I’m thrilled that yesterday’s post about creating a vision board received so many views and comments here and also on our Facebook page! It is so wonderful to know that so many of us are taking action to manifest our dreams!
I spent hours yesterday working on my board. It is hanging right next to me here in my office, and it has such a great energy to it. I love standing in front of it and really feeling my life through these images and words.
One of our wonderful Facebook fans made a great point yesterday.
She has been creating vision boards for years. It’s actually a continual work-in-progress that changes as her vision changes. She wrote that she wished she had taken pictures of it through the years because since it is always changing, she doesn’t have any record of what was on it previously.
I thought this was such a great idea and something we can all do: periodically take pictures of our vision boards.
You may remember John Assaraf from The Secret. He really is a mastermind at manifesting what he puts onto his vision board. Many year ago, he put his dream home on his vision board, truly felt what it would be like to live there, and now it’s his home! He has an entire wall in his office dedicated to his many vision boards. He has them broken down into categories that work for him – such as career, family, abundance, etc.
One thing that I especially love that he does is he has created a bulletin board for everything that he has manifested. So when something that was on one of his vision boards happens in his life, he moves it over to the manifested board. I can imagine that it would be a real boost to look over and see how much you have accomplished just by imagining it were your reality. So I’m definitely going to do this, and I can’t wait to begin to move things over from one board to the next.
He has a Complete Vision Board Kit, which can help you get started in creating your own vision board.
I would love to hear any additional ideas you have about manifesting your ideal life. Please share them here with all of us.
Let’s all continue creating the life we know we were meant to live by visualizing it, feeling it, and taking action!