I absolutely love the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! I get to highlight and introduce you to beautiful people and their wonderful offerings!
I love connecting people and sharing products that I love, and so I’m just thrilled to be able to do that each week with you here.
If you would like your product/website/service promoted here, please click here to read the details and then email me to apply. (I take what I share very seriously and will only share products and services that I am in alignment with.) The spaces are going quickly because the introductory prices are going way up on the 31st, so please keep that in mind when you’re signing up!
***We’re scheduling into April. Please be sure to reserve your space before Jan. 31st while the prices are still low! (You can pay for your space now and use it any time in the future!)***
A huge thank you to everyone who has already done so. You’re all absolutely wonderful, and I am so grateful for each of you.
And now, let’s get to this week’s beautiful soul and her inspiring offerings!
This week, I am featuring Alicia Isaacs Howes from Your Soul Story!
Alicia and I met a few months ago when our mutual friend, Jennifer Longmore, introduced us. We had a great conversation, and it felt like we’d known each other forever! She has such a sweet spirit, and I’m so happy to introduce her to the Soul Speak community! Alicia helps others connect consciously to their soul purpose and live with more happiness, well-being and joy! She is soulful, intuitive, and wise, and I know you’ll love her!
She is offering a wonderful freebie for you and also a special discount on one of her programs, which we’ll share at the end of our interview. But first, I’m so excited for you to get to know her better!
So let’s get started!
Welcome to Soul Speak, Alicia!
I have met many intuitives who have shared that they always felt and sensed things, but they sort of stuffed it down because they didn’t want to be seen as “different.” I know that this was your story as well, and I would love for you to share what it was like growing up feeling this gifts and yet not feeling that it was okay to honor them.
I believe we all have specific gifts to share but most of us aren’t aware that they are gifts because they come so easily to us and it’s just how we do things. I certainly didn’t realize that the way I saw, felt, or knew things was a gift. In fact, rather than seeing them as a blessing, I saw them as a curse. For most of my life I had a deep belief that there was something wrong with me or that no matter what I did or how hard I tried, I wasn’t quite good enough. So as a child I remembered the times when I knew or felt something was going to happen that I labelled bad or scary, such as a car accident or death of a loved one, rather than the times that it helped me. I was even an audience member on an Oprah show about intuition back in 1996. Laura Day (author of Practical Intuition) took us through an exercise that revealed my gifts in a way that was obvious to everyone else and used in the broadcast. But I still didn’t get it!
I was so uncomfortable with my intuition that I felt that I was making the so-called “bad” things happen because I had visualized or thought about them. I bet that resonates with a few people reading this. It’s really common to associate our intuition with something to be feared.
As a way to make up for my faults, I did everything I could to ignore my intuition and be the “good girl.” I never had a teenage rebellion and was usually the one taking care of others. I did well at school, was the first in my family to go to University and ended up earning 6-figures in a global consulting company. Money and career success were a way for me to fit in and belong.
I was working with people I adored – I even married one of them ;-). I travelled the world, earned great money and was promoted to manage others across the country. And yet I would often be overwhelmed with sadness and despair. I remember coming home as a very happy newlywed to our beautiful home and sobbing. I wasn’t doing what I came here to do and had no idea what that was, other than knowing I wanted to help people.
My story isn’t unique. I’m sure you or others you work with have hit against that wall. It’s what often happens when we come against the limits of a comfort zone that is no longer comfortable. Hiding my gifts definitely helped me figure out what wasn’t working for me any longer. And if I can change my story, then I know anyone can!
I completely agree with you – you and I have both hit our proverbial wall, learned to embrace our gifts, and changed our stories. And I completely believe that it’s possible for each of us to do this.
I also believe that we are each given our own unique gifts to share with the world in our own unique way. Why do you think this amazing gift of intuition was given to you?
I agree with you and also believe we all have intuition but most of us are not encouraged to practice or use it.
I’m here to use intuition to laser in on what is holding someone back from aligning with their purpose or blocking the flow of energy and happiness in their health, money, or relationships of any kind – including the one with their own self. I especially love to help those who are here as teachers or healers. It’s wonderful to help anyone who’s struggling in any way and choosing to change that. I especially love the ripple effect that comes from witnessing someone who’s here to help others step into their next level of expansion. From there they extend their reach to support more beautiful souls. I imagine it’s something you love about your “work” too.
Definitely! I get chills when I see this transformations occur! 🙂
I’ve found that, while it doesn’t have to be this way, it so often takes a tragedy (such as a death or an illness) to wake us up and help us step into our gifts fully and bravely. This definitely was the case with me, and it feels that it was with you, too. Can you share more about your own illness and how it helped wake you up?
I moved to Chicago in 1995 after living in Singapore, travelling across Asia Pacific and starting a world-class team. I had a “dream” job! However, I was working an average of 75 hours a week and so hard for the money, promotion, and responsibilities that I subconsciously felt I didn’t deserve because of that “unworthiness gene.”
It was exhausting, and finally my body stepped in by getting sick. I was in a lot of pain and on steroids for six months to deal with an autoimmune condition. It really was a blessing – although very much in disguise – because my body knew that how I was living was not healthy, happy, or viable in the long term.
I still didn’t get the message though and went back to working really hard and got sick again a year later. This time I was told I had a disease which, while not life-threatening, was incurable and would progressively get worse. That was the kick in the derriere I needed!
In 1998 my hairdresser referred me to her energy healer. My first session opened up a whole new world to me – one that was exciting and new but so familiar and felt like home at the same time!
I couldn’t get enough of exploring energy and healing through courses, books, and workshops, and found ways to balance the stress I felt when I was in my day job. In 2000 I had my first Akashic Reading, what I refer to as a Soul Story. It was one hour that changed my life. I healed the pain of a miscarriage and received the complete knowing that I was to offer this level of transformation to others. I left the corporate world that same year and immersed myself in motherhood and deepening my healing abilities.
That’s so powerful that you were able to experience this transformation, say yes to this new way of living, and embrace your calling to help others. How has your life changed since you said yes to your gifts? How have you changed because of this shift?
Once I finally embraced that I was intuitive and able to see the blocks in others that led to illness, scarcity, or pain, I connected with my purpose. And when you’re aligned with your purpose and your soul, inner joy and fulfillment is a natural consequence!
Now I didn’t get out of my way straight away. It took me 11 years to finally figure out that I was the one in the way of fully expressing that purpose. But once I did, everything changed. I’m still learning, which is what I love about life. I’m no longer working until I feel sick or sacrificing in order to make things right or prove my worth. The biggest change is that I now have a beautiful business rather than an expensive hobby. My “work” is my joy, and I connect with clients I adore who can get out of their own way far more quickly than I did!
We both know just how scary saying yes to our calling and our dreams can be. Do you have any tips or advice for those reading this who are feeling the urge to leap into their dreams and just aren’t sure how to do it?
If you’re reading this and know there’s something you’d love to do or become or that there’s something more for you, remember that you have a choice to stay where you are or not. Usually, the pain of staying where you are will increase to the point where it’s harder to stay than to move ahead. That was certainly the case for me!
Your dreams illuminate your pathway to joy. So when you turn away from, ignore, or repress your dreams, you’re actually saying no to whatever would help you live a beautiful, brilliant life. You’re saying no to you.
Here are some questions that I wish I’d had when I was in the depths of that struggle and couldn’t see a way out. Bring your attention to your heart to answer these honestly and without judgment, allowing your answers to come to your awareness.
- What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
- What is it costing you to resist your dreams in terms of energy, love, relationships, passion, etc.?
- What are you giving up by not listening to your calling or taking action to explore what that is?
- What else would be possible if you followed your dream?
- How would you feel if a year from now nothing had changed?
- Is the pain of staying where you are greater than the short-term discomfort of changing?
Wow! These are such powerful questions! I’m going to keep them handy to use whenever I’m feeling stuck – thank you! 🙂
Often we hold back from our dreams and desires for fear of changing so much that we won’t fit in with our loved ones/tribe. And if we don’t fit in, we wonder if we will still be loved And yet, holding back limits our ability to express our brilliance, potential, and gifts. It certainly doesn’t help others around us! By moving forward, we may be exactly what others were looking for as a reminder of what is possible.
What are some specific techniques that you use to tap into your intuition?
Nowadays I can set my intention to tune into my inner guidance, love, and truth, and that’s enough. I also love to set an intention or ask a question and then go on a walk to quiet my mind. During the walk or shortly afterwards I always receive what I need in terms of ideas, solutions, or guidance.
Of all the modalities, techniques, and tools I’ve studied since 1998, the Akashic Records is by far the most powerful one. Connecting into the love and truth of who we are clears illusions, inspires solutions, and offers ways to create in very conscious way. I love it because everyone has an Akashic Record and we can all access it. Most people already have, although they might not have known that’s what they were doing.
I absolutely believe that we have the power to create our own story – no matter what has happened in our past. And so I was especially excited to go through your free Soul Story ReVision Kit! Could you please share a bit more about this – both what it is and how it can help each of us?
I know that sometimes people reach out for help when they’ve hit their wall or the end of their tether. They want help right there and then whether it’s in their health, money, or relationship story. I created this two-part kit so anyone who’s experiencing pain, feeling stuck, or are in discomfort can download it and get started immediately.
The first part of the kit consists of questions to help clarify what’s triggering the discomfort or pain and clarify what you would love to experience instead. The second part is where I offer a guided meditation, energy clearing, and activation to release the pain point and align with whatever would feel so much better.
Free Gift!
Alicia is giving you her Soul Story Revision Kit for FREE! (It’s a $197 value!)
(Thank you, Alicia!)
I see you have the Joy of Money digital course on your website. As money is something I hear as a common reason why people can’t follow their dreams or put them on hold, I’m curious about this. Would you mind sharing more?
Through thousands of private sessions, money is the most common reason I hear for why someone can’t pursue a dream, leave an unhappy job/relationship, or support themselves in whatever way would make them feel alive, aligned, and passionate about life.
I created the Joy of Money digital class to help others move through the illusion that anything outside of them can limit how well they live or love. It’s based on the same Soul Journeys® methodology that I used to change mindsets and release blocks to aligning with my purpose, passion and abundance in all that life has to offer, not only with money.
There are people with lots of money in the bank who aren’t happy. And there are those with very little who are. So it’s never really about the money at all but about all the ways we relate to ourselves, our idea of Source, and what we feel we’re worth, deserve, or can be trusted with.
This course can help you heal your money story, just as it did mine. But how you do anything is how you do everything, right? So as you heal your money story, you’ll also heal any other relationships where you’re not asking for what you want, not receiving what you deserve, nor daring to step into your power and express your potential.
Special Discount!
As a special offer to the Soul Speak community, Alicia has taken more than $150 off her Joy of Money course!
Click here to learn all about the course and receive the discount!
What’s next on the horizon for you?
It’s hard to keep up with all the ideas that come in, and my calendar is always being updated – I love that! It will always include teaching, and I can’t wait to begin the Soul Journeys® Heal Your Money Story Coaching Certification starting this month! I love to teach others how to open their own Akashic Records as well as how to become consultants for others and have classes throughout the year. I still offer private sessions but am called more to group programs that include private time, such as the Birth Your Dream Mastermind this spring. I’m also putting together plans to explore new places with my family and a trip home to England this summer.
What does your soul want you to know?
That this is just the beginning and that every day, every moment, and every single breath is a new beginning that overflows with endless possibilities and potential. All that has brought me to this point is a blessing and helps me to embrace the “how can I?” rather than “I can’t” so that nothing is impossible.
So beautifully said.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
If you’re reading this and got to this point, then there’s a reason. Your higher self and guides want to remind you that you are so much more than you’ve imagined!
It’s time to tap into your infinite essence and wisdom and allow your dreams – the whispers from your own soul – to guide you. To begin the very best of your life there are three simple steps:
- Choose what you’d love to experience.
- Ask how you can create that in the most joyful, graceful way with results that are even greater than you could hope for, dream of, or even imagine.
- Open up your heart, mind, and arms to receive the energy and opportunities that will illuminate your path of greatest joy.
Keep an eye out for the miracles and wonders for your dreams await!
I love it, Alicia! Thanks so much for sharing your light here on Soul Speak!
Please spread the love and share this post on Facebook and Twitter!
Big hug,