Letting A Good Idea Incubate

Dan and I were playing Pictionary the other night and I picked the word, incubate. I drew test tubes, a beaker, and a thermometer to show the heat. While we weren’t able to guess it before the time ran out, it did get us thinking about the other meanings of the word. 
The meaning that stuck with me and is still here days later is, 
to develop, grow, take form.

I love thinking about this definition in terms of a plan, goal, or idea.

There is something very satisfying to me about sitting on it for awhile rather than immediately acting on it. 
Let it germinate – let the seeds start sprouting before taking any action. 
We have been given a wonderful opportunity to put this concept into action immediately. 
And before we probably would’ve acted right away – but this time we are sitting, pondering, weighing the options, and just letting the idea of it grow and blossom inside of us before we put it out into the world and act on it. 
Can you think of an idea, goal, or plan that you can let incubate? 
Is there anything in the back of your mind that you are ready to “give birth” to?
Have you ever tried to think of a word and the harder you tried to think of it the harder it was to remember?
And then did you notice when you gave up the struggle of trying to think of it, it just suddenly came to you? 
You can do the same thing with your idea or dream. Instead of struggling to bring it to life, let it simmer inside of you for awhile. Put it on the backburner and when it’s ready – it will emerge beautifully.
Here’s to all of us just sitting on our ideas for awhile – letting them incubate and grow and come to life when the time is right!

Staying Open

There are some pretty extraordinary things going on in my life right now – 
too new and abstract to put them into words at the moment (definitely someday). 
I will say that experiencing these things firsthand has thrown what 
I believed was possible into a tizzy. 
It’s opened my world to infinite possibilities – 
which is both wonderful and a bit scary at the same time.
Throughout my life, I have tended to want to be in control.
I want to know what’s around the corner and
plan how things are going to go. 
What I am realizing more and more is that in doing so 
I am limiting the possibilities for my life. 
I am controlling the known and not letting in the unknown. 
So what if I just let go? 
What if I surrender and just let things happen naturally?
What if I get out of my own way?
What if I stay open to the possibility? 
I am only one person in this extraordinary and magical universe. 
And the events that I have experienced recently have shown me that there is so much more out there than I ever thought was possible. That I ever could have imagined before. 
So I will open my heart and soul and let go. Surrender. And wait with excited anticipation of the wonderfulness to unfold right before me. 
Is there anything in your life that you are holding onto and desperately trying to control?
Do you think it’s possible to take a deep breath and then let it go? 
Are you willing to take a step back from your own life and allow things to flow naturally? 
Can you stay open to the possibility? 
Definitely something to think about. 