Allowing the Flow

As many of you know, I am in the process of writing a book. It’s a book that I feel called to write. It’s a book that came about in the most magical, beautiful way.
I always felt that I would write a book one day – an empowering book that inspired others. And I knew that I would write it when I felt that I had something to offer – something that would really help people take steps to live their best lives.

I know that this book is inside of me, and it has started to emerge. It was flowing out, actually – I could hardly keep up. I truly felt like I was taking dictation from the universe. And then it stopped flowing, and I stopped writing.

What I am beginning to realize was that it never stopped flowing. The flow is always there. The flow has always been there, and it will always be there. We are the ones who stop it. We are the ones who put blocks in front of it in the form of fear, doubt, and sabotage. We are the ones who would rather put barricades up and block this flow rather than feeling and experiencing and living.

And that’s exactly what I did.

I worried that what I was writing may not be mainstream enough. I worried that the reader would think it was too “new agey” or too far “out there.”

I was afraid of going to that vulnerable place – the place that I know I need to go within myself to pull this wisdom out of me. The place that is scary and dark and hard to look at.

I sabotaged myself by becoming “too busy” to spend time writing. I created all sorts of tasks and must-dos that would keep me from simply sitting down and writing.

And now that I see this, I can confront each block one by one.

I know that removing each of these barriers will get me that much closer to my book. And even though it can be painful to travel to these deep places in my soul, it’s a necessary part of healing and growing. And hopefully my journey inward will inspire others to do the same. To know that I did it – I’m okay – and I came out the other side stronger and filled with an inner knowing that I never experienced before.

So I will say goodbye for now. I know that it’s time for me to Go for It.
It’s time to write this book. It’s time to let the flow do what it does best: flow.

Grateful for Assignments

Oops – I was so excited to talk about our sacred gifts yesterday that I completely forget it was Wednesday.
So this week’s Gratitude Project post is on Thursday. 🙂

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I have always loved school. I was the one who would asked for extra assignments. It was truly the best day of my life when my 3rd grade teacher gave me an entire packet of worksheets to complete over summer vacation. In elementary school, the smell of warm, mimeographed homework sheets always brought a smile to my face.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been in school, and I have missed these assignments.

I recently enrolled in a program that feels a lot like school. We have assignments, worksheets, reading, and learning. The only difference between this and school is that I won’t be given a grade at the end. This is real life, and how well I do will determine how my professional life looks in the future.

So I am getting back into the habit of studying – getting back into the discipline of finishing my assignments – and being held accountable for doing what is expected of me.

In addition to this program, I have also been studying a lot on my own – we are all students of life, and the learning never stops. I have been introduced to so many wonderful teachers who have inspired me to live my best life.

One of these teachers is Jack Canfield. I was on a group call yesterday with him – each month he answers his students’ questions about a certain topic, and it’s always so inspiring to hear his wisdom. He always gives homework for the month, and I loved yesterday’s so much that I would like to share it with each of you.

For the next month, do something each day to stretch yourself.
Do something each day that will push you out of your comfort zone.
Do something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable – not extremely uncomfortable. Just a bit. Just enough to notice what it feels like to push your limits. 

Keep a list of what you do, so at the end of the month you can look back and see how much progress you have made.

This is a big assignment for me, and I am looking forward to seeing how I can push through my fear and comfort and stretch myself.

I hope you’ll share with me how you decide to get out of your comfort zones, too.

So today I am grateful for assignments. I am grateful for inspiring teachers. And I am grateful for my ability to learn, stretch, and grow.

Pushing Through the Fear

I just watched The King’s Speech and in addition to the superb acting, which was clearly top notch, I also loved how inspiring the message was. 
 I don’t want to give too much away for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, but I can say that it’s about being brave enough and determined enough to conquer your fears. To face them no matter what obstacles you encounter. To plow right through them to get closer to your dreams. 
I feel so inspired after watching this, and I definitely recommend it to all of you!
I found these quotes about conquering our fears that I also wanted to share:
You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.
Mary Manin Morrissey
Panic at the thought of doing a thing is a challenge to do it.
Henry S. Haskins
There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them.
Andre Gide

Fear is the cheapest room in the house.  I would like to see you living in better conditions.
Surrounding myself with inspiring movies and motivational quotes encourages me to push past my own fears and live my ideal life. 
If it isn’t scary, it means that I’m comfortable. And if I’m comfortable, I’m not growing. And if I’m not growing, I’m not learning. And if I’m not learning, then why am I here? 
My belief is that we are each here to learn to come back to our soul – to grow – and to take these lessons with us when we leave.
And it all starts with pushing through the fear.
So let’s all get out there and start pushing!

Pushing Through the Obstacles

Sometimes we are on a roll in our lives where everything feels like it’s going really well and flowing effortlessly. 
And then we add something new – something that is out of the norm from our every day life. We stretch a little bit out of our comfort zone and expect things to continue flowing. 
And sometimes they do. 
 But sometimes we come across obstacles where we didn’t expect them to be. 
Sometimes we even come across road blocks that seem to be right in the way of reaching our dreams.
When this happens, take a look at these obstacles and notice where they are coming from and what messages they are conveying.
Are they coming from fear – is our ego stepping in and warning us that it might be scary to try new things?

Are they coming from outdated beliefs that we have about achieving success and finding true happiness?

Or maybe we haven’t stretched our adventure muscles in awhile and just need more practice. 
Over the past week, I have been writing my book, and I have stumbled upon many obstacles – some that I had a feeling would show up and others that I’ve been surprised by.
And while I recognize them for what they are (old fears and distractions coming up to keep me comfortable), I still have to work through them and move them aside. This dream is too big to allow anything to stand in my way.
I was listening to a powerful telesummit yesterday with Jack Canfield where he was talking about how we can live our ideal life – even with the obstacles. 
He brought up the great point that we are always going to have obstacles – but our response to these obstacles is entirely our choice. 
We get to choose our thoughts, which means we also get to choose our outcome.
So the next time we are reaching for our dream and we come across an obstacle – take some time to go within and try to get to the bottom of the message it brings up. And then thank it for showing up and teaching you more about yourself, and either push through it or go around it. Keep moving forward.
We are all learning lessons every day. And with each lesson, we are all getting closer and closer to our truest self – our divine soul.
And every obstacle and road block is helping us do just that. They are also great tools to show us just how passionate we are about achieving our dreams and living our ideal life. 
Every obstacle we push through and every barrier we eliminate 
leads us closer to our dreams.

Hearing Fear Out

Have you ever embarked on a wonderful new adventure that you were super excited about, and just when you really started to get into it with both feet in – fear stepped up and started listing all of the reasons why it’s probably not a good idea for you to do this after all and tries to get you to see how much safer it would be for you to just step back into your comfort zone? 
When this happens, what if we took some time to listen to what fear has to say? 
It’s there to protect you – it doesn’t want you to get hurt or fail or be disappointed. 
So the next time this happens for you – take some time and write down everything that the fear inside of you wants you to know.
Get it all down on a piece of paper. Give yourself the time and space needed to go within and bring up any reason why your new adventure might not be a good idea or why it’s a scary place to be.
And then you can crumble it up and throw it away.
You can go through your list one by one and turn it around.
Fear is ego-based and faith is soul-based.
Give your soul a chance to counter each point that your fear brought up.
I think you will find that if you really dig deep and go within, you no longer need fear to protect you on this journey. Your old patterns of letting fear take over will no longer work in your new life.
In my own life, I am writing my first full-length book. It’s a very personal book for me to write, and it requires me going within and really looking at myself and my life with what feels like a magnifying glass. And this can be a hard process that my ego doesn’t want me to go through – it can be painful and yucky and sad to relive certain events or examine my patterns and habits that haven’t always served me. And yet my soul knows that in sharing my story – in putting it out into the world – it will not only help to heal myself, but hopefully others as well who are sharing similar experiences. 
So when my fear starts taking over (and boy is it strong!), I recognize it for what is is: a scared ego that just wants me to be comfortable. 
And I thank it and let it know that we can’t learn and grow if we always stay comfortable. 
And then I get back to writing.
So please take some time today and look at the role fear plays in your own life. Give it a voice – let it be heard. And then either crumble it up or counter what it had to say with all of the reasons why these fears and ways of sabotaging your spirit will no longer work in your new, soulful life.
And then get back to what you know you need to be doing to grow into the you that person you were meant to become.

Push Out of Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever pushed yourself way beyond your comfort zone and taken yourself to a place you never thought you could go? 

Have you ever felt so strongly about a path you were meant to be on that you took a huge leap of faith knowing that it would all work out?

Have you ever listened to your intuition and went with your gut instead of your mind? 

Have you ever gone against what you knew in order to experience what you felt you truly needed in your life?

Have you ever pushed fear out of the driver’s seat and replaced it with faith and hope? 
Stretching our comfort limits is a great way to grow and learn.
It’s so easy to stay put in our lives – in the known. 
And yet in doing so we aren’t fully experiencing all that life has to offer. 
We aren’t fully experiencing all that we have to offer.

I know that it can be scary to risk and push ourselves.
Fear is a strong emotion that can grab hold of us and squeeze the hope and life out of us – but only if we let it.

Let’s all agree to push fear aside and replace it with strength, knowing, and empowerment. 
Let’s all agree to push ourselves out of our comfort zones.
Let’s all agree to take that leap of faith and risk the known for the exciting unknown, which is filled with infinite possibilities. 

Let’s all agree to no longer be comfortable just being comfortable.
Yes, let’s do this.
And let’s watch the magic unfold together.