Creating a Vision Board – Part 3

I hope you have all created your vision boards and are enjoying the process of manifesting your ideal lives! 
If you are just joining us, here are my previous posts to help get you started:
Mine has been up right next to my desk for a couple of weeks now, and I absolutely love looking at it. It’s such a positive space that makes me feel more vibrant and alive each time I glance over at it. 
I mentioned in my previous posts that I put a picture of my dream home on it. It’s truly a beautiful home, and it just happens to be for sale. On my vision board, I had some fun in Photoshop and put Dan and I sitting right in front of it. I know that the absolute most important part of visualizing and creating your ideal life is getting to the feeling – really imagining that this is your life – really FEEL yourself in it. And looking at the house pictures are great fun, but I thought it would be even more fun to actually go to the house and really feel what it would be like to live there. So the other day, Dan and I drove by it and while we weren’t able to see the house (it’s on acreage and has a security gate), we were able to drive close to it and feel the energy from the area. It’s such a beautiful part of the country, and I definitely can see myself living there. It’s so exciting!
So this is what this post is all about for each of us who have created our board and are just walking by it and looking at it each day. Stop yourself from simply looking and take a moment to truly feel yourself in this life. Whatever your dreams are – put yourself in them. 
It could be your ideal relationship, job, home, etc. 
Really FEEL it. 
This is how you attract it into your life. 
Let’s all manifest our ideal lives together and then come back here and share!
And remember to have a separate board for your realized dreams – this is such a great motivator for continuing this process!

Creating a Vision Board – Part 2

I’m thrilled that yesterday’s post about creating a vision board received so many views and comments here and also on our Facebook page! It is so wonderful to know that so many of us are taking action to manifest our dreams!
 I spent hours yesterday working on my board. It is hanging right next to me here in my office, and it has such a great energy to it. I love standing in front of it and really feeling my life through these images and words.
One of our wonderful Facebook fans made a great point yesterday. 
She has been creating vision boards for years. It’s actually a continual work-in-progress that changes as her vision changes. She wrote that she wished she had taken pictures of it through the years because since it is always changing, she doesn’t have any record of what was on it previously. 
I thought this was such a great idea and something we can all do: periodically take pictures of our vision boards.
You may remember John Assaraf from The Secret. He really is a mastermind at manifesting what he puts onto his vision board. Many year ago, he put his dream home on his vision board, truly felt what it would be like to live there, and now it’s his home! He has an entire wall in his office dedicated to his many vision boards. He has them broken down into categories that work for him – such as career, family, abundance, etc. 
One thing that I especially love that he does is he has created a bulletin board for everything that he has manifested. So when something that was on one of his vision boards happens in his life, he moves it over to the manifested board. I can imagine that it would be a real boost to look over and see how much you have accomplished just by imagining it were your reality. So I’m definitely going to do this, and I can’t wait to begin to move things over from one board to the next.
 He has a Complete Vision Board Kit, which can help you get started in creating your own vision board.
I would love to hear any additional ideas you have about manifesting your ideal life. Please share them here with all of us.
Let’s all continue creating the life we know we were meant to live by visualizing it, feeling it, and taking action!

Creating a Vision Board

Do you have a vision board? 
A place where you put up pictures and words that best represent your dreams and goals that you would like to attract into your life? 
The idea behind the vision board is to get you THERE. To put yourself into your ideal life and actually FEEL what it’s like to be there. Your mind truly doesn’t know the difference between actuality and feeling. And the way the law of attraction works is to manifest everything you want in your life by feeling as though you already have it. This is where the vision board can be so helpful.
I know many stories of people putting something on their board and then making it reality soon after. By creating a vision board and then FEELING what it was like to live that life, people have attracted love, money, homes, health, and inner peace to their lives. 
If you have never created one before – give it a try! 
It’s a great way for you to go within and envision what your ideal life looks like.
There are so many categories that you could focus on – it just depends on what you would like to manifest into your life:
Your Home Life
There are so many ways you can do this, too. 
I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I took my vision board apart when we moved two years ago, and I am just now making a new one. It’s one of those things that has been on my to-do list ever since, and then life took over and my own self-care got pushed to the bottom of my priority list.
Because I have cleared my plate for an entire month to take care of myself, write, and take time to go within – everything that was pushed down is rising up again. And one of these things is my vision board. 
What I did is take a large bulletin board, which I then covered in beautiful paper for the background. I am a visual person, so I wanted my vision board itself to be beautiful. 
I then started thinking about my life:
What does my ideal life look like? 
How do I live? 
How do I spend my days? 
Who do I spend time with? 
Where do I live?
Once I knew what I wanted to focus on, I went to the computer and started having some fun. I found a picture of my dream home that I know I will live in someday. And with the help of Photoshop, I superimposed our faces into the photos, so it looks like we’re actually there. I designed the cover of the new book I’m writing and printed it out – along with endorsements from my favorite authors. I printed out a check from the publishing company that I want to work with. I had even more fun in Photoshop and put myself with my mentors – as though we were hanging out together.
There are so many things you can do with your own vision board – let your creativity flow! 
If you would like to lose weight, you could put up a photo of yourself where you were your ideal weight. If you would like to manifest a loving relationship, you could list all of the qualities your mate would have. You could even cut out a photo of how you imagine they would look.
Go through magazines and cut out pictures and words that best describe your ideal life.
You can also make a vision board on your computer and then turn it into your screensaver. I think what I will do is take pictures of mine and turn those into my screensaver. 
Our As If journal was created to go with your vision board:
It has 50 prompts to help you manifest your ideal life. 
You can download the ebook here for just $3.75.
So take some time today and get started on your own vision board. 
Have fun with it!
P.S. – My friend and kindred spirit, Alia, created a beautiful video today about saying yes to life. I am so happy to pass along her wisdom and warmth to you.

The Power of Visualization

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:
Today I am most grateful for the power of visualization.

Seeing it in action in someone else’s life inspires me and gives me the spiritual kick in the pants that I need to get focused and create it in my own life.

I was watching a tv show last night called, “The Lottery Changed My Life.”
It features people who have won the lottery and talks about all of the ways in which their lives have changed since winning. Usually the winners just talk about how they were lucky and just happened to get the winning ticket.
But last night’s winner was different, and I literally got chills when I heard her story. 
Before winning, she was desperately trying to make ends meet financially. Her brother had been killed in a tragic accident and left behind his four children. She had been trying to adopt them all, but two of them were still in foster care. She said that her mom believed in the power of visualization and had passed that along to her. 
So one night she wrote $112,000,000 on a piece of paper and put it underneath her pillow. She meditated while feeling how truly wonderful it would be to have this money. She knew with it she would be able to adopt her two nephews and would no longer worry about money. She acted as though she already had the money and thought about how she would spend it and what she would do with it. 
And three weeks later she won the lottery for $112,000,000.
And while it is all of these things, it also makes perfect sense.
We attract into our lives what we think about and what we believe we deserve. 
When we align our thoughts and our emotions – the sky is the limit. 
This story is a great motivator for all of us to think about the life that we want to live and then truly take the time to feel it. 
Because by doing so, it will become your reality. 
And knowing that we each have the power to create our best lives
 is definitely something to be grateful for!

The Power of Intention

We recently converted our journals into ebooks and began selling them on Amazon.  It’s such a thrill when we see that they have been purchased – knowing that we are spreading gratitude electronically is a wonderful feeling! I was thinking about this last night before I went to sleep and wondered if there were other websites where we could sell our ebooks as well. I told myself that I would start looking into it in the morning. 
Today when I woke up, I checked my email and noticed a new Twitter follower. I clicked on their profile and guess what? They own a healing ebooks site with a large selection and many subscribers! 
Some would call this a coincidence. 
I call it the power of intention. 

Things like this happen to all of us all of the time. 
We just have to be conscious and aware to notice it.
When we are very clear and focused about what we want, we attract it to us.
There is something very empowering about realizing our ability to create the exact life that we want – to bring our dreams into reality. This can be scary at times because we have to take responsibility for our lives. If we believe that we create our own reality, then we realize that if something isn’t working the way we had hoped in our lives it’s because of us. Somehow we brought that situation into our life. And this isn’t always the easiest to hear and process. But it works for the positive parts of our lives, too! If something is working (you have a great job, a wonderful family and friends, high self esteem, etc.) it’s because you attracted it into your life! 
Try setting your intentions and see what happens. 
If you would like to start small to see if it really works, then do that. 
Think about what you want in your life and what you need to create that life. 
Set an intention to attract that into your life. 
Be as specific as you can. 
Believe it. Feel it. Be open.
And then let it go. Surrender it to your higher self.
Before you know it, you’ll be taken on a path toward realizing your dream. 
This is an amazing tool that we all have and use daily – most of the time without even knowing it. Wouldn’t it be great to consciously choose your reality instead of going through life on auto pilot? 
By setting your intention and being more aware of your thoughts, 
you can create your ideal life!
P.S. – Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support and comments! We are so grateful that you are here! 

Saying Goodbye So You Can Say Hello

Sometimes in life we have to make tough choices if we want to grow and live the life we know we are meant to live. We may have to give up a part of ourselves that we have grown comfortable with, even if we know that it isn’t the self we want to bring on our journey. 
I was watching Peter Walsh’s decluttering show the other day on the OWN Network, and I love his approach to physical clutter. He first has you create a vision for your room. Then you only bring in the things that reflect that vision. Everything else has to go. I was thinking that this system could also be applied to mental and emotional clutter. 
Let’s try this exercise together:
Think of the person you strive to be: your best self. 

Now create a vision for this new self.

How do you look (e.g., peaceful, radiant, rested)
What do you think about (e.g., the present moment, happy and positive things)?
What kind of friends do you surround yourself with (e.g., supportive, nurturing)?
How do you spend your days (e.g., reflecting, laughing)
What else can you visualize about this new self?
Take some time with this and get as specific as you can. 
Write it all down, and then hang it up where you will see it frequently.
Once you are clear on your vision, you can start the process of decluttering all of the emotions, thoughts, activities, friends, etc. that no longer fit into your current vision. 
This can be a painful process, and change can be hard.
If you keep your vision at the forefront, though, and remind yourself that in order to grow into the person you know you can be, you will need to let go of the person you have become. (At least parts of you.)
It’s your rebirth – and it’s a beautiful thing!
Goodbye to you.
And hello to you.