This giveaway is now closed.
Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winner!
I’m excited to give away a book that will help us tap into our higher self and listen to the wisdom that has always been inside of us. It’s called, The Clairvoyant Path, and it’s written by Michelle DesPres.
Whether you are just now learning to tap into your intuition or have used this tool for a long time, this book is a great resource to help you open up spiritually and live the life that you were born to live.
Click here to take a peak inside The Clairvoyant Path.
In this except below (taken from the article Occupy Your Spirit), Michelle DesPres defines clairvoyance and discusses its importance in our culture today. Please scroll to the bottom for the giveaway details.
Clairvoyance means clear seeing. It is a sense, but I also use it as an umbrella term for all the quantum sixth senses (such as intuition, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.; there are many tools for discerning the quantum reality). Clairvoyance is an innate faculty within every person and every person can learn to hone these skills to very fine degrees. These “clairvoyant senses” match our five senses of sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell; however, they are inward senses rather than outward experiences that can enlighten our perception of what is transpiring within our lives. For example, envision in your mind’s eye an apple. Notice that you can see it, feel its texture, taste, smell, and even listen to it. As you are witnessing the apple you are using your clairvoyant skills. But the apple also carries a symbolic message beyond its physical and obvious meaning that we may need to know in order to maintain balance; it is our higher sixth sense that is in charge of discerning that meaning. Our higher self might interpret the apple’s message to be one of seeking knowledge, or maybe its message is to get more fiber in your diet; either way, it is guidance or validation that you can integrate and balance or allow to be a positive fuel for your fire.
Clairvoyantly we can view not only the whole of humanity, but more importantly, we can view our personal quantum field witnessing our soul’s totality, multi-dimensionality, purpose, design, patterns, beliefs, past, present, future, and all our many universal archetypes, which in turn allows us to understand the driving forces of our lives. With this understanding comes healing as we become aware of our imbalances and how to fix them with empowered and inspired actions—which translates into sustainable outward change.
We experience the events of our lives for a reason. Our sixth senses allow us to uncover, or become conscious, of these mysteries so we can come to understand our greater purpose and design—but also to teach us how to take responsibility for what is being created in our lives. Our quantum senses allow us to alter our patterns so we are not subject to recreating the past and can create what we desire.
Llewelyn Books and Michelle DesPres are giving away 1 copy of The Clairvoyant Path!
Entering is super easy!
- Become a fan of Llewelyn Books and Soul Speak on Facebook.
- Leave a comment below sharing what your higher self wants you to know.
That’s it!
One winner will randomly be chosen on 3/30!
I can’t wait to read your comments! The answers are always inside of us, and sometimes all we need to do to hear them are slow down and listen.
I think my higher self wants me to know… to remember, actually, to be kind to myself and to forgive myself all the time. To take a bubble bath and think of all the good in my life. And to forgive myself, even for the “little” mistakes.
I believe my higher Self is being revealed to me everyday.She wants me to know that I do deserve to be loved. Yes, I’m sure that’s what it is.
…I am loved, I am intelligent, I am cherished and to trust that the Universal Power will bring everything I need at just the right moment.
I don’t know what my higher self wants me to know, but would like to 🙂
I believe my higher self needs to know that she is more than enough and that she is a true success in all that she does.
My higher self wants me to know how to fully access all of my gifts so that I may help others in a truly meaningful way that has a major positive impact 🙂 <3
Just wanted to tell my higher power that I’m trying my best to be a person that she loves and to be patent with herself.. I would love to learn more about my higher power also
I love these giveaways, Jodi…I’ve been wanting to enter them all but life has been a bit wacky lately!
My higher self wants me to know that it’s all happening exactly as it should be happening. I can lean back and Trust. I can relax in the knowing that I am loved and held and absolutely safe. I am just right exactly as I am. Also, I’m hearing this (in my higher self’s gentle voice)…I am always right here, all the wisdom in the world is right here, you simply need to slow way down and listen.
Thank you for the space to answer such a good question.
Sending love.
My higher self wants me to know that its safe to break free from the heavy chains of old patterns and habits. My higher self loves me and will never abandon me, trust, allow and accept and so it is 🙂
liked both, i think my higher self wants me to know that everything happens for a reason. I think about this everyday, and try not to get upset about what happens, because it happens for a reason. 🙂
My higher self wants me to know that I am radiant and blessed.
My Higher Self wants me to connect & bond with me in ways I have never felt or even known. There is SO much out there to discover. I have not even scratched the surface.
I believe that all of the imagination I need to write is inside, I just need a ‘new’ way to tap into it.
My higher self wants to know how to trust the Universe and what I’m meant to do.
That I really am capable and not alone.
Thank you, everyone, for entering this giveaway and leaving such wonderful comments! I love that you’re all in touch with your higher selves!
Congratulations to Kel for winning! 🙂
Trust in myself and my higher guidance. While I’ve read that for years, I had no idea how to do that and now that I’m finally starting to tune in, I get it now. 🙂
Thank you so much for your generosity!