Saturday Selection – Mattie Stepanek

I was introduced to Mattie Stepanek the same way most of us were – when he appeared on Oprah 10 years ago. I was immediately drawn to his soul. I was amazed at how strong his spirit was in such a weakened body. I was touched by his words of peace and his love for humanity. 
 Mattie was just 11 when he appeared on Oprah. He was born with a rare form of muscular dystrophy, which made him rely on a ventilator and be in a wheelchair. He died in 2004, just shy of his 14th birthday.
Here is Oprah’s tribute to him:
He was a wonderfully talented and prolific poet, and he wrote several bestselling books about love and peace and growing up in his world. 
I recently read many of his books, and I was so moved by his sweetness and depth. I was touched by his pure heart and knowing soul. He was so kind and sensitive and caring and inspiring. 
Most of his books centered around his “Heartsongs.”
Here is how how defined this term:
A heartsong doesn’t have to be a song in your heart. It doesn’t have to be talking about love and peace. It can just be your message. It can be your feeling. Some people might even call it a conscience, even though that’s not really what it is. It’s your message, what you feel like you need to do. Everyone has a heartsong. No matter what it is, it still sings the same beautiful message of peace and love. People are fighting over how our heartsongs are different. But they don’t need to be the same. That’s the beauty. We are a mosaic of gifts. Each of us has our inner beauty no matter how we look.
When Oprah asked him what he knew for sure, this is what he said: 
That our attitude is a choice. I believe we can decide to be miserable, to roll ourselves in the dirt and say, ‘Hit me again.’ But when we do that, we’re missing out on so much! I know for sure that while it’s great to have role models, we should never try to be anyone but ourselves. I know for sure that when we use words, not bombs, we all get peace. I know for sure that there’s something bigger than the here and now—some people call it God, some call it Buddha, some call it Yahweh. I know for sure that we don’t need to be afraid of death, because we’ll be greeted by something better on the other side. And I know for sure that life is a gift to be treasured—and that we must always live it to the fullest.
He had such a wide impact on our planet in the short time he was here. He worked tirelessly at spreading his message of peace, and this message continues today.
 If you would like to read more about Mattie, here is his website that his mom updates regularly. She also just came out with a new book about him that I have just begun to read:
I feel blessed to have been alive while he was alive. 
He was a true angel here on Earth.
Thank you, Mattie. 
May we all take his message to heart and bring our own heartsongs into the world.