Grateful for Shared Joy

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I received a phone call yesterday from my dearest friend. She had just won a prestigious award and wanted to call to celebrate together. After hearing this wonderful news, my heart felt full and filled with joy. I was so happy that she was getting the recognition she deserved. I was so happy that she was being rewarded for her talents. I was so happy to hear the smile in her heart.

So today I am especially grateful when I get to share in my friends’ joys and accomplishments. It is such a wonderful feeling to celebrate with them and support them and be there to cheer them on.

I am blessed with some really great friends who are all sharing their gifts with the world. And when they receive this kind of recognition for their talents, it’s such an amazing feeling.

Our friends and loved ones are always there to cheer us on, and it’s such a wonderful gift when they allow us to cheer them on as well.

And it’s this shared joy that I am especially grateful for.

P.S. – Susan Steinbrecher’s amazing book, Kensho: A Modern Awakening, is now available! 

If you order it TODAY, you can also download a free copy of our Manifestation Set, which includes 3 of our books: Gratitude, As If, and Commitment + you will receive so many other wonderful bonus gifts, too! But it has to be today! Click on the link for details! 🙂