Creating a Vision Board – Part 3

I hope you have all created your vision boards and are enjoying the process of manifesting your ideal lives! 
If you are just joining us, here are my previous posts to help get you started:
Mine has been up right next to my desk for a couple of weeks now, and I absolutely love looking at it. It’s such a positive space that makes me feel more vibrant and alive each time I glance over at it. 
I mentioned in my previous posts that I put a picture of my dream home on it. It’s truly a beautiful home, and it just happens to be for sale. On my vision board, I had some fun in Photoshop and put Dan and I sitting right in front of it. I know that the absolute most important part of visualizing and creating your ideal life is getting to the feeling – really imagining that this is your life – really FEEL yourself in it. And looking at the house pictures are great fun, but I thought it would be even more fun to actually go to the house and really feel what it would be like to live there. So the other day, Dan and I drove by it and while we weren’t able to see the house (it’s on acreage and has a security gate), we were able to drive close to it and feel the energy from the area. It’s such a beautiful part of the country, and I definitely can see myself living there. It’s so exciting!
So this is what this post is all about for each of us who have created our board and are just walking by it and looking at it each day. Stop yourself from simply looking and take a moment to truly feel yourself in this life. Whatever your dreams are – put yourself in them. 
It could be your ideal relationship, job, home, etc. 
Really FEEL it. 
This is how you attract it into your life. 
Let’s all manifest our ideal lives together and then come back here and share!
And remember to have a separate board for your realized dreams – this is such a great motivator for continuing this process!

Creating a Vision Board

Do you have a vision board? 
A place where you put up pictures and words that best represent your dreams and goals that you would like to attract into your life? 
The idea behind the vision board is to get you THERE. To put yourself into your ideal life and actually FEEL what it’s like to be there. Your mind truly doesn’t know the difference between actuality and feeling. And the way the law of attraction works is to manifest everything you want in your life by feeling as though you already have it. This is where the vision board can be so helpful.
I know many stories of people putting something on their board and then making it reality soon after. By creating a vision board and then FEELING what it was like to live that life, people have attracted love, money, homes, health, and inner peace to their lives. 
If you have never created one before – give it a try! 
It’s a great way for you to go within and envision what your ideal life looks like.
There are so many categories that you could focus on – it just depends on what you would like to manifest into your life:
Your Home Life
There are so many ways you can do this, too. 
I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I took my vision board apart when we moved two years ago, and I am just now making a new one. It’s one of those things that has been on my to-do list ever since, and then life took over and my own self-care got pushed to the bottom of my priority list.
Because I have cleared my plate for an entire month to take care of myself, write, and take time to go within – everything that was pushed down is rising up again. And one of these things is my vision board. 
What I did is take a large bulletin board, which I then covered in beautiful paper for the background. I am a visual person, so I wanted my vision board itself to be beautiful. 
I then started thinking about my life:
What does my ideal life look like? 
How do I live? 
How do I spend my days? 
Who do I spend time with? 
Where do I live?
Once I knew what I wanted to focus on, I went to the computer and started having some fun. I found a picture of my dream home that I know I will live in someday. And with the help of Photoshop, I superimposed our faces into the photos, so it looks like we’re actually there. I designed the cover of the new book I’m writing and printed it out – along with endorsements from my favorite authors. I printed out a check from the publishing company that I want to work with. I had even more fun in Photoshop and put myself with my mentors – as though we were hanging out together.
There are so many things you can do with your own vision board – let your creativity flow! 
If you would like to lose weight, you could put up a photo of yourself where you were your ideal weight. If you would like to manifest a loving relationship, you could list all of the qualities your mate would have. You could even cut out a photo of how you imagine they would look.
Go through magazines and cut out pictures and words that best describe your ideal life.
You can also make a vision board on your computer and then turn it into your screensaver. I think what I will do is take pictures of mine and turn those into my screensaver. 
Our As If journal was created to go with your vision board:
It has 50 prompts to help you manifest your ideal life. 
You can download the ebook here for just $3.75.
So take some time today and get started on your own vision board. 
Have fun with it!
P.S. – My friend and kindred spirit, Alia, created a beautiful video today about saying yes to life. I am so happy to pass along her wisdom and warmth to you.

Saturday Selection – The Law of Attraction

For this week’s Saturday Selection, instead of choosing just one book or website to feature, I selected one of the seven natural laws in our universe: The Law of Attraction.

Like many of you, I first learned about this law by watching The Secret
I had dabbled with this concept before that. I believed that our thoughts became our reality, but when I watched this movie several years ago, something in me clicked and I have been on this path toward learning more about this law ever since. 
Here is how we define the law of attraction in our book: As If:

This book is based on the Law of Attraction–the principle of “like attracts like”–which says that what you focus on becomes your reality. We’d like to help you consciously focus on the life you want and make that your reality.

But, as the British musician Joe Jackson sang, “You can’t get what you want till you know what you want.” If you have no clear vision, or if you send mixed messages (e.g., saying you want prosperity, but spending half of your time focusing on debt and lack), you will get unclear, mixed results. On the other hand, if you can send a very clear message of exactly what you would like to manifest, it’s much more likely that these things, people, and experiences will start moving toward you.
The more you clarify, feel, and focus on your ideal vision, the stronger it gets. And the stronger it gets, the more it acts like a magnet, pulling your present self/life closer and closer toward your ideal until they are one and the same.
No matter how you work with the Law of Attraction, one thing is for certain: as you become more conscious of this principle, you will observe its power at work all around you and in your own life!
Use it consciously. Use it lovingly.

If you are new to this wonderful concept, I thought it would be helpful to list some books that have helped me (and continue to help me) learn more about it and become more conscious of what I attract into my life:

Keep in mind that this law is a law. It is working whether we think about it or not. We are constantly attracting into our lives whatever we believe we are worth and whatever we focus on and give the most energy to. And so why not be more conscious of our thoughts and attract the life that we truly believe we are worth?
Another thing to keep in mind that it is not just about creating financial abundance. It is so much bigger than that. By understanding how this law works, you can consciously create the life of your dreams – whatever that means for you. You can consciously attract everything that you want and need to live your ideal life. 
You get to decide. And this is such an amazingly powerful realization!
I have just begun to really tap into this law and truly understand how it works. I am currently working on discovering my own beliefs surrounding it and making sure that my thoughts are positive and in line with my ideal life.
I invite you to learn more about this and start consciously creating your ideal life as well. 
It starts with just one thought. 
And if you have 51% positive thoughts – then your life will be more positive than negative. 
That’s a great place to start. 🙂
P.S. – Dan and I were invited to be a part of a movie screening today for Scott Blum’s wonderful movie: Walk In. It was an amazing opportunity to watch it before its release, and I can’t wait for it to be finished so everyone can enjoy it! I’ll be sure to write about it when it comes out.

What Are You Thinking?

Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions. – Einstein
This is one of my favorite quotes because it’s so true. 

We all have active imaginations, and we are all thinking a million thoughts each day – many of which we aren’t even aware of. Have you ever had someone ask you what you were thinking and realized that it was hard to put it into words because either 1.) you were thinking many different things at the same time or 2) you are so used to being on auto pilot that you had absolutely no idea. 
Regardless of whether you are conscious of your thoughts or not, you are creating your present life with them.
And this can either be a very positive thing or it can be a not-so-good thing. You get to decide. 
Think about how you see yourself and what you believe you are worth and how you deserve to live. Think about the messages that you tell yourself when something goes right in your life – are you excited and pat yourself on the back or are you doubtful that you deserve this wonderful thing and keep waiting for it to be taken away. Do you embrace the good or try to sabotage yourself somehow?
Keep in mind that you may have to do a little digging here to find out what your thought patterns are – you have had a lifetime of setting up unconscious habits for how you think about everything. The first step in changing your thoughts is to recognize what they are. 
I believe that what we think about today becomes our life tomorrow. If you think that you will never be able to live your dream life, than you won’t. If you truly believe that you will be happy and live the life you were meant to live – you will. 
It’s that simple. (Sort of.) 
Once you realize that your thoughts become your reality, you need to make a choice to become more conscious and aware of what you are thinking. That way when a negative thought pattern appears, you can recognize it and change it immediately to a positive thought – which (if done enough) will create a new pattern. 
This takes a lot of practice, and I am still getting the hang of it. I am in the awareness stage where I am learning to harness my thoughts and make sure they are the thoughts that I want to be thinking to create the life that I want to live.
If this is a new concept for you, just take some time to sit with it. Maybe for one day, try to be aware of your thoughts. You can even write some of them down. It may be very eye opening to read in black and white what you spend your time focusing on and thinking about. This is the first step. 
And the worst thing that can happen by changing any negative thoughts into positive ones is that you will be a much happier person. 
And you’re definitely worth it!