focus-on-loveDan and I were both in pretty crappy moods the other night. It happens. We were tired and overworked and grumpy and felt completely depleted. It was really late, and we were just getting started for another shift of work. And neither of us was happy about it.

So for about 15 minutes, we complained. We vented. We shared our frustrations. We stewed. And then we got back to work and tried to push through it. But I could still feel it sitting in the pit of my stomach. Like an angry knot – wanting to be unraveled but not knowing how. I knew that this was a mood, and the mood would shift. I knew that this was all my own internal experience. Nothing had changed externally in that moment when I began to feel frustrated. Fifteen minutes ago I was in a great mood. And so I knew in my mind that this mood would stay for awhile and then float on by and be replaced by another one – hopefully a more positive one.

But I didn’t want to wait. I didn’t like living with this knot in my stomach and a body that was shaking with angry adrenaline. I didn’t want to feel this way for a second longer.

It was in that moment that I remembered that I had a choice. I remembered that I didn’t have to attach to this mood – I was choosing to attach to it. And I remembered that I had the power to shift into something else (if I wanted to). And I definitely did.

So I asked Dan if he wanted to play a game with me to bring ourselves out of this yucky, no-fun place. He was willing. And so we began to play The Gratitude Game.

The only rules were that we would go back and forth and share one thing that we were grateful for. We would continue to take turns until we both felt that knot dissipate and felt lifted out of this downward spiral of negativity.

And so we began. A bit reluctantly at first, but still we began.

Both of us said that we were grateful for our love.

And then I said that I was grateful that our cat Biddle was alive and healthy. He had been yelling at us all night because we wouldn’t go sit next to him while he ate (bad routine that we started when he was a kitten…).

Dan was grateful that our journals were selling so well, which meant that we had a lot of orders.

I was grateful that we had a roof over our head. It was cold outside, and while this wasn’t something that I thought about a lot – in that moment I was very grateful to live in a nice house with heat and comfort.

Dan was grateful that we were coming up with new tasty recipes for our new diet (no wheat or sugar).

And then we paused for a moment – still feeling the frustration but really wanting to stay with it and allow it to pass through us.

This was a slow process. We definitely didn’t just rattle off what we were grateful for one after the other. We thought about it and really said things that we felt in that moment. It wasn’t like we were reciting a list of the same things that we’re always grateful for. If we had, we may not have been able to feel this gratitude as deeply and fully. These were things that we noticed as we looked around the house and brought into our consciousness. We were also turning around what was irritating us and seeing how we could be grateful for it.

I said that I was grateful for our office equipment that continues to do such a great job for us.

Dan said that he was grateful that we had a dishwasher to put all of the dishes into.

I said that I was grateful that we worked for ourselves and didn’t have to answer to anyone.

Dan said that he was grateful for our minds and how we are able to create these products to send into the world.

This went on and on for about 15-20 minutes. And we noticed that something was beginning to shift inside of us. The knot was beginning to unravel, and our hearts were beginning to open up again.

And I knew that something had shifted when Biddle yelled, and I saw it as cute rather than grating. And when I went back to packing the orders, I was filled with gratitude that we had them rather than stressed about filling them all.

Now, let me be clear. It wasn’t like we were elated and jumping up and down with pure joy all of a sudden. No. But we had shifted our mood from frustration and dispair to hope and gratitude in a matter of minutes. And that felt pretty amazing.

We are all so powerful – so much more than we even realize at times. And isn’t it wonderful when we can take this power and use it to shift a mood or change our outlook or just move into happiness?

We can do that. And one quick way to start is by playing The Gratitude Game.

I would love to hear how you shift your crappy moods and also your experience with The Gratitude Game!

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