Saturday Selection – Many Lives, Many Masters

I am a spiritual skeptic.
What that means is that I am open to the many wonderful possibilities that our universe has to offer, and I recognize that there are many sixth sensory experiences and phenomena that I am not yet able to understand. It also means that while I am open, I still view new experiences through a lens of healthy skepticism. I am not someone who just believes for the sake of believing. I believe after I have either experienced it firsthand or been shown enough proof that it’s harder to not believe than it is to believe. 
I think because I naturally live my life in this way, I was especially drawn to Dr. Brian Weiss’s book: Many Lives, Many Masters. He is a well-respected psychiatrist who recommends that skepticism is a necessary part of life, and he still uses the scientific method in his own work today. 
In his book (which I just finished and absolutely loved), he recounts his experience with one particular patient of his in the 1980s: Catherine. She came to him for various phobias and anxieties, and while he was trying all of the tools that medical school gave him, nothing seemed to help her. He ended up trying hypnosis to see if he could get to the root of her problems and in doing so discovered an entire world that he never believed in and certainly was skeptical about in the past: the spiritual world, reincarnation, and past lives. 
Throughout their sessions, Catherine would describe in detail what she experienced in her past lives – she knew such specific information about the time and period – things she couldn’t have studied or read about or known without having actually been there. But beyond describing these lives, she also was able to relay messages from the masters – those in the spiritual world who had lessons and wisdom to teach Dr. Weiss in the hopes that he would spread their message of love and immortality throughout the world. 
It’s amazing that by going through some of her past lives, Catherine was completely cured of her phobias and anxieties. And Dr. Weiss has spent the last 20+ years spreading the masters’ message to anyone who is receptive. 
I am staying open to receiving these messages and allowing the possibilities of all that are around us seep into my soul. I’m sure that there is so much in our universe that I can’t see and can’t understand at the moment – and I am staying open to what is out there. I will continue filtering every new experience through my own skeptical mind.  
But I have to say that after reading this book, my soul is open to the possibility…
I have experienced so many miracles recently that I am at the point where not believing is harder than simply believing. 
This is where faith comes in, which doesn’t seem like such a stretch any more.

Saturday Selection – Hay House Radio

I am so excited about this week’s selection: 

I first learned about this wonderfully inspirational site a few years ago through Cheryl Richardson (one of my favorite authors). She has a weekly radio show there called Coach on Call where she gives great advice to people who call in.
Over the years, Dan and I have spent more hours than we can count making our products, and while we love listening to music, sometimes it’s nice to feed our souls and have a daily dose of inspiration while we are gluing and binding our journals. This website is absolutely perfect for that! 
Hay House, Inc. 125x125
It is an offshoot of Hay House publishing, which is home to some of the best personal growth books and tools in the world. They are both founded by Louise Hay, who is a true ray of light in our world. 
Louise Hay is an amazing woman, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for all of the wonderfully positive and inspirational work she is doing. She has given all of these talented authors and speakers a platform to share their wisdom, and I am forever grateful to her (and to them). 
In addition to Cheryl Richardson, here are just a few of my favorite authors that have radio shows here:
There are so many more – each with their own wisdom and a shared desire to help others.
With thousands of hours of archived shows by Hay House’s bestselling authors, you can immerse your soul with positive nuggets that will stay with you forever. 
To listen, you can either tune in for your favorite show and and listen to it live each week, or you can join their Wisdom Community and listen to the archives. 
If you join this community, you will also qualify for big discounts off of Hay House products and events! 
Just last night we listened to a show we hadn’t heard before called Attracting Abundance by Peggy McColl. 
We listened to two of her archived shows – one featuring Bob Proctor (amazing!) and the second featuring Gay Hendricks (a favorite of mine!).
I always learn so much by listening to Hay House Radio, but it’s so much more than just learning. It’s also about feeling a sense of community and tuning in to hear likeminded, wonderful teachers sharing their gifts to help us along our journey.
I know you will love it just as much as I do. 

Saturday Selection – The DailyOM

This week’s Saturday Selection is something very close to my heart and very much a part of my daily life: 
I first discovered the DailyOM website several years ago. Right from the start, the words spoke to me so powerfully and lovingly. I immediately signed up for both their daily wisdom and also their daily horoscope, and I’ve been reading them ever since. 

If you aren’t familiar with this site, it was started in 2004 by a wonderful couple – 
Madisyn Taylor and Scott Blum.

In their words…

DailyOM features a universal approach to holistic living for the mind, body, and spirit and supports people who want to live a conscious lifestyle. 

[It is] a popular, spiritually based website that offers inspirational messages, horoscopes and an on-line retail store. With over 1,200,000 subscribers it has become the premier on-line destination for providing motivational content, products and courses around the globe from some of today’s best-selling authors and luminaries. 

There are so many areas to explore on this wonderful site. 

A few places that I definitely recommend reading and checking out:
Reading the DailyOM: a great way to start your day.
Subscribing to the Daily Horoscope:  the best I have ever read.
Enrolling in an online course. There are so many to choose from! (I have done a few of them, and they were wonderful!)
Checking out all of the wonderful, hand-chosen products in their gift shop.
Joining the community and participating in discussions. 

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason at exactly the right time. 
And through a magical gift of serendipity, Dan and I happen to live very close to Scott and Madisyn and have had the pleasure of getting to know them. They are truly amazing mentors for us, and we feel so blessed that they are a part of our lives.

Another blessing is that three of our Soulful Journals were introduced on their site a few months ago and have since become one of their bestselling products! We feel such gratitude to be affiliated with a site that we have admired for so many years. It is definitely a full-circle moment for us. 

If you love this site as much as I do, I definitely recommend reading Madisyn and Scott’s books as well! 

I hope this site speaks to you, too! 
It’s such a wonderful place of warmth, caring, wisdom, and love.
Have fun exploring!

P.S. – In the next few days, we will have something very special to announce about our journals and the DailyOM – stay tuned! 

Saturday Selection – A Wonderful Movie!

We watched a wonderful movie last night – one that came highly recommended. 
It’s called The Shift and stars Dr. Wayne Dyer.

It was beautifully done. I love how they wove Dr. Dyer’s teachings with everyday situations and normal people who are struggling in various ways. He teaches about moving away from the ego and moving toward our higher selves. 
He talks about how in the morning of our lives we are concerned with ambition and competition (the ego) and how we make the shift in the afternoon of our lives toward serving others, finding meaning in life, and being our best selves.
I would definitely recommend this movie – it’s so universal. We are all on our own journey going through life in our own way. And yet, we are all connected, and we all can benefit by going within and getting to know our higher self. 
It’s all about letting go and surrendering to the possibility of what’s to come.  
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Wayne Dyer, here is his bio:
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He is the author of more than 30 books, has created numerous audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Many of his books have been featured as National Public Television specials. Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. Johns University in New York.
Here’s a synopsis from Hay House – the production company:
What is The Shift? It’s the story of the most important moment of your life—when you stop striving and start arriving! It’s the choice you make to move toward a life that gathers up the pieces of your best, most fulfilled, most loving self. It’s the moment when you start living a life rich with meaning and begin playing the music you came here to play!
  Are you ready to make the shift that changes everything? 
Here’s a preview…
If you’ve already seen this movie, I would love to hear your thoughts!
And if you haven’t, I definitely recommend watching it!