Loving Your So-Called Flaws

Today’s post is a continuation of yesterday’s post about Mirror Work, where you say, “I love you” to yourself each time you pass by a mirror. 
In addition to feeling a bit goofy and awkward, this exercise can also bring up feelings of insecurity. Your inner critic may appear and start pointing out all of your physical “flaws.” If this happens, here is a great writing prompt from our Journaling Further Within book to help combat this voice and move on in a positive way:
Is there any part of your physical appearance that you criticize or don’t always feel great about?
If so, think of at least one thing that you like about it and write it down. 
By choosing to focus on what we like about our appearance instead of picking out our so-called flaws, we give energy to positivity instead of letting our inner critic control our lives.
You could even take this exercise a step further if you would like. 
The next time you are standing in front of a mirror, make sure you have a pen and notebook with you. Look at yourself from top to bottom and write down every single thing that you like about your body. Leave out anything that you don’t. (If there are things that you don’t like, use the exercise above to try to think of one positive aspect for each part you don’t like.)
The great part of this exercise is that you will have proof in writing of how beautiful you are and how wonderful your body is. This way, the next time you are feeling a bit down about how you look, you can take out your notebook for an instant self-esteem boost. 
Learning to love ourselves inside and out is a process – one that most of us are still figuring out and discovering. By taking these first steps toward loving your body, you will start your own journey toward self love. And this is truly the key to lasting happiness.

Mirror Work – Part 2

I love that last month’s post about Mirror Work is one of our most read posts. 
I think this is so great because I feel that self care and self love are essential for lasting happiness, and mirror work is one way to begin to love yourself. 
I hope you have been participating in my 30-day mirror work invitation: 
Each time you pass a mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love you” (out loud). 
I have found that if you can commit to something for 30 days it truly becomes a habit, and you are much more likely to continue it throughout your life. 
(That’s how I started this blog, actually. I committed to myself that I would do it every day for 30 days and see where it took me – and now I am almost at 100 days! It’s become such a crucial part of my routine that I would miss it if I didn’t write each day.) 
And it’s the same with mirror work (or anything else you commit to). 
Louise Hay (a woman that I truly admire and look up to) believes that mirror work is the essential most powerful ingredient toward self love and self esteem.
I was listening to Hay House Radio last night and the wonderful Lisa Nichols was speaking about mirror work as well! (You may remember her as one of the prominent speakers in The Secret.) A caller asked her what is the quickest way toward feeling worthy and deserving of love, money, happiness, etc. 
This is what she recommended:
Stand in front of a mirror each day and say the following:
I am proud that you… 
(list 7 things)

I forgive you for…
(list 7 things)

I commit to you that…
(list 7 things)
Imagine how loved, acknowledged, and validated you will feel after doing this each day!
And remember that it’s completely okay if you don’t have seven things for each category. The point is to get into the habit of acknowledging yourself and praising yourself. If you have one thing that you are proud of, make sure you say it! 
Mirror work is such a great way to start loving yourself and realizing just how wonderful you truly are! Give it a try today and see how it feels! Remember that it may feel awkward and silly at first, but keep at it! Soon it will feel completely normal and wonderful. And soon you’ll start to notice positive changes happening in your life – all because you have begun to put yourself back on your priority list. 
And if you miss a few days, it’s okay! (I know that I definitely have.)
Just start up again and recommit to making self care a habit. 
Your soul will be forever grateful!

Mirror Work

When you look into the mirror what do you see? 

Sometimes we are in such a hurry to start our day that we only look into the mirror to make sure our hair is brushed, our makeup looks okay, or we don’t have anything in our teeth. 
And sometimes we get so busy that we can’t even remember the last time we looked at ourselves in the mirror period. 
One of my favorite exercises in self love comes from Louise Hay’s book: The Power is Within You.
In it, she recommends looking into a mirror every single day and saying, 
“I love you.” 
It’s an amazingly powerful exercise.
When you first begin, you may feel silly and self conscious; but if you keep at it your world will start to shift. 
At first you may notice your inner critic pointing out your flaws (both physical and emotional), but if you keep at it and continue to pour unconditional love into the image you see, that inner critic will begin to subside and quiet down. 
This is where the magic begins. 
This is an exercise that I have dabbled with but never really stuck with. 
I’m  going to commit to doing it regularly again, and I am asking each of you to join me in this journey of self awareness and self love. 
All of happiness starts with you and your ability to love yourself. 
And mirror work is a great way to begin your own journey.

So every single time we pass by a mirror, take a moment to look into it. 
Really look into your own eyes and say (out loud if possible), 
“I love you, (your name).”
If any thoughts of criticism come up, replace them with thoughts of unconditional love for yourself.

Commit to it for just 30 days, and let’s check back and see how we feel.
I have a feeling that we’re all going to be loving ourselves more 
and will be more connected to our souls.
And that’s such a great thing!
We are definitely worth it!