A Collective Prayer for New Mexico

As I write this, a dangerous fire is raging through a place that is very dear to me.
The Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico has burned close to 61,000 acres in just two days. Many people have lost their homes – many more have been forced to evacuate.
My mom lives just a few miles from the fire and has been told to be ready to evacuate if the winds change.
It’s absolutely heartbreaking, and the damage is truly beyond my comprehension.

This used to be my home.
This is where my mom still lives.
This is where I met my husband.
This is where we got married.

This place gave me so many wonderful memories and experiences.
And now it needs my help.
It needs our help.

Please help me in praying that this fire is put out quickly.
Let’s pray that everyone stays safe – humans and animals included.
Let’s pray that no more homes are lost.
Let’s pray for lots and lots of rain.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
P.S. – The photos were taken by NM residents Debbie and D. Vigil.

Under the Weather

It’s true – I’m feeling pretty yucky today, so this post will be extra short. 
When I started this blog in February, I committed to writing one post a day.
I wanted to prove to myself that I could keep my word and follow through. 
And I am so happy that I have done that. 
So even though this post isn’t long or particularly inspiring, it’s still a post. 
And I think that’s a great lesson for all of us – when we commit to keeping our word nothing beyond that matters. It’s the act of doing it – not the outcome.
And for that I am grateful, especially on a day when all I need is to just crawl back into bed. 
Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow, and the posts can resume as usual.
Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Birthday Bliss

Happy birthday to my sweet, kind, wonderful, loving and wise husband!
Today he turns 40.
I am so excited to have shared the last decade with him, and I am even more excited to see what this decade brings. He is more himself than he has ever been. His essence is strong and solid and grounded and filled with wisdom. I feel so blessed that I get to stand beside him as he continues to grow and continues on this journey. I am so blessed that we get to share each day together helping each other along the way. 
I love this man more now than I ever have.
Happy birthday, Dan. 
You are truly the love of my life.

You Gotta Have Faith

It’s easy to have faith in life, the universe, and yourself when things are going great. 
The challenge is to still believe that everything is going to work out even when things seem tough and out of sync.
When you hit a rough patch in your life, take some time to write about why you might be going through this phase. 

What can you learn from it? 

What role have you played in creating your current life? 

How can you learn to surrender, trust, and believe that it will all work out?
Trusting, surrendering, believing, and having faith in life. If we can learn to do this, our lives will flow beyond what we thought was possible.
So if you are currently in a rough spot in your life, take a moment and breathe, believe, ask, and receive. 
I promise it will get better.