Spring Clean Your Beliefs

Can you think of a belief that you have that really is outdated or no longer serves you or maybe never really was your belief in the first place?
 Let’s say when you were very young you were afraid to jump off of the high dive at the swimming pool. And from that moment on, you were known as the scaredy cat by your friends and family. Before that, you didn’t feel particularly afraid in other areas of your life, but every time you heard this label, it reinforced this notion that you were afraid of life and timid and weak somehow. And this became part of your identity.
Now imagine that you are an adult who is still carrying around this label and belief that wasn’t accurate in the first place. Years have gone by, and because of this belief that you are afraid of everything, you have shied away from opportunities all because of fear. 
But it’s truly not too late to change this belief. You get to decide each moment of each day how you will react to certain situations, and how you view yourself. So even if this label has become part of your identity, it’s not too late to remove it and replace it with something else – something that feels more like you. 
Try on a bunch of beliefs and labels and see which fits the best. Remember that only you get to decide. You can get input from your friends and family (although I would encourage – at least in the beginning – doing this exercise on your own), but ultimately you are the one who has the final say. 
Have fun going through your beliefs and seeing if any of them are outdated or inaccurate for who you have become. Like we clean out our closets each spring and get rid of clothes that we no longer wear or that no longer feel like who were are, we can also do the same thing with our beliefs. 
Make sure you are only wearing the beliefs that feel the most like you.

Your soul will thank you for it!

P.S. – One of the biggest giveaways that we’ve ever been a part of has started! It’s sponsored by Healthy Wealthy And Wise, and over 700 self-help goodies are available! Just sign up for free, and you’ll have access to everything – including our Manifestation Ebook Set, which includes our Gratitude Book, As If Book, and Commitment Book (on page 21)! All for free! I just love giveaways! 🙂

Staying Open to the Possibility

As many of you know, we’ve gone through a lot of loss over the last few months, which has allowed me to reflect on life a bit more than I normally would. I feel as though I am in two worlds – my everyday world and the spiritual world. Both existing side by side. 
Spending my days making journals and writing while at the same time grieving and contemplating the other side has been both exhausting and uplifting.  Realizing that there is so much more in this vast universe than I ever thought possible has revealed so many wonderful possibilities and has opened my heart and soul. 
And because I’m in this space, I thought it would be fitting to include a particular writing prompt from our Journaling Further Within book:
What do you think happens to your soul after you die? 
We each have our own beliefs about death, the universe, and the afterlife. And it’s possible for these beliefs to change as you go through life and have different experiences.
Over the past few months, I have experienced something truly magical, which I will write about once I have had a bit more time to process it. This experience has solidified my belief that life does go on, that the universe is neverending, and that our time here is just a tiny part of the whole. This experience has changed many of my beliefs as well – I have had to reevaluate many things that I thought I knew and start from scratch in many ways. 
Spend some time today thinking about your beliefs and your faith. 

Did your beliefs come from your own experiences or 
were they passed down from your family? 
Is there anything about your beliefs that you would like to change or modify in some way? 
Do your beliefs serve you today? Do they reflect the person you are right now?
What are your beliefs about death and the afterlife? 
Do you believe in signs from beyond and angels?
What do you think happens to your soul after you die? 
The beautiful part of being individuals who are each on our own journey is that we can each choose to believe what feels right for us. There is no right or wrong answer. 
There is only possibility. 
We will all experience the passing of our loved ones at some point in our lives. 
And taking time to reflect and staying open to the possibilities has made this an easier transition for me. 
I hope it will for you as well.