Saturday Selection – Crush It: Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion

As many of you know, I am in a real-world marketing school. It’s not something that I ever would’ve imagined I would be doing. And honestly, I’m still wrestling with the concept of promoting myself, my work, and my message. So many of us who are in the healing/inspiring/nurturing field feel this way. We feel that if we are promoting our message we somehow become sleazy salespeople (images of slicked back hair and bad 70s suits come to my mind for some reason).
And what I am learning is that helping people is a good thing.
Having a message is a good thing.
Wanting to help more people with your message is a really good thing.

Without marketing and publicity, you won’t be able to reach many people at all.

I know this firsthand.
Dan and I have achieved some success with our business over the years.
And yet, we never really achieved the high level of success that we both were shooting for.
You know why?
Because we rarely marketed it.
It’s true.
We always felt strange making calls or emailing our accounts. 
We didn’t want to bother them.
We told ourselves that they would call when they were ready to order.
But you know what happens?
We forgot that we weren’t at the forefront of their minds – these were busy store owners who had so much on their plate already. How could they be expected to remember when our journals sold out?
And then it hit me.
We were actually doing them a favor (and ourselves a favor at the same time) by staying on the radar. By checking in more often. By believing in ourselves and our product so deeply that we honestly felt that we were helping their customers by offering it to them.
It just took a shift in our mindset.
I would imagine that a lot of you are also in this same mindset.
If you truly are passionate about what you do – there is absolutely nothing wrong with making money from it and promoting it.
To help give you some tools to get your marketing campaign off the ground, you may want to start with this book:

He gives some great tips, especially for using social media with your online business.
In addition to having the passion, he also talks about building your brand, your platform, and your community online.
Even if you don’t read this book, please remember that what you have to say matters. That what you are passionate about matters. And it’s definitely okay to promote it and get it out into the world.
Just go for it! Get out there and live your passion.
Many of us are on a mission to inspire others and help others.
And if you don’t promote yourself and let people know about you – you’ll limit the number of people you can help.
P.S. – In honor of cashing in on my passion and being excited about marketing and promotion, I have a sale to tell you about! πŸ™‚
We’re having our biggest sale ever in our Etsy shop: thisisit!
It is today and tomorrow only (Saturday and Sunday).
You get to take an additional 50% off EVERYTHING! This even includes our sale section, which is already 1/2 off!
coupon code: biggestsale
Notepads for $2. Journals starting at $3. Earrings starting at $2.50. + all of our regularly priced items (such as our Soulful Journals, guestbooks, and personalized goodies) are all 50% off!
Have fun shopping! And please pass this sale along to your friends! πŸ™‚

All About Today

Sometimes it’s fun to reminisce about the past – to romanticize how things used to be, to remember a time when things didn’t seem so complicated.

And sometimes it’s fun to visualize the future – dreaming about how wonderful your life is going to be, hoping that everything will turn out exactly how you planned.

And sometimes it’s fun to look at your life right now in this exact moment and recognize all of the wonderful parts of it – how everything is working out just as it is meant to – how you are just where you need to be.

So on that note, let’s think about what we love about our lives right now.

This is a great exercise to do on a day when you are feeling positive and happy! You’ll be able to list many things very quickly.
It’s also a great exercise to do when you are feeling a bit down – it’s an instant mood booster.

We can always find tons of things that are absolutely perfect about our lives.

And even if the big topics (love, home, job, kids, self care, etc.) aren’t seeming so great at the moment – there are always little things that add up quickly (like a beautiful, sunny day, or your favorite song coming on just when you needed to hear it, or eating the most delicious dinner, or chatting with a friend who really loves you, or having all of the lights turn green on your way home from work, or not having your cats fight for one day, or receiving a surprise check in the mail, etc…)

So let’s all think about what IS working in our lives TODAY.

And let’s reminisce about the past and dream about the future another day.

Today is all about today.
And what a great day it is!

Grateful for Assignments

Oops – I was so excited to talk about our sacred gifts yesterday that I completely forget it was Wednesday.
So this week’s Gratitude Project post is on Thursday. πŸ™‚

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I have always loved school. I was the one who would asked for extra assignments. It was truly the best day of my life when my 3rd grade teacher gave me an entire packet of worksheets to complete over summer vacation. In elementary school, the smell of warm, mimeographed homework sheets always brought a smile to my face.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been in school, and I have missed these assignments.

I recently enrolled in a program that feels a lot like school. We have assignments, worksheets, reading, and learning. The only difference between this and school is that I won’t be given a grade at the end. This is real life, and how well I do will determine how my professional life looks in the future.

So I am getting back into the habit of studying – getting back into the discipline of finishing my assignments – and being held accountable for doing what is expected of me.

In addition to this program, I have also been studying a lot on my own – we are all students of life, and the learning never stops. I have been introduced to so many wonderful teachers who have inspired me to live my best life.

One of these teachers is Jack Canfield. I was on a group call yesterday with him – each month he answers his students’ questions about a certain topic, and it’s always so inspiring to hear his wisdom. He always gives homework for the month, and I loved yesterday’s so much that I would like to share it with each of you.

For the next month, do something each day to stretch yourself.
Do something each day that will push you out of your comfort zone.
Do something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable – not extremely uncomfortable. Just a bit. Just enough to notice what it feels like to push your limits. 

Keep a list of what you do, so at the end of the month you can look back and see how much progress you have made.

This is a big assignment for me, and I am looking forward to seeing how I can push through my fear and comfort and stretch myself.

I hope you’ll share with me how you decide to get out of your comfort zones, too.

So today I am grateful for assignments. I am grateful for inspiring teachers. And I am grateful for my ability to learn, stretch, and grow.

Your Sacred Gifts

We all have so much to offer. We are all born with sacred gifts and special qualities that are meant to be shared with the world. When we are young, these gifts flow easily and pour out of us. We sing, we dance, we play – we share our talents with anyone and everyone who will listen. And even if they won’t – we don’t let that stop us. We are simply living our purpose and sharing our gifts. 
And then somewhere along the way, we learn to be self conscious about our gifts. We learn that maybe not everyone wants to see, hear, or receive our gifts. We learn that maybe our gifts aren’t the best gifts – maybe someone else has better gifts to offer. We learn that maybe our gifts aren’t practical gifts – maybe they should be replaced with gifts that are better suited for making it in this world – for succeeding in this world. 
And so we bury our gifts deep inside ourselves. And we go about our lives in a conforming way. We do what we think is “right” and what we think is “acceptable.” All the while continuing to push our deepest desires further and further down.
And then we become adults with all of the responsibilities that go along with growing up: a real job, a house, bills, kids, etc. And we do all of these things and feel that we are doing a good job – but there is still that calling from deep inside: our sacred gifts want to come out. And maybe they have made little appearances here and there over the years – we paint on the side, we write a little bit every weekend, we sing in the shower, we help our friends with their relationship troubles… but we know deep down that our gifts want to come out so much more. They want to be a priority in our life. They want to be what we devote most of our time to – not an afterthought when we are too tired to act on it anyway.

I was on a phone call yesterday through the Realize Your Vision event sponsored by Inspired Mentors. Monique MacDonald spoke about our sacred gifts and really got me thinking about how important it is for each of us to identify them in our own life.

She said that they are always outwardly focused – what you can give to the world – rather than inwardly focused – what you can give to yourself. And for this reason, she emphasized that if you feel that you don’t have your own life together – you can still share your sacred gifts with others.

She also said that you can be really good at something, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a sacred gift. The way to tell is to notice whether it feeds you or depletes you. You may be a wonderful bookkeeper in your business. You are efficient and have learned the software and are now an expert at accounting. But every time you think about doing your books, you immediately feel drained. This is not a sacred gift. A sacred gift will always energize you.

She has an entire audio program on this subject, where she talks about each sacred gift and helps you determine if you have it or not.

Think back to when you were young – what gifts did you like to share with others?
Do you still share those same gifts now?
If not, why?
Was it because of something that happened that led you away from it or was it because you changed and no longer see this as something you want to give?

When I was young I used to sing. A lot. I was very shy, but once I got to know someone, instead of talking and blabbering, I would make up songs that kept going and going. I would sing about how happy I was that we all loved each other. I would sing about what a lovely color the sky was. I would look around the room and sing about every object that I noticed. I can imagine now how this would’ve been cute at first and then could get annoying after awhile. Thankfully, my family members and friends humored me and listened. And I loved it.

I continued to be confident in my singing through elementary school and entered a singing contest in sixth grade. And while I received a blue ribbon, the only thing I noticed was a mark on the page that said I needed to project my voice more. I was devastated. But I pulled myself up and tried out for a mixed choir the next year. Again, the teacher said the same thing.

So I stopped singing in public.
My sacred gift was muted. It was something that I loved sharing, and this joy inside of me was turned off.

I am just now learning to sing again in front of others. It’s been a slow process, but it’s one that I am determined to work through.

I’m sure we all can think of ways our own sacred gifts have been muted in some way.
Maybe you were a painter who was told that you would never make a living doing something so frivolous.
Maybe you were a writer who was told to be a reporter instead of a fiction writer because it was a more secure way to make a living.

If we take a look at our sacred gifts and remember what they are, then we can start bringing them back.

And if you have had your sacred gifts with you all along, pat yourself on the back! It takes a lot of courage and inner wisdom to hold tight to your gifts, even when you are told to focus on something else.

Our sacred gifts are meant to be shared. It’s our birthright to share them with the world. πŸ™‚

Sponteneous Dates

I was going to write all about a wonderful call that I was on this morning where the presenter reminded us to pay attention to our sacred gifts. And I promise that I will elaborate on that in tomorrow’s post.

Today’s post, however, is going to be a short one.

I was just asked on a spontaneous date by the most wonderful man in the world: my beautiful husband. And while there are always posts to write, orders to fill, emails to respond to, books to write, chores that must be done, dinner to cook, etc…there is only the present moment for appreciating our time together and living in the now together.

So I will go get ready for this mystery date. I’ll put something cute on, freshen up, and be ready for him to whisk me away toward a date where we can connect as friends and husband and wife instead of coworkers and co-parents (to our fuzzy babies).

If you are in a relationship – I will tell you that spontaneous dates truly are miracle workers. Life can pile up on top of you so quickly, and before you know it you find yourself swimming in to dos and must dos instead of get to dos with the person you want to do them with. Spontaneous dates help you remember what’s important – spending quality time with those you love.

If you aren’t in a relationship – take yourself on a spontaneous date! This truly works wonders, too! You are a pretty cool person to hang out with, so why wouldn’t you treat yourself to some “you” time? πŸ™‚

Have fun on your dates!

The Wisdom of Dreams

I love when I can remember my dreams when I wake up. It doesn’t happen every day, and so when the dream is still with me as I go about my day, I pay attention to it. I know that means there is a message that I need to listen to.
Last night I dreamt that I was on a plane. I was in the very back row. I didn’t have a seat, so I was sitting on the floor. My things were everywhere – food, books, and clothes were scattered across the entire back of the plane. I looked out the window and saw that we were landing. No one had announced this, but all of the passengers in front of me were in their seats with their seat belts fastened. I didn’t have seat or a seat belt. So I grabbed the seat in front of me and braced myself. I slid around the floor a bit when the plane touched the ground, but I was okay. Because I wasn’t prepared to land, I didn’t have time to pack up and get ready to leave the plane. The flight attendant came back and said that I needed to exit the plane quickly because they were getting ready to take off again. I asked if she could help me pack – it seemed like an endless pile. I had five suitcases filled with stuff – none of which I truly needed, but for some reason I brought it on the flight. I even had veggies and leftovers stored in their refrigerator. And who knows why I brought our huge ceramic fruit bowl with me…She stayed with me and helped me get organized.

The dream ended there. And what I came up with after talking it over with Dan is that the plane represented this journey that I am on right now. We are participating in a program that is fast-paced and requires me to be focused. So I think my subconscious is letting me know that I need to take some time to do just this – tie up loose ends, get organized, ask for help, and let go of my unwanted baggage.

So that’s just what I’m going to focus on today.
My life kicks into a faster gear this week, and I definitely don’t want to be left behind and unprepared.

Isn’t it amazing that all of this insight came from a dream?
They truly are messages from our souls, and when we slow down and take notice of them we get a glimpse of our higher self and can put into action the advice it gives.

Have you had any dreams recently that stayed with you throughout your day?

Do you have recurring dreams?
Spend some time today thinking about what message your higher self is trying to tell you.
It’s amazing how we always have the answers if we take the time to go within and listen.

P.S. – You may have noticed that this blog has a new name: Soul Speak! It also has a new url: (You can still get to it via the old url, too.)

P.P.S. – I added a fun widget to each post, which makes it super easy for you to Tweet it, like it on FB, or Stumble It! That way if you read a post that you like, you can pass it along to your friends. I really appreciate you helping to spread the word! Thank you! πŸ™‚

Saturday Selection – Louise Hay’s Health and Wellbeing

I believe that our thoughts create our reality.

This means that our thoughts have the power to create all of the wonderful things that happen to us each day. When we are happy and filled with abundance, we can pat ourselves on the back for creating that and attracting that into our life.

And when we are not so happy and sad or maybe even sick, we can recognize that we also created this and figure out how to shift our emotion and energy into a more positive place.

When I started feeling sick last week, I began to think about what might be off balance in my life, what patterns I could look at that may have caused this, and what I could do to shift into a more positive way of living and feel better.
I started listening to a recording of someone who truly inspires me – someone I knew would be able to offer some guidance into what was really going on inside of me: Louise Hay.

If you aren’t familiar with her work, please read my previous post about her here.

I found a 4-part recording on You Tube of Louise helping us through illness and get to a place of health and well being.

If you ever aren’t feeling well – emotionally or physically – I really recommend that you listen to this. She says that you really don’t even need to pay attention when it’s on – your subconscious is getting exactly what it needs to hear regardless.

I have listened to it over and over and will continue to do so.
Our mind is so powerful, and learning to channel it toward positive thoughts is crucial to well being. Learning to let go of outdated beliefs and patterns that we created years ago is crucial. And learning to love ourselves and know that we are worthy of perfect health is absolutely essential.

The recordings are below. I hope you enjoy them!

I also recommend Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.
In it, she says that “if we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
She also says that limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life!

Let Your Voice Be Heard

How often have you compared yourself to someone that you admired and thought that you would never be able to accomplish what they have?
How often have you stopped taking action before you even started because you convinced yourself that you couldn’t possibly get your message out as effectively as they have?
How often have you shied away from sharing your message because you assumed that they have already said pretty much what you were planning on saying anyway – so what was the point?

You are you.
There is only one you.
And your voice needs to be heard.
It deserves to be heard.

Your style of getting your message out there is unique to only you. Your approach is yours and yours alone. Your heart only belongs to you, and therefore, you are the only one who can voice what is in it. You are the only one who can express your inner wisdom.

And your message is so important.

It’s worth pressing through your perceived limitations to step into the spotlight.
It’s worth pushing aside your own insecurities about not being sure if you are good enough to have a voice.
It’s worth rising above the barriers that you have put in place in order to protect yourself.
It’s worth all of this because what you have to say matters.

So the next time you start comparing yourself to someone else – the next time you start to feel inferior or intimidated by all that they have accomplished – the next time you decide to pause and not take action because you aren’t sure if what you have to say truly matters… STOP.

You are the only one who can shout your message from the mountains. 

You are the only one who can inspire others with the message inside your heart.
And your voice is important and absolutely necessary in our world.
Let us all hear it!
P.S. – Thank you to everyone who has been praying for New Mexico. The fires are absolutely devastating there, and the one near my mom’s house is now over 100,000 acres and only 4% contained. Please continue to send your love their way…

Messengers of Love

We’re all messengers. 
We all have so much hope and joy to put into the world. 
We all have big and small miracles to give.
We all have kindness and love to spread.
And while at the core I truly feel that each of our messages is the same, we each have our own way of relaying this message. We each have our own way of packaging it. We are unique in how we spread our message.

And some will relate to one package over another. Some will prefer to hear your message and others will choose to hear it from someone else. And this is okay.

The messages are all the same.
At their core they are all about love.
Love truly is what makes the world go ’round.
And we are all born with such a deep ability to both give and receive love.
We each have love in our soul, and we are all messengers of love.

And when we see this not only in ourselves but in others,
we realize that nothing can exist except for love.
Just love.

Grateful for Shared Joy

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I received a phone call yesterday from my dearest friend. She had just won a prestigious award and wanted to call to celebrate together. After hearing this wonderful news, my heart felt full and filled with joy. I was so happy that she was getting the recognition she deserved. I was so happy that she was being rewarded for her talents. I was so happy to hear the smile in her heart.

So today I am especially grateful when I get to share in my friends’ joys and accomplishments. It is such a wonderful feeling to celebrate with them and support them and be there to cheer them on.

I am blessed with some really great friends who are all sharing their gifts with the world. And when they receive this kind of recognition for their talents, it’s such an amazing feeling.

Our friends and loved ones are always there to cheer us on, and it’s such a wonderful gift when they allow us to cheer them on as well.

And it’s this shared joy that I am especially grateful for.

P.S. – Susan Steinbrecher’s amazing book, Kensho: A Modern Awakening, is now available! 

If you order it TODAY, you can also download a free copy of our Manifestation Set, which includes 3 of our books: Gratitude, As If, and Commitment + you will receive so many other wonderful bonus gifts, too! But it has to be today! Click on the link for details! πŸ™‚