The Buffet of Life

We are each given so many options every single day in our lives. 
And we have the opportunity to travel along the same path or mix things up a bit and go down a different route.
While these choices are wonderful, we may sometimes feel overwhelmed by them. 
We may start to feel scattered and find ourselves retreating into the known instead of embracing the new. 
This is where I am today. 
I have so many wonderful new options in my buffet of life.
And I really want to step out of my comfort zone and try some new options.
But to do this and enjoy them, I feel that I first need to get grounded and get focused.

And I would suggest that if you are ever feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the choices you get to make – to take a deep breath, take some time to go within, and just sit with it all. 

Which choices feel right for you and where you are right now in your life?
Which choices are a bit of a push, but still feel like something you would like to try?
How would your life be different if you sampled more choices and pushed yourself?
What’s the worst that could happen if you went for it and dared to do something different? 

Make sure to keep coming back to yourself and listening to your inner voice. 
And also make sure to breathe and center yourself before making any decisions. 

Focus and grounding do wonders for feeling scattered and overwhelmed.
Today I invite us all to take the time to center ourselves, so we can fully be present and appreciate all of the amazing choices that we get to make.

Grateful for Choices

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:
A writing prompt from  
We all make choices every day in our lives.
Which choices have you made that you are the most grateful for?
These choices could range from big ones that impacted your life drastically (such as where to live or who to be in a relationship with) to small ones such as what to have for lunch or what music to listen to at any given moment. 
While the big choices are sometimes the super stars and the ones that get noticed, you may be surprised at how the little choices can add up quickly and have just as much of an impact on your life. 

Let’s say you like going for walks, and you usually take the same route each day.
And then one day you decide – just on a whim – to take a different route.
And while on this route you meet someone that you hadn’t seen before and wouldn’t have seen if you had gone the other way.
And you introduce yourself and begin a conversation with this person who you instantly feel like you know.
You find that you had an instant connection, and you begin a friendship that will quickly become more and turn into a lovely marriage. 
This is how Dan and I met – all because I made a choice to walk a different route.

We are constantly making choices in our lives. 
Some big. Some small. And some small that turn into big.

Take some time today to think about some of the choices that you have made.
It’s easy to be grateful for the choices that have led you to your ideal life, but also try to find gratitude in the choices that didn’t seem to go as well as you would’ve liked. 
What did you learn from these choices? 
How have you grown? 
How are you grateful for them today? 

It’s amazing that we all have the power to choose.
I am grateful for that.
And if we choose one path that doesn’t feel quite right, 
we can choose to take a different path.
The choice is always ours.