Grateful for Taking Action

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I read a wonderful quote from Cheryl Richardson today:

When we marry intention with action, miracles happen
This is so true and such powerful wisdom. 

I am grateful that we each have the choice to take action in our own lives. 
If something doesn’t feel quite right, we get to change it. We always have free will and as long as we are alive we can align ourselves along the path that feels the most authentic. 

Taking action can sometimes be hard and can sometimes bring up feelings of fear and uncertainty, but when we take action we are moving forward. Standing still in a life of comfortable stagnation isn’t a great scenario. How will we grow into the person we know we can be if we never risk and push ourselves?

Today I took a big leap toward my future. I promise I will talk more about it when the time is right, but for now I can say that I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity, for my support system that helped guide me to this decision, for putting my own fears aside and taking action, and for surrendering to the outcome.

Think about a decision you can make or an action you can take today that will move you closer to living your ideal life.
If you have been meaning to make this change for awhile now, write about what is holding you back.
How can you move beyond this fear and move into the freedom and joyfulness of a life filled with openness, learning, and growth?
Let’s be grateful today that we all have the power and ability to create our ideal life.
And by taking action and pushing ourselves just a bit, we open ourselves up to the possibilities.