Let Your Voice Be Heard

How often have you compared yourself to someone that you admired and thought that you would never be able to accomplish what they have?
How often have you stopped taking action before you even started because you convinced yourself that you couldn’t possibly get your message out as effectively as they have?
How often have you shied away from sharing your message because you assumed that they have already said pretty much what you were planning on saying anyway – so what was the point?

You are you.
There is only one you.
And your voice needs to be heard.
It deserves to be heard.

Your style of getting your message out there is unique to only you. Your approach is yours and yours alone. Your heart only belongs to you, and therefore, you are the only one who can voice what is in it. You are the only one who can express your inner wisdom.

And your message is so important.

It’s worth pressing through your perceived limitations to step into the spotlight.
It’s worth pushing aside your own insecurities about not being sure if you are good enough to have a voice.
It’s worth rising above the barriers that you have put in place in order to protect yourself.
It’s worth all of this because what you have to say matters.

So the next time you start comparing yourself to someone else – the next time you start to feel inferior or intimidated by all that they have accomplished – the next time you decide to pause and not take action because you aren’t sure if what you have to say truly matters… STOP.

You are the only one who can shout your message from the mountains. 

You are the only one who can inspire others with the message inside your heart.
And your voice is important and absolutely necessary in our world.
Let us all hear it!
P.S. – Thank you to everyone who has been praying for New Mexico. The fires are absolutely devastating there, and the one near my mom’s house is now over 100,000 acres and only 4% contained. Please continue to send your love their way…

Standing Strong When Doubt Creeps In

If you have ever made a shift in your life that took true courage and conviction, you know that it’s easy to sometimes second guess your decision. Fear suddenly appears, and you might wonder if the road more easily traveled would be safer and better. You may even start convincing yourself that stepping out of your comfort zone was a mistake, even though in your heart of hearts you are more sure than ever that this new path you are on is sacred and needed for your soul to grow and be truly happy.
I have been experiencing a big shift in my own life over the past few months. Everything that I have known is being reevaluated. I have been listening to my inner voice and following where it leads me. And while this can be empowering, it can also be scary. I definitely am more comfortable in the known – and yet I know that my new life will lead me to a wonderful place with so many more possibilities. 
If you have recently made a shift in your own life and decided to follow your passion and go where your intuition leads you, bravo! This is a wonderful decision that shows your growth, courage, and strength! 

Whenever doubt and fear start to creep in, go back to the space you were in when you made the decision to change in the first place. Acknowledge the fear, and then move on to being self assured in knowing that your higher self is in the driver’s seat this time, and this part of you will never lead you astray. 
We all have an inner compass and know where we need to go. When we can tap into our inner wisdom and set aside the fear, our lives will truly change forever. 

Soul Speak

Happy Friday, everyone!
Here is a writing prompt from our book, Journaling Within: 50 Prompts for Self Exploration:
If your soul could speak directly to you,
what do you think it would want you to know?

We all have an inner voice that guides us through life.
But hearing that voice and actually listening to it are two different things. 
Our soul speaks to us all of the time, but sometimes we get distracted and busy and push this guidance away. 
Sometimes our ego takes over and gets in the driver’s seat.
Our soul is very patient though. Our soul is very persistent. 
And it will keep telling us exactly what we need to hear until we sit down and truly listen with an open heart.
Spend some time today letting your soul be heard.
Spend some time in solitude – even for a few minutes. 
Try to quiet down the chatter in your mind so you can get to the wisdom in your soul. 
Breathe. Slow down. Be still.
And listen.
What does your soul want you to know? 
The answers are always within you.
And you can find them simply by slowing down and listening. 

Enjoy this process of going within – what a wonderful journey!