Planting Some Roots

It’s a beautiful spring day here in Oregon – the sun is shining and the birds are singing.
Dan and I moved to this area two years ago (wow, time sure flies!), 
and I am so grateful that we did. 
We were living near San Francisco at the time while he finished graduate school. Because we work from home, we really could choose anywhere to live – exciting! We both had a great feeling about southern Oregon. I had never even been here but felt a strong pull to this area. And so we moved. And I have to say that trusting my intuition and planting roots in this area has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
For the first time in my life I truly feel that I have found my forever home. 
I found this writing prompt from our Journaling Within book, which I thought was a perfect exercise for this particular day! 
Describe where you would most like to live. 
If you don’t live there now, 
what steps can you take toward achieving this dream?

Take some time and really think about where you would like to plant roots.
What about this place draws you to it? 
The weather? The people? The landscape? The opportunities? 
Write about what it feels like to live there. 
And then create an action plan to make this dream your reality. 
As long as you are living and breathing, 
you always have the power to make changes and create your ideal life. 
You can make your dreams come true if you visualize, stay on course, and take action. 
Have fun with this exercise! 
Spend this beautiful day dreaming about where you would most like to live.
If you already live there, write about how grateful you are and appreciative you are to live in such a wonderful area that truly reflects your best self. 
This is a great way to get clear about what you want for your life and what you can do to make that happen. 
P.S. – This week’s poll results are in! Most of us read to relax and recharge! Second place went to spending time with pets. Third place was a tie for napping and watching tv or a movie. Thanks to everyone who participated – I love polls, and I think it’s so interesting to see what everyone chooses. (Be on the lookout for a new poll tomorrow!)