Have you ever thought about your biggest dream?
The one that feels so big that you feel a little silly even imagining it for yourself. The one that a part of you feels is just too much to reach for, too much to ask for, and too much to hope for.
Yes. I’m talking about that dream.
We all have them. We all know exactly how it feels to be kept up at night with this dream. We all know how it feels to have the push / pull inside of our hearts. We want to pursue it, but we are afraid of it. We want to reach it, but we aren’t sure we will be able to.
And yet.
Something in our hearts continues to remind us of this dream. Something continues to urge us to push past our fear and our doubt and make it real – make it come true. Something inside of us knows that this dream is ours. It knows that even though it hasn’t come true yet, it will soon enough. And it knows that somewhere in this magical universe it already has, and we just have to catch up to that truth.
How about that?
Think about that big, fear-inducing, shiver-creating dream of yours right now.
(And make sure that it’s the big dream – the really, really big dream. Not the safety dream, but the stretch. The one that you feel throughout your entire body when you dream of it. That one.)
And now, close your eyes for a moment and imagine that this dream – this big dream – has come true. You are inside of it, living it.
Are you fearful now? Definitely not! You’re too busy enjoying your amazing dream life – embracing your soul’s urging and your heart’s calling! You are too busy loving your life and loving yourself for being brave enough to say yes to your dream and take the necessary steps to make it come true.
We all have big, pie-in-the-sky dreams. All of us. Have you ever noticed how it feels like sometimes the boisterous and louder souls seem to be making their dreams come true more quickly than the quieter, shyer souls? I have a couple of theories about that, which may or may not be true.
Theory 1:
I wonder if it’s because they have expressed OUT LOUD what dreams they intend to reach. They have put a voice to their soul’s urgings and have let the universe (and everyone else) know very clearly how they intend to reach it.
Our voices carry powerful energy, and so it makes sense that a dream could come true more quickly if it had been voiced passionately rather than simply thought about inside our heads.
Theory 2:
Another reason why it may seem that those who express their dreams out loud seem to get the most results could be because they are now being held accountable by everyone they have mentioned it to. Which can be so powerful! Every time I think about creating a new product, I always share it with someone (usually on Facebook). I do that for a couple of reasons – 1. I’m excited about whatever I am excited about, and I want to share it with you. 2. I know that when I put it out into the world it becomes real. I know that you will follow up with me about it if a lot of time has passed and it hasn’t been released. And I love that because it keeps me on track!
We all have these powerful, HUGE dreams inside of us. And I definitely don’t want them to fade away. I don’t want them to seem unreachable. I don’t want them to leave us and move onto another soul who is ready and willing to bring them to life.
So here’s what I would love for each of us to do here:
- Share our biggest dream in the comments below. The absolute biggest one. The one that we feel a bit strange about sharing because it seems too big or too much or too high of a reach or too “Who does he/she think he/she is?” That one. (If you’re reading this via email or a reader, please click here to leave a comment.)
- And then after we share it, let’s read our comment OUT LOUD to ourselves and let our vocal energy and our beautiful intention go into the universe.
- And then let’s feel worthy of this dream and know that it wouldn’t have come into our consciousness if we weren’t deserving of it. (It’s true!)
- And then let’s visualize ourselves inside of this dream. How does it feel? How is our life different? How amazing is it?
- And then let’s begin taking steps to make this dream come true. Let’s start raising our consciousness to be able to believe – truly believe – that this big dream isn’t really that big at all. It’s completely manageable and completely reachable.
Yes. Let’s do this. And let’s support each other and hold all of our dreams in a space of belief and knowing in our hearts. Let’s remember that no dream is too big. The bigger the better, actually! And let’s remember that the bigger we allow ourselves to dream, the bigger we allow our lives to become.
I can’t wait to read about your biggest dream. I can’t wait to see them come true!
I love your theories and they make perfect sense to me. Thank you for the opportunity to verbalise my dream and bring it that much closer to reality.
My humungous dream is to have a thriving, successful coaching business which builds community and a retreat that does the same. One in which I enable people to reconnect with the things that matter most to them in this world so that they, in turn, can go out and inspire others to live lives of happiness, joy and empowerment.
I want it to have an online component, but I also want it to incoporate a retreat, on at least 10-20 acres (hopefully more) with accomodation for at least 25-50 people, that offers topics on a whole range of empowering subjects where people, including corporates, can come to learn, to destress, to relax and get back in touch with what really makes them tick.
I want an organic vegetable garden and orchard to feed them all, I want the whole thing built out of cob or haybale, I want to be able to offer employment to locals who teach yoga, bellydance, drumming, singing, breath and energy work, massage therapists and anyone else who can contribute so that it supports our local economy because I live in a fairly isolated area of the country and unemployment is a problem. I’d like to employ an organic chef and gardeners to take care of the land and develop different areas for rainforests, a labyrinth, a firepit, communal outdoor areas, and the like.
I want it to be big enough so that I can offer traineeships or sponsor people to learn modalities that will increase the range of services I can offer and that will also enable them to become skilled in things that they love. When there aren’t active retreats or classes running, then I’d like it to be a haven for family and friends to visit and relax in and hire it out to others who may wish to come and relax, revive and learn or get in touch with a different way of being.
It’s a dream I’ve had for a long, long time which I actually gave up on a few years ago, but it’s come back with a renewed force and I know that’s because I’m worthy of it and have been visualising it for a long, long time. The difference is that I now feel that I have the confidence to manifest it and that it will be a reality instead of just a dream.
I’m going to read this aloud now as you’ve suggested and although they’re just baby steps at the moment, continue to work on doing what I need to do to manifest it. I’m already thoroughly enjoying the life I’m living as a result and know it can only get better!
Thank you HEAPS for the opportunity to clarify and share. Please, I’d like to know yours too?
Another beautiful, inspiring, thought-provoking post!
My #1 biggest dream is to be married to Jodi!
My #2 biggest dream is to finish my novel (“The God Lottery”), have it published by a major publisher, and read by hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy it on many levels. I’d also like it to win the Pulitzer Prize and be turned into a movie starring Shirley MacLaine. 🙂
Hi Jodi, this is a great post- it is so important to visualize and share our dreams. My BIG dream is to have my very own artist’s retreat in Greece- (as in we live there)- there is a giant art studio for group intuitive painting as well as movement/dance, and villas for my guests to stay. A wonderful kitchen so that I or someone I hire can make gorgeous healthy (raw) organic meals. I would also like to be able to live off the land- so grow much of my food there- ooooooh with lost of fruit trees!
My big dream is to be a bestselling Hay House author who shares the stage with two women that I deeply admire, Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson, at the I Can Do It Conferences. I would love for the inspirational messages in my books to be spread throughout the world and help millions of people get in touch with their soul and remember how wonderful they truly are.
(I have known about this dream for awhile now, but there is something a bit scary about sharing something so big here in such a public way. I think that’s a good thing – this definitely shouldn’t remain a secret!) 🙂
I’m sailing my 50′ Catamaran while exposing like minded people to the awesome power the Ocean’s give us. The Wind, the Water, and the Sun working together, ever moving in harmony. So much power, so much energy. What a way to charge your engine.
My BIG DREAM: I work for the children in UNICEF and create my own foundation, spreading self-love like the best principle to have a peace inside us and outside in the world.
THANKS Jodi and the rest of the wonderful souls for sharing our most precious dreams and in this way bring them to life.
My big dream is to reach millions of people who think they are not good enough with a message of acceptance of self, God’s love, freedom from fear, and the endless possibilities within the ordinary life. I want to speak in person and on TV along side other talented like-souled people. I want the words I write to be inspired words with the nitty gritty power of God, and lift the drooping heads and souls of the defeated masses.
I want to stand in who I am without apology or timidity, knowing that who I am comes from Spirit and spirit never doubts itself or feels shame. I want to rise each morning with a clear stream of love flowing through my being for life and myself, acknowledging my frailties and faults without allowing them to limit or defeat me.
I want to rise above a “limited mentality” and live in abundance in all aspects of my life. I want to shine!
My bigest dream is to become a wonderful artist with my art in the metropoliten museum of art………….
I have been working in an office for too long. I have had this dream of having my own business placing plants in offices and homes, being able to take care of them on a weekly/biweekly basis. If a plant does poorly, I would be able to replace it, either by getting them from a nursery or even possibly from my own greenhouse. AND I would want to be able to make a decent amount of money doing it!!
My dream for 2013 is to optimize my health and achieve a weightloss of 90 pounds. I had a lot of pain last year so this year I intend that the pain stays away.
My dream for 2014 is that it will be the year that I focus on what I want to do with the rest of my life and I shall spend 2013 laying the foundations to achieve that dream.
I also dream that there is someone, or even some people, to help me achieve my dreams. I don’t know who they are yet or even in what ways they can help me but I know that they will be there.
These dreams may run together or one after the other, it doesn’t matter because they are my dreams.
wow! best wishes and good luck in your journey back to health!
My dream is to visit the wonderful city of Paris with my friend Betsy or the love of my life if I have met him by then…..:)
Oh, how fun, Jodi! I have so many BIG dreams. The biggest one that’s popping up is the one where I speak at a place like Moscone Center in SF. In one of the halls, it hosts 10,000+ people. I can see their faces looking back at me, feeling their desire to be their best selves and live their best lives. And, I have the honor of inspiring them to believe that they CAN! It’s really great energy, and I love it!
So, there, I’ve announced one of my BIG dreams to the world via your blog. 🙂
Lots of Love,
I have many dreams however I’ve chosen to focus on one dream this year. My dream is to open a hair salon that caters to African men and women in west africa, focusing on natural hair, which will then spin off into other soul-restoring & rejuvenating services. I would like to use this salon to provide a quiet haven in the city for people to reconnect with themselves mentally and spiritually and authentically.
FABULOUS IDEA!!! My BIG dream for 2013 is to move into my dream home here in my beloved Sausalito. I found the home on Christmas Day and knew in my heart one day it would be mine. I have so much unwavering faith that this particular house is THE ONE that I have already ordered address labels with my name and the street address. I have a photo of it on my desktop with me and my family standing in front of it, and I’m soooo excited to spend that first night gazing at the Bay from my new bedroom. So be it, so it is.
My big dream is to through-hike the Appalachian Trail!
My biggest dream at the moment is to be fully financially independent without having a normal job just doing what I love and enjoy. It’s been something i’ve put off for so long. Doubts, fears, insecurities can come up and stop you when your working on your dreams and it’s definately important to find ways to let them go and keep going.
Thankyou for the article.
My BIGGEST DREAM is to be reunited with my soul mate, my true love, my best friend Laura Harrington. I believe deep within my heart that we are so much very connected, our love for one another is so intense, runs so deep that nothing and no one can keep us apart. I believe that this time apart is part of the Universe’s/God’s plan for our greater good. To help both Laura and I deal with our shortfalls and clear our minds of any past demons that hindered us during our relationship. So when we are reunited, we wont be bound by our fears and we will jump in with both feet enjoying each other and all of what life has to offer.
*Fun*! My dreams evolve as I evolve…they tend to get bigger each year *grin*, so my biggest dream is to sail around the world with Facets as the platform for my message. Yes, please!
My biggest dream is to marry, move in with, and create a family and home together with my shining, beautiful, perfect soulmate, who is my fiancé at the moment – and that life together with him is abundant creating, healing, loving and growing, and will shape a lifelong amazing creative entrepreneurship! And as in biggest dream, I dream he’ll arrive by my side in February 2013, and live together with me happily and perfectly and lovingly!
My biggest dream is to publish a book of educational poetry for learners and teachers called “Learn Now”. 🙂
Thank you so much to each of you who shared your beautiful dreams! I am so moved by all of them, and I can feel them all coming true! Remember to continue saying them out loud. And keep them in your hearts. And then continue taking steps to lead you closer to them. 🙂