Sponteneous Dates

I was going to write all about a wonderful call that I was on this morning where the presenter reminded us to pay attention to our sacred gifts. And I promise that I will elaborate on that in tomorrow’s post.

Today’s post, however, is going to be a short one.

I was just asked on a spontaneous date by the most wonderful man in the world: my beautiful husband. And while there are always posts to write, orders to fill, emails to respond to, books to write, chores that must be done, dinner to cook, etc…there is only the present moment for appreciating our time together and living in the now together.

So I will go get ready for this mystery date. I’ll put something cute on, freshen up, and be ready for him to whisk me away toward a date where we can connect as friends and husband and wife instead of coworkers and co-parents (to our fuzzy babies).

If you are in a relationship – I will tell you that spontaneous dates truly are miracle workers. Life can pile up on top of you so quickly, and before you know it you find yourself swimming in to dos and must dos instead of get to dos with the person you want to do them with. Spontaneous dates help you remember what’s important – spending quality time with those you love.

If you aren’t in a relationship – take yourself on a spontaneous date! This truly works wonders, too! You are a pretty cool person to hang out with, so why wouldn’t you treat yourself to some “you” time? 🙂

Have fun on your dates!