Hearing Fear Out

Have you ever embarked on a wonderful new adventure that you were super excited about, and just when you really started to get into it with both feet in – fear stepped up and started listing all of the reasons why it’s probably not a good idea for you to do this after all and tries to get you to see how much safer it would be for you to just step back into your comfort zone? 
When this happens, what if we took some time to listen to what fear has to say? 
It’s there to protect you – it doesn’t want you to get hurt or fail or be disappointed. 
So the next time this happens for you – take some time and write down everything that the fear inside of you wants you to know.
Get it all down on a piece of paper. Give yourself the time and space needed to go within and bring up any reason why your new adventure might not be a good idea or why it’s a scary place to be.
And then you can crumble it up and throw it away.
You can go through your list one by one and turn it around.
Fear is ego-based and faith is soul-based.
Give your soul a chance to counter each point that your fear brought up.
I think you will find that if you really dig deep and go within, you no longer need fear to protect you on this journey. Your old patterns of letting fear take over will no longer work in your new life.
In my own life, I am writing my first full-length book. It’s a very personal book for me to write, and it requires me going within and really looking at myself and my life with what feels like a magnifying glass. And this can be a hard process that my ego doesn’t want me to go through – it can be painful and yucky and sad to relive certain events or examine my patterns and habits that haven’t always served me. And yet my soul knows that in sharing my story – in putting it out into the world – it will not only help to heal myself, but hopefully others as well who are sharing similar experiences. 
So when my fear starts taking over (and boy is it strong!), I recognize it for what is is: a scared ego that just wants me to be comfortable. 
And I thank it and let it know that we can’t learn and grow if we always stay comfortable. 
And then I get back to writing.
So please take some time today and look at the role fear plays in your own life. Give it a voice – let it be heard. And then either crumble it up or counter what it had to say with all of the reasons why these fears and ways of sabotaging your spirit will no longer work in your new, soulful life.
And then get back to what you know you need to be doing to grow into the you that person you were meant to become.

Dream It. Act On It. Live It. Enjoy It.

Have you ever said you were going to do something that you really wanted to do – that you really needed to do for yourself – something that nurtured your spirit and felt so right – and then life got busy, and your declaration of self care turned into a pipe dream – pushed aside for another day? 
There is something very sacred about honoring our word to ourselves, especially when it involves self care. 
Usually when we dream or say things that seem far fetched, it’s our higher self reminding us that we matter – that our needs are just as important as our loved ones. It’s our inner wisdom letting us know that we can go for our dreams – even if they seem far in the distance at the moment. 
Just one action a day will lead you that much closer to realizing your dreams.
I have been feeling an inner pulling for the last several months – my inner voice has been telling me that I need to take time off from production to focus on writing. My higher self has assured me that this is exactly what I need to do – and I feel it with every part of my soul. 
This seemed like a distant dream when I first started thinking about it several months ago. Taking a month off to write seemed so luxurious and decadent. And it didn’t help that my worrying self kept popping up to tell me all of the reasons why this may not be a good idea – we make our living from the orders we receive, and if we put a halt on production, how will we live? 
And then I remembered why faith is crucial when a dream is so new and fragile. 
I remembered that my higher self would not lead me astray.
I remembered that in order to live my ideal life – the life that I was born to live – I would have to take risks and get out of my own way sometimes. 
And so it is.
We are taking one month off to write starting on May 18th. 
And I’m so excited to see where it leads!
Spend some time today thinking about your own dream.
Have you been pushing it back and not allowing it to blossom? 
What is one thing you can do today to take action and lead you closer to making this dream your reality?
Dream it. Act on it. Live it. Enjoy it. 

Standing Strong When Doubt Creeps In

If you have ever made a shift in your life that took true courage and conviction, you know that it’s easy to sometimes second guess your decision. Fear suddenly appears, and you might wonder if the road more easily traveled would be safer and better. You may even start convincing yourself that stepping out of your comfort zone was a mistake, even though in your heart of hearts you are more sure than ever that this new path you are on is sacred and needed for your soul to grow and be truly happy.
I have been experiencing a big shift in my own life over the past few months. Everything that I have known is being reevaluated. I have been listening to my inner voice and following where it leads me. And while this can be empowering, it can also be scary. I definitely am more comfortable in the known – and yet I know that my new life will lead me to a wonderful place with so many more possibilities. 
If you have recently made a shift in your own life and decided to follow your passion and go where your intuition leads you, bravo! This is a wonderful decision that shows your growth, courage, and strength! 

Whenever doubt and fear start to creep in, go back to the space you were in when you made the decision to change in the first place. Acknowledge the fear, and then move on to being self assured in knowing that your higher self is in the driver’s seat this time, and this part of you will never lead you astray. 
We all have an inner compass and know where we need to go. When we can tap into our inner wisdom and set aside the fear, our lives will truly change forever.