I’m really excited to share this week’s Saturday Selection interview with you! If you are a fellow entrepreneur with a mission to bring your products into the world – Andreea Ayers is definitely someone you will want to connect with.
Andreea and I have known one another for a couple of years – we have worked together, collaborated with each other, and have supported each other while we have changed and grown into who we are today.
She is the founder of Tees for Change – a wonderful inspirational t-shirt company that is truly making a difference by bringing positivity to people’s lives and helping the environment at the same time! I am a proud owner of the Choose Happiness tee – in fact, I’m wearing it right now! Andreea sold her company earlier this year so she could focus more on helping other entrepreneurs bring their ideas into the world! I recommend her e-courses and coaching program wholeheartedly. She is the real deal – she truly wants to make a difference and help you succeed.
Please read on to learn more about Andreea and the wonderful things she’s been up to.
I am really inspired by how well you keep it all together – In addition to being a busy supermom with three little ones, you have founded and run successful companies, and now you’re sharing your expertise with others. How do you manage it all? What do you do to stay centered and balanced? How often do you take time to go within and reconnect with yourself?
That’s a tough one! I don’t always feel centered, but when I feel out of balance I step back and take a look and make changes accordingly. Some weeks I’ll work a lot if I am launching a new product, or coaching clients or writing and other weeks my workload is smaller. For example, last night I felt that I was spending too much time on the computer, so this morning my husband and I and our youngest daughter went for a one hour hike in the mountains and then went out to lunch, so I didn’t start work again until the afternoon. So taking breaks and evaluating what works and what doesn’t has been really helpful.
You seem really passionate about sharing your expertise and helping other entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses. Have you always had this passion for serving others? Or can you pinpoint a time in your life when you knew this was what you wanted to do?
I’ve always had this passion! And when I started my business I reached out to other successful entrepreneurs and learned so much from them – I couldn’t have done it without them. So I wanted to give back and share what I know with others as well.
You’re a marketing whiz, and I’ve loved watching all that you have achieved through implementing your talents over the years! Can you offer one piece of marketing advice for fellow entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level?
I think that marketing is all about consistency and quantity (and of course having a great quality product or service!). I often get emails from entrepreneurs who feel that their business is not where they want it to be. They want more web traffic, more retail accounts, more sales, more PR. And I ask them what are some of the things they did to get what they want and I often hear things like “I hired someone to do my website’ and “I set up a blog” or “I relisted my items on Etsy.” Well, those things are nice, but that’s not marketing – you have to get out there and constantly reach out to customers and be in front of them, which is why it’s so important to know who your ideal customers are (and you can’t be all things to everyone) – so having a target market and knowing everything you can about them will help to streamline your marketing.
Can you tell us more about your ecourses? What type of person will benefit the most from taking these courses?
My courses (available at www.andreeaayers.com) are specifically designed for entrepreneurs who sell products – apparel, bath and beauty products, kids products, paper goods, home and garden products, eco-friendly items, jewelry, accessories, etc. My wholesale e-course will teach them how to get their products into stores and my PR e-course will teach them how to get their products in magazines and the media. I felt that it was important for me to share how to do this because these two aspects are what pushed my company to the six figure sales mark in one year.
Can you share a success story about someone who took your marketing/business advice and turned it into something wonderful in their own life?
One of my past clients, Melissa from Jusani Culture has done amazing things with her business since I met her. She is using her business to give back and make a difference in animals’ lives. She has an amazing website, a great business and is doing so much good with her business. I am glad to have met her.
Have you had any great teachers or mentors through the years? If so, how have they helped you?
I have! I feel that every entrepreneur that I come across has something to teach me. I am a member of a women’s entrepreneur network called Savor the Success, and I learned so much from the wonderful ladies there who are willing to share so much of what they know. And the founder, Angela Jia Kim, is a wealth of knowledge. I was so inspired by her and the women that I met, that I decided to start my own Savor the Success chapter here in Denver/Boulder and create a community of local women entrepreneurs so we can each learn from each other.
What is one thing that the world would be surprised to learn about you?
I am tone deaf, but one of my goals is to overcome it and learn how to sing. Is that possible? I think so!
What are your favorite websites/blogs?
I love Savor the Success, The Mogul Mom, Problogger, Marie Forleo, Oh My Handmade Goodness, and, of course, Google.
Do you have a mantra that you live by?
Be open to change and when something doesn’t work, change it!
What book(s) are you reading right now? Or what book have you recently read that touched you in some way?
I am currently reading Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value by Robert K. Whittman (a book about how pricing psychology works). I also loved The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon – it’s a cookbook, but it has so much amazing information about food and nutrition.
3 questions from our Soulful Journals:
What do you truly love about yourself?
I love the fact that I am open minded and willing to change
What is one aspect of your daily life that you don’t always take time to appreciate, but you’re actually really grateful for?
Living in Boulder, CO! I love the air, the mountains, the people, the outdoor lifestyle and everything about it. But I don’t always take the time to enjoy all that it has to offer.
What is something you can do today to fully embrace life?
Be more present – when I am with my kids and family I want to give them 100% of my attention and when I am working I want to give that 100%.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Thanks so much for allowing me to share my story! I am truly grateful to be a member of the entrepreneurial community; it’s full of wonderful people who are pursuing their dreams – truly inspiring!
Thanks so much, Andreea, for such a great interview!
I hope you all check out her amazing e-courses and coaching program!
(FYI: I am not making any money by recommending these – I wholeheartedly stand behind what Andreea does, and I want to support her and hopefully help you at the same time.)
In addition to her website, Andreea can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.
Excellent interview. I’m intrigued and will check out the links.
Thanks for stopping by, JoDee! 🙂
I really appreciate Andreea’s work. I get really excited when she has an update because it’s usually full of totally useful information. Thanks for sharing this interview here !
So nice to see you here, Amy! 🙂 Yes, Andreea is really great and so helpful sharing all that she knows.