A few days ago, I wrote about leaping toward our dreams – putting both feet in – not allowing ourselves to have a safety net. Tony Robbins calls this going to an island and burning the frickin’ boats to make sure we are all in! Well, as I sit here typing this post from an office completely void of any furniture (except for the card table that I am sitting at now, which shakes with each letter that I type) – I would have to say this: I have officially burned my boats.
- photo by Andy Atkinsin
Yesterday, I watched the remnants of a dream that I carried with me and held onto for many years drive away. I sold all of my office furniture. My beautiful desk that I was once so happy to sit at every day is now in someone else’s office for them to sit at and enjoy every day. This wasn’t an ordinary desk – it was one that represented success to me. It represented making it – being there – living the dream. And for awhile, while sitting at this desk, I started to believe that it was working – my dreams were coming true. I had the beautiful desk, the amazing studio, the gift business that I started from scratch – all of the pieces that should’ve added up to a happy and fulfilling life, right?
The only problem was that I didn’t feel fulfilled. I was growing in a different direction, and I was hanging onto this life – this furniture – this vision because it was comfortable, safe, and known. But it no longer fed my soul, and that’s something that has taken me years to admit to and years to do something about. I knew that I needed to do something drastic – something that wouldn’t allow me to stay in this comfortable space. Something that would force me to get out there and start living this dream of mine where I am an inspirational writer and I pay all of my bills through my words.
An inspirational writer doesn’t need all of this space. An inspirational writer doesn’t need all of this furniture. We moved out of this studio almost two years ago and brought the furniture with us – into a much smaller space. We were still holding onto this dream – even though it was no longer our dream. And isn’t that true for so many of us? We visualize how we want our lives to be and then when we are actually living that life and it no longer feels right we are reluctant to let it go because we worked so hard to make it come true. I get that, I really do. But there comes a time in each of our lives where we have to ask ourselves some tough questions – is it more important to hang onto that dream or more important to give yourself permission to let it go – so you can be free to dream again?
I want to dream again. I don’t want to hang onto an old dream that no longer feels right simply because I spent years living it. So now, as I look around my office, I get to decide how I would like to fill my office. What makes me feel good? What will inspire me so that I can hopefully inspire others?
This is definitely not a comfortable feeling to look around and see so much space – so much emptiness. My first inclination was to run out and buy a new desk to fill this void. And then I wondered what would happen if I simply sat with this feeling of discomfort for a bit and really felt it and embraced it. What would happen if I paused for a moment during this journey from here to there? How different would I feel to take some time in this space in between these two worlds and just be?
So that is what I am doing today. I am sitting. I am allowing myself to be in this moment of letting one dream go because it was time to welcome a new dream. I am taking some time to say goodbye to yesterday’s dream. I am respecting it enough to give it this time for closure.
And then tomorrow (or whenever it feels right), I will begin the journey of re-creating my new life and filling my space with only that which feels right and makes my soul sing.
Even though this isn’t the easiest space to be in at the moment, I know that this change is exactly what I need to make room for so many wonderful new dreams. I feel so much lighter and so much more free.
I would love to hear your own story of how you are burning bridges in your own life!
Knowing that we are all in this together is so helpful. Your love and support help me continue to move forward toward this life that I know I am meant to live.
So much gratitude,
P.S. – I promise to take a picture of my new office once my new vision is complete. (And I can locate the camera.) 😉
Wow, this takes courage. And courage to sit with the feelings of discomfort. Letting the old familiar go and welcoming in an unknown – a bit of a scary place to be but you’re doing it. Bravo to you for making it happen. New and exciting things will come to you and evolve; certainly since you’re open to it.
BTW, I recently just heard Tony Robbins talk about burning the freakin’ boats. I listen to his tapes while driving. He really gets you going – love it!
Thank you, Harriet! Yes, it’s definitely not the most comfortable space to be in, but so necessary right now for me.
That’s great that you listen to Tony Robbins in your car! After seeing him on Oprah, I would love to go to one of his workshops – lifechanging, I’m sure!
That’s funny – I too saw him on Oprah (OWN channel) and got hooked. I’m still deciding about going to his 4 day seminar. I would love to go and be a part of all that energy but it is very costly – $800. He’s going to be here in my neck of the woods the end of March.
If you do go, I would love to know your experience with it! How exciting! 🙂
Oh Jodi!
I’m right here with you! I’ve burnt the boat, the bridge, and any tunnel that may lead back. Back to what we know. Celebrating you with arms wide! Encouraging you to press on and leap in the direction of every masterpiece you’ll write!
Hugs and love!
Asia : )
Twitter Friend! <3
Hi Asia! So nice to see you here! You’re such a joy on Twitter – you always make me smile. 🙂
I am glad we’re in this together – supporting each other and cheering each other on! I can’t wait to hear more about your leaps and jumps! Love to you!
Jodi, congratulations on burning your boat. Dreams are our boats… carrying us to new dreams. I’m excited for you because you took that step into the in-between, where there is no ground, only space, and you’re willing to embrace that space and let it speak to you. Surely the universe rewards such courage;)
I can’t wait to see your new space!
That’s what I’m hoping! 😉
I know that you know what this feels like – and it feels so wonderful to be surrounded by such supportive, loving friends.
Thank you, dear Leah, for being that for me.
Love to you, my friend.
Jodi, awesome courage and conviction in burning your boat! You go, girl! So nice that you’re honoring your feelings around letting go of the symbols of past success that got you where you are now. I have no doubt great things will be ushered in to fill the vacuum you created by letting go of what you have outgrown. So very proud of you, my dear friend! Love, Alice
Thanks so much, Alice! You know that I have nothing but love for you. Our friendship means the world to me. You mean the world to me. Love, love, and more love.
First, I loved this line, “But there comes a time in each of our lives where we have to ask ourselves some tough questions – is it more important to hang onto that dream or more important to give yourself permission to let it go – so you can be free to dream again?” Second, to answer your question, a couple years ago I had a dream of becoming a famous memoir writer–basically the next Elizabeth Gilbert. I worked tirelessly to put all of the pieces in place, and I did have some small success–I sold about 8000 copies of the memoir, got on the Today Show, created a blog that now has a decent following, etc. That said, I am not the next Elizabeth Gilbert. No one knows who I am for the most part. This led me to feeling like a failure for a long while. But now I’ve emerged from that and see that everything in life has a purpose. I no longer want that dream, but I’m even more inspired and centered. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your work is to let go. Great post.
Hi Alisa,
Thanks for sharing your own story of letting go of a dream. I truly applaud you for being able to see the lessons from this and now be even more inspired for what’s next. It sounds like we’re in similar places at the moment – having certain hopes and expectations for previous dreams and now being in willing to let them go because we are inspired to start fresh and move toward our new dreams. You’re so right that everything in our life has a purpose, and being able to step above it all to gain perspective is key. You are doing that in spades, it seems! I’m glad we’re in it together. 🙂
I have chills of inspiration, Jodi. You are so brave and strong…I’m here in my living room cheering you on, feeling braver because of your words. And now, I must go because I have something I’ve been putting off that I absolutely must do right now! I’ve been in such a funk and these words, your words right now, feel like a gentle hand nudging me forward. Okay, here I go.
So very grateful for you,
We definitely need to schedule a time to chat soon! I can’t wait to hear all about your leap! We have so much to talk about!
You’re so brave, and I’m so proud of you, sweet Julia!
Lots of love!
Love the post Jodi – I am also a personal development blogger and author and it is great to come upon your site and this blog. As a psychotherapist, I often talk to my clients about trading one dream for another, since if “Dream A” does not come true or bring the happiness that you thought it would (such as in a career that did not fulfill your expectations or a relationship that has gone sour) time to trade it for “Dream B.” That new dream is based on the wisdom and lessons learned from Dream A – i could keep on writing! In fact, you just inspired me to write a post on it! Thanks! Judy Belmont
Hi Judy,
I’m so glad you’re here! It’s so funny because I just saw your byline the day before on Lifehack! (My first article just posted there!)
I completely agree with you that we take all of the lessons learned from each dream and bring them with us for our new dreams. I truly believe that everything had to happen the way it did with my gift business to bring me right where I am today.
I can’t wait to read your post about this!
Nice to meaty a fellow lifehacker guest blogger! Keep up the great stuff! Judy
I’ve been writing a lot on my own blog about living your dreams. And, you’re right, this is scary stuff. It takes a lot of courage to change your life and I admire your willingness to burn bridges so there’s no looking back. My husband and I are doing this, too, as we plan for a family sabbatical in Panama next winter. This is one of my biggest dreams and I can’t wait to make it a reality – but, at the same time, I AM frightened out of my mind! The great thing is, when you’re following the path the Universe wants you to be on, events and details come into focus like never before and you just feel in your soul that this new step is right for you.
Hi Domini,
Wow – you are preparing for big leap! That’s wonderful! 🙂
You worded it so beautifully – when you’re following the path the Universe wants you to be on, events and details come into focus like never before and you just feel in your soul that this new step is right for you.
Yes. Exactly. Perfect. I’m definitely taking that in and sitting with it.
So glad we’re leaping together!