Fragile Life

We’ve had a lot of loss in our lives over the past few months, 
and it’s made me realize just how unpredictable and fragile life can be.
No one knows how long they have here on Earth – 
we can just strive to live our best lives while we are here. 
Imagine you are at the end of your life. 

How would you like to be remembered?

Are there any loose ends you would like to tie up before you go? 

Is there anyone you need to forgive?

Any words that need to be said? 

Any bucket list items that need to be checked off?

Any lessons that still need to be learned?

Any words of wisdom to pass on? 
We can’t control how long we are here, 
but we can control what we make of our time while we are alive. 
We can control how we live our life. 
We can control how we treat ourselves and others. 
We can control how much kindness and love we put out into the world. 
We can learn, love, laugh, and live.
RIP, Mickey. 
Your infectious laugh and kind spirit will be missed.