define soul copyI was just thinking that in all of these years of writing about the soul, I have never sat down and really put into words my own definition of it. I think that this makes perfect sense since it’s something that in many ways goes beyond any human definition, but I thought it would be fun to at least give it a try.

So here I go…

To me, the soul is love. It’s our connection to all that is. It’s our connection between the spirit world and the physical world.

It’s our best self. It’s our loving confidant – our inner cheerleader – our all-knowing, peace-loving, completely present self. It’s our inner voice, our infinite wisdom, our godliness. It’s eternal. It’s our truest essence. It’s who we’ve always been and who we have yet to become. It’s the embodiment of all of our desires and all of our experiences. It’s our blueprint and our possibility. It’s energy – pure, loving, infinite energy. It simply is and will always be.

It’s that inner whisper that asks you to dream bigger and trust yourself more and live on purpose. It’s that soft nudge that lovingly pushes you to show up as your true self in the world. It’s the gut feeling that you can’t quite explain but know is real. It’s you. All of you. And all of everything. All wrapped up into one.

It’s light. Pure light. It’s love. Pure love.

I posted this question on Facebook am so happy to share some of the loving answers that poured in:

others defind soul copy

Now it’s your turn. How do you define the soul? 

Please share in the comments below. I look forward to reading your answers – I find it so fascinating that we all have a soul, we all have the ability to receive guidance from our soul, and we all get to define our soul in whatever way feels best for us. I love that.



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