If It’s Not Working – Change It

There is something very empowering about realizing that we control our own life. 

When we recognize that our thoughts become our reality, 
we also recognize that we have the power to create the exact life that we want. 
This can be a wonderful feeling – and it can also be a scary feeling. 
When we realize that we are in the driver’s seat of our life, we are no longer able to blame others or be a victim if things aren’t working out how we would’ve liked. And it’s so much easier to just point the finger at someone else. You might want to say, “It’s their fault that I’m in this situation. If they hadn’t have done that to me, I wouldn’t be suffering now.” 
And while blaming others takes the responsibility off of you in the short term, it creates such low self esteem and powerlessness in the long term. Imagine how great you would feel about yourself if you simply accepted that you have the power to change your life. It’s all in your hands. You are in control of your own destiny, and if you don’t like something about your life you can change it. 
Spend some time today thinking about your life.
Is there any part of it that isn’t working or flowing as well as you would like it to?
If so, you can follow the formula below to start making the changes and begin living the life you were meant to live:

First you figure out what isn’t working. 
Then you take responsibility for your part in whatever isn’t working. 
How did you help to create this? 
Next you visualize how you would like the situation to change.
And finally you create a new thought pattern that would create this new life. And you keep saying these thoughts and affirmations over and over. And you really believe them – you really feel them. You really take the time to feel what your ideal life would be like. 
And pretty soon, you’ll start to notice that your actual life is becoming your ideal life.
You’ll start to notice that your positive thoughts are creating a positive reality. 
And you’ll feel great, empowered, and happy knowing that you have taken responsibility for your life.
These are such wonderful things to realize! 

Unplugging Your Circuits

I woke up this morning thinking about the many unfinished projects I needed to do, emails I wanted to send, and the seemingly endless pile of papers that needed to be filed. 
Not always the best way to wake up. I immediately felt tired and overwhelmed. 
But then I remembered a wonderful cd that I listened to several years ago that talked about how we store energy in our bodies. It was called Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss. 
While it was an amazingly insightful series that I enjoyed listening to, the part that still sticks with me today and that I still use in my daily life is thinking about our bodies as circuit boards and everything we have to do and all of the thoughts we have are plugs. We only have a certain amount of circuits – and just imagine how many circuits you have plugged in when you are feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed out. 
When I start to feel this way, I first take a look at where my circuits are plugged in. 
I take a moment to write down every plugged-in circuit I can think of – everything that is draining my energy.
Do I have emails to send that are weighing on me? 
How about papers that are piling up? 
Projects needing to be finished?
A house that needs to be cleaned?
Expense sheets to enter in?
Orders to make?
Friends to call and connect with?
Old thoughts and thoughts patterns creeping back in?
Hurts from the past still affecting me in the present?
The list can go on and on – we are all so busy and we all have so many circuits plugged in to so many things.
First simply become aware of these circuits.

Next visualize unplugging them. 
See your body increasing with energy and vitality with each circuit unplugged. 

Sundays are perfect days to clearing your circuits – are at least starting to. 

You can start by clearing a chunk of time to sit down and batch as many circuits as you can into time chunks. 
Send all of the emails in one chunk.
Clean the house in one chunk.
File the papers in one chunk.
Journal about past resentments and forgiveness in one chunk.

Just get started – you’ll immediately feel the energy coming back! 
It’s so great to continue to check in with your body and mind to see where your circuits are plugged in. And then see if you can unplug anything. You’ll continue to gain so much energy just by doing this!
So let’s all start unplugging our circuits today!
P.S. – We’re super excited that our big giveaway starts tomorrow! More details then! 🙂