Expanding Your Horizon

We live in such a vast universe with so many possibilities. 
And because we are all creatures of habit, we don’t always realize when we may have boxed ourselves in or gotten stuck in a comfort rut. 
I had the great fortune to speak with Star Ladin  from Star Marketing Media a few months ago. She is a branding/marketing expert and really loves to help women entrepreneurs take their businesses to new levels of success. While she had tons of great advice and observations, one thing she said really stuck with me. We were talking about Etsy, which Dan and I have had some success with. At the time, our products were only available for retail sales on our Etsy site. We had just been the featured sellers and were feeling pretty great about how things we going. 
The observation she made that day was that while Etsy was great, it was only a small drop in a world filled with endless possibilities. Why were we limiting ourselves to just one avenue of reaching people? 
I was blown away by this comment – it was a true aha moment for me. 
I had boxed myself in and gotten comfortable with the ways things were. 
I wasn’t even aware that there were more avenues to go down.
This was such an eye-opening experience for me. 
We have since started selling our journals on our own website and have begun to truly expand our horizons in so many other ways!
I am so grateful for Star’s advice that day! 
Take some time today and look at your own life. 
Is there any part of it where you are boxing yourself in? 
Are your beliefs limiting your true potential without you even realizing it? 
How can you expand your horizon? 
When we get real with ourselves about everything in our lives, we can begin to consciously create our ideal life. And the best part about this process is that the possibilities are infinite! Have fun expanding your own horizon and staying open to what’s to come. 
P.S. – Today is the last day to order before our one-month writing sabbatical begins!  
Here are our shops:
thisisit – journals, notepads, jewelry, and wedding goodies
soulful journals – writing prompt journals
quality craft supplies – handmade paper and beautiful beads
Use coupon code “love25” for an additional 25% off, too!

Living Spontaneously

Sometimes it’s great to have plans.
It’s comforting to know where you are going and how you will get there.
And then sometimes it’s great to scrap all of those plans and do something completely different – completely spontaneous.
Dan and I did this the other day, and it was wonderful! We had planned to be working the entire day, and when the day completely opened up for us we took action.
Just a few months ago if this same situation had happened, we would’ve just shifted our work tasks around and started working on them instead.
But this time was different. 
We are now living our lives in a more open way – we are letting the possibilities flow in – and we are rolling with it all instead of staying rigid. We are more alive and more free.
We saw this opening in our schedule as an opportunity to play hooky and go have some fun together – and I’m so glad we did! 
So the next time your plans shift and you find an opening in your schedule, instead of filling the time with another task or chore, try staying open to letting in new experiences and do something spontaneous and fun instead!

You’ll definitely be happy that you did!