing Jerri Eddington!

I absolutely love the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! I get to highlight and introduce you to beautiful people and their wonderful offerings!

Today, I am happy to introduce you to my friend, Jerri Eddington!

Jerri joined my Soul Shakers’ mastermind community early this year and the Soulful Life Sanctuary soon after, and so we’ve gotten to know each other quite well! I am inspired by her huge heart, her honesty, and her ability to bring her dreams to life.

Jerri has been More

Free Soul Clarity Message + $100 Off Coming Back to Life Ecourse!

***August 1, 2015 Update: If you have come  here for your free reading, please click here instead. Thank you!***

***Thank you to everyone who participated this month! I’ll be back again on November 1st to do it again!***

Happy October! It’s that time again where I’ll pull one Soul Clarity Card for each person who leaves a comment below!

I do this on the first day of every month, and it’s always so much fun to offer these messages straight from my soul to yours.

Before we start the messages, I wanted to share More

Going Down Memory Lane

After recently watching a wonderful documentary called Mortified Nation (where willing participants go on stage and read from their teenage journals), I took a trip down memory lane and read through my old journals. My first entry was when I was 10, and let’s just say that I wasn’t happy with my brother at the time (a theme that continued through many of the entries). 🙂

I continued to write regularly throughout my teenage years and well into my twenties. I used my journal as a space More

The Benefits of Exhaustion

I’m writing this post from my new “office” – the couch in my living room that I’ve been spending most of my time on for the past month. (My body decided that it was time for some enforced rest, which I’ve been giving it – albeit reluctantly and begrudgingly at times.)

I’ve postponed all of my Skype sessions for the time being, cut way back on my work hours, and have focused solely on relaxing, de-stressing, and simply allowing myself to BE.

I’ve More

What Are You Learning?

It seems the older I get, the more I realize how little I truly know.

It seems silly to admit this – especially since we’re always learning and growing and experiencing and taking so much into our hearts and our minds at any given moment.

And yet, I am constantly humbled by how much I still don’t know. I am constantly in awe that no matter how much I take in and integrate and assimilate, it’s just the tip – the very tip – of the metaphorical iceberg. 

I find that More

Free Soul Clarity Message + Over 80% Off Joy Ecourse!

*** Thank you to everyone who participated this month! I’ll be back on the 1st to offer more readings! ***

Happy September! It’s that time again where I’ll pull one Soul Clarity Card for each person who leaves a comment below!

I do this on the first day of every month, and it’s always so much fun to offer these messages straight from my soul to yours.

Before we start the messages, I wanted to share this week’s Soulful Life Sanctuary More

Let’s Stop Rallying

Over the last few months, I’ve been realizing more and more how I’m human.

My soul knows this. My body knows this. And yet, a huge part of me hadn’t yet caught up to this fact – the part that thought I could do it all and continue to push myself harder and harder. The part of me that both naively and arrogantly assumed I would always have the reserves and the energy without ever needing to take time to recharge. The part that thought I was immune to the things that humans More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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