Re-evaluating Our Commitments

When our Commitment Book came out earlier this year, I was excited to put it into action right away. It offers a 4-step plan for achieving your goals and holds you accountable for keeping your word at the same time. 
This was definitely an area that I wanted extra support in. I am really great at starting new projects and having many ideas and creative bursts, but I didn’t always follow through with these projects. I wanted to know that when I committed to doing something (however large or small that something was), that I would be confident in knowing that I would follow through, keep my word to myself, and keep my commitment.
When you do something continuously for 30 days, it becomes a habit. 
If you start something and keep at it for 10 days and then accidentally forget to do it for a day, simply start again from day one and continue until you get to the 30th day. By then it will be a habit. 
I decided to try this out with this blog. I originally committed to writing a post each day for 30 days. I looked forward to building up my own self-trust and knowing without a doubt that when I said I would do something, I would do it.
And I did! I’ve now written one post per day for over four months!
I love writing and sharing and inspiring and connecting and growing with all of you!
And I really feel much better about myself and know that I will continue keeping my word with new commitments. 
One of the last parts of our book occurs at the end of the 30 days. You get to re-evaluate your commitment and see if you want to continue doing it. You also get to decide if you want to revise it in any way. 
I have given this a lot of thought and have decided to revise my original commitment. 
Instead of posting each day, I have decided to post 6 days a week and take Sunday off.
Dan and I have committed to each other that we are going to designate every Sunday as a day for self care and a day to fill up our tanks however we see fit. For me, this means no work, no checklists, no “have tos,” no email, no cleaning, no chores. And I am so excited about this!
This blog focuses on remembering to put ourselves back on our own priority list, which is absolutely essential for a balanced, happy life. So I am taking my own advice and creating some balance in my own life. 
So this will be my last Sunday post.
I hope you all take a look at each commitment you have made and be open to re-evaluating them to see if they need to be revised in any way. You’re in the driver’s seat – you get to decide. This is your life, and you are the only one who knows what feels right.
So yay for making commitments, yay for keeping them, and yay for tweaking them until they feel just right!