Share the Love

It feels so good to know that we are appreciated. 
It is a wonderful feeling to learn that our actions have inspired someone.
And while we all are constantly inspired by others and admire the amazing work that our mentors are doing, how often do we stop and let them know how much they mean to us?
How often do we thank them for making our world so much brighter with their actions, words, art, and love? 
How often do we tell them how much their inspiration has impacted our own lives in such a positive way?
There is nothing better than receiving an email from someone who bought one of our journals and whose life has changed because of it. To learn that they are now putting themselves first and taking time to go within fills us with such happiness. It feels so great when we read your comments on this blog about how certain posts are helping you see life in a more positive way.
Imagine how much positivity and love you could put into the world… 
just by saying thank you.
just by sharing the love with those you admire and look up to.
just by appreciating and acknowledging someone who has inspired you to be your best self.

Choose one person today that you admire and have been inspired by.
And then tell them how much they mean to you.
Send them an email, post on their blog, tweet about them, tell everyone on Facebook about them. 
Your words have meaning and life in them, and they will have such a lasting, positive impact on the recipient. 
Take some time today to share the love.
It always feels great to share love and also to receive it. 
It’s so worth it. 

Take the Compliment, Darn It!

Have you ever received a compliment and gotten flustered 
because you weren’t sure how to respond? 
Your mind starts whirling with questions: 
Did you deserve such a nice compliment? 
Would you seem too full of yourself if you agreed? 
Should you simply look away and say a quick thank you and then change the subject?
Now imagine how you feel when you give someone a compliment. They did something very well, and you want to let them know that you recognized it. So you tell them, and they immediately deflect it or dismiss it or ignore it. How does this make you feel? I bet it hits you right in your gut and makes you sad. It probably feels like you gave them a gift that they immediately sent back. And you’ll think twice before you compliment them again. 
And this is how your loved ones feel when they compliment you. 
The next time someone compliments you, remember that it’s okay to own it. 
It’s okay to think that you deserve this praise. 
It’s okay to feel great about yourself.
It’s okay to feel great about your accomplishments and wonderful traits. 
It’s actually better than okay.
It’s important and great and wonderful and completely necessary. 
This is a hard lesson and might not come easily to some of us – me included. 
After receiving some recent press for our business, we’ve had the completely foreign experience of being recognized several times in our daily lives. It’s something that I hadn’t prepared for and takes some getting used to. Seeing yourself through the eyes of others is a great lesson – being told that we have inspired them is wonderful to hear, especially if we can learn to own it instead of deflect it. This is what it’s all about for us. We love helping people, and we are thrilled that our books are doing just that.
So I’ll continue to work on being able to fully receive the love that you all are giving us.
And the next time someone asks me to sign their book, I promise I won’t get all flustered. I will simply thank them and sign it.
And hopefully you can do the same in your own life. The next time someone gives you a compliment, simply accept it, smile, and say “thank you.”