It’s that time of year, isn’t it?
For the last few years, we’ve passed along our taxes to an accountant. But this year, we are putting ourselves back on the priority list, eating healthier, and saving for a Vitamix
The money that we’ll save by not paying for an accountant is more than enough to pay for this amazing blender. I can’t wait to start making yummy juices, soups, and sorbets!
I’m keeping that goal in mind as I tackle the tedious task of compiling everything and figuring it all out. Having a home business really adds to the complexity, and I will be so happy when we file them and don’t have to think about taxes for another year.
Yesterday, going through the mound of paperwork and expenses took me right back to last year. I couldn’t help but reflect upon where I was then – and was so thankful at how different and better my life is now.
Here are a few things that I realized:
My work/life balance was pretty much nonexistent. Almost every expense is work-related, and almost everything we made went right back into our business. And while I realized this and have begun to make drastic changes in my life to make sure this is no longer the case, it’s still a wake up call to see it in black and white.
We had a really rough year filled with transition, loss, and lots of change. And it’s so nice to see that where I am now is so much closer to my true path than where I was a year ago or even six months ago. My actual life is getting closer and closer to my ideal life – whew!
We saved three cows (with the help of over 100 people)! I am so happy that they are living normal cow lives just a few miles away from us.
We learned a lot of life lessons that will stay with us forever. We began to truly take responsibility for our lives.
As you are going through your taxes this year and the seemingly endless pile of paperwork, take some time to reflect on the stories behind the numbers.
How has your life changed from then to now?
What have you learned since then?
What feelings does going back in time bring up for you?
Turning a not-so-fun task into one of learning and self reflection can be eye opening and truly wonderful.
Give it a try! 🙂
SOOOOO jealous! I've wanted a Vitamix for years, but I just can't justify spending $400 on a blender! I've been making due with a Ninja, which I like… but I totally get all dreamy over the idea of owning a real Vitamix someday. hehe. Congratulations!
Thanks so much! It's something that we've been thinking about for a long time and saving for. And while we don't have it quite yet, I am really looking forward to it – it just seems so amazing! 🙂