Our Biggest Giveaway EVER

We’re excited to announce our biggest giveaway EVER!

We love living our best lives and inspiring others to do the same!
And we know firsthand that having tools and a support system in place make transitioning into your ideal life so much easier. When we have the structure set up beforehand, lasting change has a real chance at happening.
This is why Dan and I do what we do – we want to help create a foundation of support for you so that going within, finding the answers, and living the life you were meant to live is an exciting and joyful experience rather than a scary and intimidating one. 

We are thrilled to announce our new Manifesting Happiness E-Course, which is a 3-month course that sets up this essential structure so that lasting happiness and lasting change can occur.

Our course follows three of our Soulful Journals:
Gratitude Book
Being grateful for what you already have.

As If Book
Visualizing and dreaming about what you would like to have.

The Commitment Book
Committing to and taking action to make those dreams your reality.

Please click here to learn more about this exciting and helpful course!
We are offering a super low introductory price of just $90 for the entire course through the end of the month, too!

What We’re Giving Away
Because we are so excited about this e-course and the journals 
that go along with it – we are giving them all away!
Grand Prize
1 Manifesting Happiness E-Course 
(worth over $800 – normally sells for $299!) 
This is such a great prize – bigger than anything we’ve ever given away before!
We really want to help someone make lasting changes in their life, which is is why we are giving this ENTIRE program to one lucky person!
It’s a 3-month course that includes personalized consultations, journals, worksheets, and so much more!
Please click here to read all about the program!

This prize will be awarded to the person who enters our contest AND refers the most people to our contest!
You can tweet about it, post about it on your blog, put it on your Facebook page – get creative with it!
Please tell your friends to mention your name when they enter.  

Second Place Prize
3 Manifestation Journals
(The Gratitude Book OR I Am Grateful For, As If, & The Commitment Book)
 (worth $45!)
How to Enter
  1. Leave a comment telling us what you would like to manifest in your own life and why. It could be anything – more happiness, abundance, love, balance – whatever you desire! Please make sure to leave your email address, so we have a way to contact you if you win!
  2. Follow this blog
  3. Become fans of our Facebook pages: Soulful Journals & Jodi Chapman
  4. Follow us on Twitter: Soulful Journals & Jodi Chapman
  5. Subscribe to our newsletter
How the winners are chosen
The Grand Prize winner will be chosen by determining which person referred the most people to our contest. 
The Second Prize winner will be chosen based on their answer. We would like to give our journals to someone who truly wants to make a lasting change in their life. (They also have to be following our various pages mentioned above.)

Giveaway Ends July 26th at midnight (PST).
We’ll post the winners here and also contact them directly!

We can’t wait to read all of the ways you would like to manifest your ideal lives!

Have fun, and good luck!

Just One Little Action Can Go a Long Way

Happy Friday, everyone!
I’m having so much fun reading your giveaway entries!
Thanks so much to those of you who have been paying it forward and posting about it!
In honor of you, I wanted to keep the good vibes flowing and post a question from our 
What is one action you can take today to make the world a better place?
We all have unique gifts and can pay it forward in so many different ways. 
The wonderful thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t have to be something huge.
Little things add up quickly to become big things.
Here are some examples:
At the post office, you could hold the door open for someone whose hands are full.
When you do your errands today, you could pick up any litter you see in the parking lot. 
You could give someone (a loved one or a stranger) a heartfelt compliment.
You could donate to or volunteer at  your favorite charity.
You could be conscious about the food you buy.
You could offer to help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping.
You could plant a flower or a tree.
You could write a passionate letter to your local Congressman/woman.

The list is truly endless, so please spend some time today creating your own. 
And then pick one item from your list and do it! 
It feels great to put out positive energy and love – and it’s contagious! Once you start, you’ll want to keep it up and others will follow in your footsteps.
So take that first step today and begin with one conscious action.
P.S. Be sure to enter our giveaway! 
And if you do pay it forward today, be sure to post about it!

Paying it Forward with a Giveaway!

***This giveaway is now closed. 
Thank you so much to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winner! 
Stay tuned for another giveaway soon!***

It always feels so good to give, so we’re having a giveaway that focuses on paying it forward! 
And the more you pay it forward, the more entries you will have! 
Read on for details… 🙂
What We’re Giving Away:
Grand Prize:
$50 in credit toward any of our Soulful Journals! 
Spend it any way you like – get a few handmade journals for yourself, give them as gifts, get a few ebooks, or have us send a gift certificate to your loved one. It’s up to you! 
Most referrals award:
$30 in credit toward any of our Soulful Journals! 
Spend it any way you like – get a couple of handmade journals for yourself, give them as gifts, get a few ebooks, or have us send a gift certificate to your loved one. It’s up to you! 
How to Enter:
Check out our Soulful Journals & leave a comment telling us which is your favorite and why!
Please make sure to leave your email address, so we have a way to contact you if you win!
1 comment = 1 entry
Bonus Entries:
Want to increase your chances for winning? 
Leave a separate comment below for any of these things you do:
Pay it forward – help someone, give a compliment, practice a random act of kindness…leave a comment for each pay it forward act = 1 extra entry for each comment! 
(So if you keep paying it forward throughout the week and leave comments here about it, you will have many entries!)
Follow this blog = 1 extra entry
Follow us on Facebook = 1 extra entry
Tell your Facebook friends about our giveaway = 1 extra entry
Follow us on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway  = 1 extra entry
Subscribe to our newsletter -1 extra entry
Buy ANY of our products and get 1 extra comment for every dollar spent:
(Ex: If you spend $15 in our shops, leave 15 comments saying, “$15 spent.” Please give your email address.)

How the winners are chosen:
The Grand Prize winner will be chosen completely randomly through a generator. And the more entries you have, the better your chances will be! 
The Most Referrals Award will go to whoever refers the most people to our sites! When they become a fan/follower, they simply let us know who referred them. We’ll tally it up when the giveaway ends and see who is ahead! 
Here are our sites:
Giveaway Ends March 30th at midnight (PST), and we’ll post the winners here and also contact them directly!

We can’t wait to see how you get creative and pay it forward! 

Have fun, and good luck!