As many of you know, I have been healing from adrenal fatigue over the past nine months. It’s been a period filled with a wide array of emotions and experiences. I’ve been frustrated beyond belief at moments – just wishing that I could feel normal again. But it’s also been a time of such growth, and I’ve learned more about myself in this relatively short period than I had in my entire life.
One of the biggest things that I’ve learned is that it’s okay to let go, to trust, and to allow others to support me. I’ve always prided myself on being independent – on being able to take care of myself. And it’s so interesting to me that oftentimes the things we hold onto with such tight fists are the things that we most need to let go of in order to grow and expand and heal.
Allowing myself to be supported is a huge part of my healing journey, which hasn’t always been comfortable. Asking for help brings up all sorts of outdated beliefs within myself. And at first, asking brought on feelings of weakness and vulnerability. I felt like I should be able to handle it (whatever “it” might be) on my own. But… I was too tired to handle it on my own. I was too tired to keep my walls up. I was too tired to judge myself for this perceived weakness. And I began to open my heart up and let others in.
And boy did the floodgates open! The energetic healings and intuitive readings and health assessments and outpourings of love came rushing into my world and into my heart, and I felt supported in a way that I had never felt before. I realized that all of this time, I had always been surrounded by this love and support. I just hadn’t yet allowed myself to receive it. I had to let go and trust and stay open, which is what I’ve been focusing on. It’s been seriously life changing for me to take in all of this love, and I could write an entire book sharing about all of the beautiful offerings that have poured in.
For now, though, I want to tell you about one of these offerings: a numerology reading given to me by my friend, Toni Cay Snyder. It really helped me put into a larger picture sort of context how I got to this place of feeling so weakened and what I can do to feel strong again.
I will be completely honest and say that I don’t know a ton about numerology, other than it’s always seemed really interesting to me. Before this reading, I knew that we all have a life-path number, but I didn’t really know much beyond that. So I went into it with an open heart and the possibility of learning something new, which I certainly did.
I’ve known Toni for the past year, and every interaction that I’ve had with her has been so loving and positive. She is someone who really understands what it’s like to feel burned out and hopeless, and she knows how good it feels to empower yourself to follow your heart and live the life you were born to live.
Based on my name and birth date, Toni was able to share each piece of my life path – including the possible highs and the possible lows. It was uncanny how spot on she was, and she helped me better understand how I got to this place that I’m currently in and how I can get myself to where I want to go. I believe that nothing is wasted and that we can find something positive from every experience, and so this reading was great confirmation of that for me. I learned that there are two sides to each number – one that’s a higher vibration and one that’s a bit lower, and we get to decide which side we want to focus on. My thoughts have certainly been focusing on how tired I feel and how frustrated I am, and Toni’s reading helped me see that I can instead be focusing on all of the gifts that are coming from this current experience. Such a great reminder!
It was a great reading, and I’m so grateful to Toni for it. If you are curious about your own numbers or about numerology in general, I highly recommend connecting with Toni to learn more.
She’s put together a free assessment where you can easily calculate your personal life path!
This amazing worksheet is the first step to understanding your blocks, sticking points and limiting beliefs, as well as your unique strengths, talents and inner gifts.
Click here to receive this free worksheet!
And feel free to share below what experiences you’ve had with numerology!
I am glad you are “recovering”! It is a long journey and asking for help and/or accepting it graciously when offered was a hard thing for me for many years. Then I had an “ah-ha” moment. I realized that, perhaps, the person offering the help needed to be kind, they were looking for ways to be kind in the world. I was their opportunity to put something positive into the energy in the world. If I need to ask for help, usually it is from those I love. One of my students once said “Cedar, did it ever occur to you that we want to get you something so you have more energy to teach us?” OK, then. It didn’t happen overnight, as anyone who knows me will attest. Little by little, the thought became deed. Now, for the most part, I smile and say “Thank you” for help offered and given.
Bright Blessings on the day!
That’s great news, Jodi!
The immense love is actually sometimes simply “hidden”. I have a cousin who was recently hospitalized. He jokingly said that family eventually “gathers” whenever such events happen. It may be true, but it’s only a reminder that sometimes we just forget to take the time to appreciate the important people and be with them.
That’d be a big book if you decide to write it. 🙂
You know, I find numerology interesting. I’ve come across it recently. It sure is something I can recommend too; it’s simply great stuff. There are different opinions about it, but people shouldn’t deny that there are good points (if not, all are good!) numerology can say about your numbers, they do help for sure. It’s because of that that I say numerology is interesting, anyway. 🙂
Hang in there, Jodi! All seems well. Thanks for sharing it!
Jodi, you have a beautiful gift with words and as you keep opening up and finding the words to share, such a lovely teaching is emerging for others to appreciate and connect with. Numbers are such fun and an intricate facet of this creation. When I discovered my life path and destiny numbers it explained the archetype I resonated with. However I find that like a paint by number canvas, my life is expansively constructed to spill beyond the descriptions of the numbers. There is so much there to work with, so many facets to consider, so many mysteries to be revealed.I trust you are enjoying the journey of your soul path as much as I am!